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Oct 2024 · 62
In Your Head
Latiaaa Oct 2024
An insomniac at heart, are you
Trying to sleep even while you
Are awake? Walking in the day,
Night terrors plaguing your face,
There was nothing I could do
To wake you up from your
Percieved reality.
Sep 2024 · 63
Latiaaa Sep 2024
Change is beautiful.
It hurts in the most romantic ways.
Feeling your loose wounds peel off
as your body starts to reinvent
Nourishing the bones
Elevating the heart.
Apr 2024 · 113
Latiaaa Apr 2024
Deep down in the submarine depths of an abyss
Lies the burrows of your deepest desires.
Wanting togetherness but in the context of Siamese twins.
You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
Those mummified remains still haunt you in your sleep—
Obsessing over putrefied bottom fat
and Nile rivers pouring in and out.
You fornicated with women—
Felt like you bombed the village or did it just feel bomb?
Breaking sweats as if you’re a labored worker…
Save it.
Eventually you gotta meet your maker and confess.
Idealizations and fantasies can only operate off inner truth and cravings.
Only the strong willed can survive.
Everything you preach is a myth—
“ever heard of the Loc-ness monster? Boogeyman?”
Yea like those myths…
You’re a cracked out delusion of what you want to be,
Look within and speak the real you.
Apr 2024 · 156
18 Depressed Moons
Latiaaa Apr 2024
You used to want to hold me in your arms,
Now the games give you solace. 
You’d tell me your every thought,
Now we sit in stillness.
I want to be there.
Your episodes are new seasons to me.
I share my body in ache for your showcase and closeness. 
Once you’re done with me you’re back on your solitude. 
I used to be your light,
But I’ve dimmed the ‘shine’ with my selfishness.
My job is to be there,
But my presence feels so obsolete,
I must be patient with you. 
Kiss me through the phone,
I want to replenish your heart.
Nurture you from the ground up,
Water you with my affirmations.

I hope my eyes still give you a kaleidoscopic dream.

Wish things were the way they used to be. 
Now I barely see you and you’re right in my face. 
It’s like I’m frustrated 
But can’t be. 
I need to be there.
Waking up every morning 
Hoping for a full moon.

I feel like I’m losing you, 
Slipping through my fingers. 
Less than, 
Out of control.
Like there’s no sense of time.
Latiaaa Apr 2024
I overgave, my cup was so full I let it overflow and spill into a tsunami of tears and blood.
I washed every crevice of my body to make myself pure.
I tore myself apart at times to fit into the piece.
Can you say I lost myself?
Fell into this spiral of false identity. I spun myself ragged till I couldn’t breathe—
till my heart exploded.
I realize my own superpower, that everything I touch grows, but also changes.
I’m free yet I feel the metaphorical shackles weighing my thoughts down,
evil thoughts try to make a way in my body, telling me what I’ll miss in the absence.
I try to steer myself away from that.
You’re so far gone I don’t even recognize you, you’re not the person I fell in love with.
I see a mirror but I also see a door,
a door to another life.
To try again, but better and with the new added tools.
I have re-wired my brain back to my own truth. Forget what they’ve said, take only the good parts and scram with the negative.
Don’t feel used, feel accomplished.
Work here is done. I’m preparing myself for my future life.
Let it go, babe.
You have to release the grip, let it go…
there’s something waiting for you,
they’re waiting for you to heal,
to keep going, they’ll be there,
just focus on you.
Latiaaa Mar 2024
Hello birdie,
You flown on my shoulder and sung me a melody.
A melody that couldn’t be replicated
A melody that was meant for me.
I’ve been hooked to the tune ever since…
My sweet birdie
You’re so free.
I fear you’ll soar so far
You won’t come back home.

I see you’re a special one
Your melody is different.
It sends fireworks through my veins—
Rushing to my vitals—
Pumping and generating pure love.

How selfish of I to have something so beautiful.
I wait on you by the window,
But you’ve slowly stopped coming.
I don’t look for any other symphony but yours.
But I guess I’ve stopped listening to your song…

I’ve shut my window and closed my ears.
Tuned myself into other noise.
You’ve flown so far from me I can no longer hear you.
That is my fault…
Have I taken advantage of your specialness?
I fear you’ll sing that same melody elsewhere.

God, my sweet songbird
What have I done?…
So gentle
So serene.
I fear you’ve already sung that special tune to someone else.
Open my window and stick my head out,
I put my ear against the wind
And waited.
Is it too late?

You’ve grown tired of singing to me
But I won’t stop.
I’ll stand by my window and wait.
Wait till I hear your nectarous symphony again.
I won’t stop
Till I feel you on my shoulder once again,
Home at last…
Mar 2024 · 98
Latiaaa Mar 2024
I stood in the midst and took my oath
Swore on my life I’d fight till my knees buckled.

Murdered those close to me in sacrifice.
Slained the ones that came close to you.
Battled till I saw the sun,

Weep and mourned till the moon appeared.
Taking wounds after wounds,
I rose and slained.
Tread the rocky alps and strong tides.

For what I thought was defending my own,
Turned into a betrayal of deadly sins.
I’ve thrown up the flag of ivory
with the promise of relinquishing my fight.
Jan 2024 · 94
Latiaaa Jan 2024
I’m made out of *****.
That’s all I’m good for.
As I age
I see the meticulous
capability &
endowment it has on mankind.
The curse
affliction &
diabolical use man wants it for.
She flaunts it like a Olympic champ
he yearns it like a corner fiend.
I’m nothing but *****.
Scared like one.
Beaten like one.
”It’s so wet”
like the tears sitting on my cheeks
”It’s so warm”
like my inferno heart.
***** desperate for attention
but only made for mankind assumption.
Jan 2024 · 103
Silly Little Nymph…
Latiaaa Jan 2024
The rain washes the ick from the world. Cleansing me.
Healing me internally.
Who would have thought that rain can rinse away
the illness of the corrupted mind.
Who knew such organic smells could transform
your outer being.
You’re a plant in mother nature’s womb.
Kissed by lilacs and nurtured with the
sap of a Thousand Oaks.
Let the rain purify the marred heart
and guide those lossless souls back to
the innocent land.
Like a fairy, travel back to the
motherland of abundance and
self love.
Jan 2024 · 101
Latiaaa Jan 2024
Think-piece from your chapter book,
“I’ve set the tone”
lil do you know.
Trying to tell you—but it backfires.
Backfires on my back.
Burning me.
I felt I couldn’t breathe.
Couldn’t live.
Couldn’t bear without.
Made me feel I’ll crash out without.
You think you the only one?
Walking through the desert plain
Seeing the ruins of my watered gardens and fruits of labor.
Castrated the confidence from its supporter.
What I thought I knew was a figment of
false optimism and skewed reality morphed
into a delusional fantasy—mimicking as a nightmare.
That scared feeling origins from a scared little girl.
Wanting to fix the continual problems.
Turning cold and slowly shedding
Oct 2023 · 163
Audio Hug
Latiaaa Oct 2023
Call me when you need a hug
I’m there.
You send me through tears,
Beautifully painful.
I’m just a call away.
Through the wire
Passed the dial buttons
Into the speaker
Is my hug for you.
You need me as much as I do.
Let the sea waves soothe you.
Let the wind trickle down your body.
As I hug you through this digital world.
Jul 2023 · 196
Soft Life
Latiaaa Jul 2023
Touch me like I’m a daisy,
Gentle with grace and calmness.
Speak love into my ears,
Lilac memories that flow in the cool moonless night.
Gentle, as if I’m porcelain.
Loud vibrato and clashing scorning
Rubs me like a thorn prickling my neck.
I feel minuscule,
Backed into a corner
With my arms out
Aching for embrace.
You talk as if
Your tongue is on fire,
Scorching my bare skin.
I am not sandpaper,
“You want me soft
But give me a hard life…”
My heart jumps in anticipation—
Looking over my shoulder
Hoping it doesn’t come back.
We were so soft,
Fresh linen sheets spun to perfection.
Frocklining through a field of
Admiration and affection.
What went wrong?
My timid heart is weakened.
I just want to be held like a daisy,
Oct 2022 · 217
I Don't Chase, I Attract
Latiaaa Oct 2022
I won’t beg nor rebuke,
Just a thought that runs
through my inner core.
When I think of the old—
the meaning of love
in my mind gets admonished.
Makes me repent,
Run away on my own.
No guidance.
I’ll be in my rowboat
on my way to what the world holds.
A sea of abundance and versatility.
You’ll always be my love jones,
My root and soot,
The muse.
But I refuse to keep you around
With the inconsistencies,
Scarce conversations,
Wounded egos.
I’m no longer the caged bird
I now sing my own tune.
Soaring like a rapper’s flow.
I’d rather be connected with my mind
than confused on the nostalgia.
Oct 2022 · 178
Shooting Stars
Latiaaa Oct 2022
I’m my own star.
Choose you
As I choose me.
Thank you for letting me know this.
I needed this
I believe.
Aug 2022 · 170
Our Blueprint
Latiaaa Aug 2022
The desire for intimacy comes first
The love is what keeps us sticking around.
It isn’t easy ‘cuz it’s a decision u gotta keep making so long as you’re committed.
Definition of love in any sense means
Stillness and choice.
I love u
So I let u come as you are
And I meet you with as much space as possible
For you to feel your feelings
Share your triumphs
Commiserate your failures.
All of it is a choice I agree to keep making.
Every time I make that choice
The love gets stronger.
And so does our level of intimacy.
It’s not always easy
I don’t always do the best job
But I’m committed to choosing it
Each time.
Jul 2022 · 143
25 Years
Latiaaa Jul 2022
25 years around the sun.

25 years learning

That I am someone.

In these 25 years

My energy touched those around me.
Warmed hearts,
drew smiles.

Took 25 years to realize

I’ve done a lot
I’m an artist
Started from the ground up,
Created with so many
Turned a passion into a career.

Done things 15yr old me would never believe.

Manifested all that is here.

I’ve seen,

still navigating this avant-garde terrene
Looking to do more.

25 years I…

Visualized my higher self,
Now, I’m showing up as her.
Jul 2022 · 282
Why Can’t You Just Agree?
Latiaaa Jul 2022
I battle with the idealistic of equality,
when in reality I need to be by your side.
Makes me hard to submit to the team.
Jul 2022 · 147
Latiaaa Jul 2022
You wanted space
I gave you infinity.
I care
But you need space and peace.
I don’t want the
Weeds to tumble
And roll into chaos.
It aches you to call,
My quarrels and clashes
Disturb the waves you ride
To keep afloat.
My mind runs
Recorded thoughts and images
Of you,
But I mustn’t disturb you.
You need space
I give you breadth.
You exhaust
Your mind with lucid
Thoughts and weight
Created from my madness.
I’ll cease,
I’ll take my squabble elsewhere.
Anything for you
To have peace.
I’m sick and aching
From my own selfishness.
I wait by the phone
Knowing you need
May 2022 · 169
Stay Out of My Garden
Latiaaa May 2022
Yes it was a beautiful Saturday morning
when I saw you amongst the field of daffodils
as the sun grazed your chestnut skin.
You looked at me with those amiable eyes
big enough to pull my melodic harp strings.
"You can't stay here"
"...not just yet," I said.
The grass wooshed against my thighs and hips
like a tiger, you stared me down.
"Do you know why you're here?"
"What are you addicted to here?"
The daffodils separated us
but I felt your immense soul
pulling me close.
"You wanna know what I'm addicted to?" he asked.
The grass tickles.
Frazzled, I just had to ask
"I was expecting you'd say the daffodils."

"That is something I voluntarily can stop."
Jan 2022 · 177
Phases of the Moon
Latiaaa Jan 2022
She moved
And I feel sorry for you
Because she overlooked your flaws
Your temper
Your selfishness
Your inability to love anyone but yourself.
She could have anyone in the world
But she still chose you
All you are now
Is a crease in her wrinkled past
A scar on her chest
A memory that fades
Faster than a photograph of you
Under her mattress.
Maybe now
She will find someone
Who loves her
Instead of someone
Who ***** the life out of her.
Never satisfied
Even with her beating heart
In his greedy hands.
Jan 2022 · 137
La Douleur
Latiaaa Jan 2022
How weird is it?
To think I used to not know of your existence.
I somehow...
Liked the half of my life where I didn't know you were a person.
Once we met though,
God, I haven't been able to get you out of my head since.
It's hard to imagine...
I used to be able to like my life without you consuming my head with thoughts.
I want to kiss you,
but only in the the most ways.
No dictionary definition would stand a chance...
To describe how your lungs could be filled with the sweetest air possible,
Yet you be so breathless.
Feb 2021 · 212
Latiaaa Feb 2021
I never took the time to sit and think about an M&M.

A chocolate that separates itself from the rest of the crew with its signature M.

Your empty palms await the decadent little multi-colored buttons,

Like they've always said, "melts in your mouth, not in your hands..."

When you take a bite into the cherub chocolate, its sugar-coated shell cracks like the frozen arctic water.

Exposing a sweet surprise.

Children jump for joy when they see the candy,

adults jump for joy too as their childhood is relived in every M&M.

Pop em' in your mouth during lunch-break,

share a few with your homegirl,

grab a handful at a Halloween party.

There's always a little surprise in every bite.

Sometimes it's a dab of peanut butter

or a crunch of peanuts.

Maybe a salty bit of pretzel,

or ooey-gooey caramel.

Whatever it is, they're good for the soul,

Your teeth won't be happy with you, though...
Jan 2021 · 192
Latiaaa Jan 2021
The evening cast a warm glow peeking through the curtains.
Dionne Warwick’s “Make It Easy On Yourself”
Hissed and popped as the needle danced across the record.
Its sorrowful tune echoed the room, looping
The words easy on yourself
As life stood still
And time grew short.
With a trashbin stuffed with crumpled up letters,
A phone shoved in the side pouch
Of a bookbag buzzed. It eventually
And the music grew louder
And louder.

There she laid---
Her arms and legs sprawled out
While her body slowly sunk, being one with the bed

Her lips quivered,
Unraveling an ocean of warm tears. The room
Seemed blurred out, but her eyes
Still captured posters, the ceiling fan,
The fairy lights.
Her cotton candy hair rustled against her cheeks---
Sticking to her as the tears continued to fall.
Then, the phone
Buzzes again, this time longer
As it competed with the song.

Cut up pictures of
Burnt out, faded faces
Decorated the floor, and the girl
Softly wept, sniffled, and let out a sigh.
She couldn’t stop weeping.
As life stood still,
And time grew short,
She knew she had to make it easier on herself.
Nov 2020 · 150
Work of Art
Latiaaa Nov 2020
There’s a trace of unhappiness lying beneath the burrows of my soul, yet I keep it hidden with a smile and my wit.
My heart carries a heavy anonymous pain that lurks within myself, but I cannot figure out for the life of me where it’s coming from.
I feel tears creeping up on me as if I’m ready to implode.
If it’s too quiet I’ll start to lose it all.
I have to learn that if all fails, it’s just temporary.
When you see me, you’ll only see a smile.
Nov 2020 · 144
Nature Love
Latiaaa Nov 2020
The lilacs brush up against the brick houses.
Sun cascades over the roofs and sidewalks,
showing its welcoming invigorating warmth.
The wind hushes the chaos as the birds are all nestled amidst the trees.
Nothing like the smell of pine and damp soil in the air.
speak to me like I'm a child in your womb.
The branches tick and tack against the windows.
Leaves skip and sail across into the muddy puddles.
Oh, how I love the way the sky brushes fresh colors of periwinkle and apricot.
I sit outside my porch and gaze upon what life has given us,
Nov 2020 · 157
Such an Idiot
Latiaaa Nov 2020
I’m too attached to you. I have to stop and think about my life and everything else around me. I get so wound up in you that I tend to lose track of time or what day it is. That is not healthy. I feel stupid for crying, stupid for begging, stupid for acting this way over a guy. It is never that serious, but I am just too attached.
Latiaaa Aug 2020
It tickles my skin,
Queasy in the stomach,
Heart gets this anguish soreness feel,
Eyes water,
Brain runs into error.
Aug 2020 · 114
Latiaaa Aug 2020
Grab my hand tight as we travel the galaxy
Zoned and in-tuned,
But the feeling feels right,
Especially when you’re close.
I met you at this party, and I was irresistibly consumed.  
I want to show you the world you’ve been missing all this time.
I’ll be your tour guide,
Lead you to the depth of what goes on inside 5am on a dark summer night.
It’s a different feeling.
If our worlds collided I wouldn't dare close my eyes,
Aug 2020 · 144
Rest Assured
Latiaaa Aug 2020
You said you'd be home, where are you?

There's warm bread in the oven,
Cooked collard greens on the ***,
Roasted sweet corn and stewed pork meat.
Sweet peas on the side, just how you like it.

I threw in dry wood so that the fireplace stays in heat.


I've waited two whole hours, the candles have burned out. I placed the cheesecake back in the fridge and drunk the last bit of red wine.

Surely, one day, you'll return.
And when you do, there'll be a hot meal waiting for you.
Aug 2020 · 138
Late Night Thoughts
Latiaaa Aug 2020
I weep and told you I always said I was the reflection of you.
God wanted me to breathe the air you breathed.
I cried for us to be together.
Don't do it for our parents, do it for us.
We were here to agree to disagree.
May 2020 · 120
Latiaaa May 2020
I'm scared,
but I am giving this a chance.
I'm worried,
but you said not to be this time.
I'm weary,
but you said trust my soul.
And I said it was hard because of my past,
and you said it was hard because of your past.
I'm overthinking,
but you say to not think so far ahead into something that doesn't exist.
There's a riot in my head,
a riot.
You cool my head down with uplifting words,
I still hear all the negative rioting.
It's not you,
It's me.
The what ifs...
The maybes....
The I don't knows...
Hug me so we can stop this constant,
love routine,
Mar 2020 · 127
Sweetest Taboo
Latiaaa Mar 2020
He asked me,
"Has anyone made love to you before"
And from there on,
Internal sensation.
The way he touched me,
Looked at me,
He revived what died inside me long ago.
He was so toxic for me,
But I wanted more.
Behind closed doors,
I was introduced to a new world of intimacy.
That sweet taboo.
We'd risk a lot for our little secret.
Till we meet again.
Mar 2020 · 134
Latiaaa Mar 2020
To the Libra who sparked a bit of happiness in my path.
That person came to me on a spontaneous act.
We connected,
Chopped it up as if we knew each other for years.
We're libras.
We clicked,
Had things in common.
They made me feel good while also fearful.
I knew they weren't mine,
But I couldn't get enough.
I would have my suspicions,
They were outweighed by the bond we formed the more we spent time alone...
Jan 2020 · 120
Reckless Thoughts
Latiaaa Jan 2020
~Sometimes I just want to run away with the love of my life.~

Take my hand as we escape the pain and confusion.
I'll listen to you like lyrics to a song.
I put my trust in you.
Your hand on the steering wheel,
the other in mine,
Just kiss me right now as if today was your last.
Kiss me as if this will never last.
The windows are down and I can feel the breeze fly through the night.
You're singing to me,
it makes my, once cold body, warm.
There's a light at the end,
only we can see.
This is the day after forever...
Jan 2020 · 117
My Interlude
Latiaaa Jan 2020
I can feel the heat on my back,
You squeeze me as if the world is going to collapse around us.
I feel the love in your soul,
it's beating as I hold my head close to your chest.
You rub my legs as the soap from the tub spill over.
My hand,
caressing your cheek.
Sometimes I call you just to hear your voice.
Your smile reminds me of the love stories we used to share.
I can feel the affection you have for me through your eyes,
I know it's hard.
"I'm coming back..."
Because when I'm alone I want you to keep me warm.
I want to wake up with you,
touching me,
loving me.
You're so far away...
Oct 2019 · 418
Red Rose
Latiaaa Oct 2019
You're a red rose.
Bleeding sympathy.
Craving love,
learning growth,
seeking beauty...
Oct 2019 · 140
Latiaaa Oct 2019
I don't know why it's so hard to
Get you out of my brain
Maybe because I liked you?
Maybe because you had an quick affect on me?
Your personality and charisma swooped me under and I was totally convinced you had me.
I was living in a dream.
I was miles ahead of you.
I was the one moving too quick.
It bothers me how I connected with someone and they vanished.
You're here,
But "you" are not there.
The person I liked.
I guess I was trying to make you into something I wanted for so long.
I was trying to capture your heart and make us something.
Something I created in my head.
But you aren't that person.
You were just interested.
I don't know what happened.
Attachment issues.
Mar 2019 · 207
Latiaaa Mar 2019
I will drink.
I will swallow the pride away.

Will you sing the stress away for me?

It's 3'clock in the morning and I still have a little left in my glass.

A bowl of cashews spell out 'You're a ******* mess' on the kitchen counter...

Oh god,
The sweet burning amnesia fills my brain,
I want to forget this night as if it never existed.

I want to forget why I am even on this Earth.

Take a shot with me as I forget it all.
Feb 2019 · 206
Walk on the Moon
Latiaaa Feb 2019
For I...
For I can't tell whether I'm high or not.
So I walk on the moon to match how I'm feeling.
Feb 2019 · 178
How Do You Describe Love?
Latiaaa Feb 2019
It's hard to stay employed in that position.
Sometimes you quit.
Sometimes you get fired.
Business isn't always booming.
This one guy I met, reintroduced me into that job.
It was like I was connected again. What it felt to be light again.
Every now and then I think about him.
It was magical; like stepping onto wet grass.
Feels different.
Get knots in your stomach and chilled with goosebumps.
It makes you bite your lip.
He tested me,
quizzed me,
studied me,
questioned me,
when he'd hear my voice over the phone, he was inquiring.
To find someone who connected with you but couldn't keep the job, hurts.
Nov 2018 · 211
Thank You
Latiaaa Nov 2018
thank you for teaching me that the love was very young.
I know you go by Robert now, my bad.
We didn't know what we were doing,
but you were so sweet to me I thought it was love.
I realized we're better as friends,
that bond never broke and I thank you for that.

thank you for making me realize that age does and doesn't matter.
I was so naïve,
so immature.
We were on two different scopes of the world.
I grew up quick with you though,
you matured me enough to know I had to leave.

thank you for being fun with me.
I know I was never fully emotionally there,
so I thank you for doing what you did and only staying for that time.
It showed me we were better as friends,
from afar.
I have no bad blood towards you.

thank you for giving me the knowledge of a relationship.
Teaching me that stubbornness gets me nowhere.
I fell in love with you as well,
which broke me even more.
So I thank you for leaving so I can know my self worth and that I really do not need to keep you around in order to be happy.

thank you for the being the sunshine after the rain.
I needed it.
Knowing I was hurt,
you came around and gave me the freedom I needed.
We were never an item,
but you helped me realize I didn't need to be an item to have fun.

thank you for showing me there's chill people in this world I can vibe with.
Even though we were short-lived,
I thank you for being the old soul I could kick it with.
You left,
but that gave me hope that there's someone like me out there with an old soul.
I am not mad at you anymore, I took heed in this.
Nov 2018 · 258
What A Nice Day For Goodbye
Latiaaa Nov 2018
You pushed me away like I was drug you had to wean yourself off of
Nov 2018 · 160
If I Knew
Latiaaa Nov 2018
If I knew that was the last time I'd see you again, I would've held you in my arms longer.
I would've told you what I thought of you.
"I like the way you lick your lips and laugh as you look away"
"I like the texture of your hair"
I would've admired you a bit longer,
Held your hand tighter; hoping you wouldn't let go.
I would've asked you more questions.
"What do you think of...this ?"
"Where do you feel like you're headed?"
I would've kissed you longer.
Just a bit longer.
I should've played more music, talked a bit longer.
Who knew our time together would cut this short.
God put you in my life for a short period of time to show me there's still hope.
There's people like you out there.
I barely knew you,
But felt you on a level that could've grown to beyond the unknown.
If only I could've felt your warm face against my hand just one more time.
Just one more time...
Nov 2018 · 176
Once I was 19 years old
Latiaaa Nov 2018
I groaned and cried till he looked upl at me
Why are you crying?
You've wounded me...
Wounded you? How?
With your words,
You cut me like a knife not only shattering
My every thought of you
But gouging me with evil.
You hurt me.
Jun 2018 · 177
Start Over
Latiaaa Jun 2018
He can start over with someone else,
but it won’t be the same because she will buy him food expecting him to eat it,
not knowing that he doesn’t like being spoiled.
She won’t appreciate the way he jumps in his sleep,
she will just think it’s odd.
She won’t think his cleft chin is adorable.
She won’t know he hates it himself.
She’ll feel many tiny scars on his back and think “Oh my god that’s gross,”
but I think it’s perfectly human.
She’ll notice that he wears the same Krispy Kream gray sweater over and over and probably pick on him for it,
but I loved it.
I love the background history on it.
I don’t want her to hear his god awful bad singing imitation,
or get to experience his white people music playlist and hear him jam to it.
I don’t want her seeing him when he wakes up when he’s all bright eyed and bushy tailed.
She won’t know where the scars on his knees and legs came from or why he hates Gyros.
I don’t want her to notice the way he stares at you when you don’t even know he’s doing it.
I don’t want her eating food naked with him in the dark after a long session of love making.
She won’t know why he loves James Bond and Indiana Jones movies so much.
She’ll probably go insane not understanding that he has bad trust issues and that you should take time with him and be patient,
he’ll trust eventually.
I don’t want her knowing his deepest darkest secrets or why he doesn’t wear bowties anymore. Why he’s obsessed with Illuminati or why he can’t grow a lot of ****** hair.
If you don’t love his widows peak or his long eyelashes,
let him go.
I know he messed up and didn’t know how to treat me sometimes,
but I can’t see him move on and let someone read him the way I did.
I can’t let anyone know him the way I do.
May 2018 · 266
9 Months
Latiaaa May 2018
my life was in shambles. My feelings were distraught, and my mind was in another dimension.
same as before. Grief, pain, misery, anger.
denial. I denied this ever happening to me. How could it happen to me? No way. I’m Latia Jackson.
summer time. I tried to distract myself with people and events around me, but even that didn’t work. Everything and everyone reminded me of him.
I told myself everything was going to be okay. My tears were not consistent thankfully, but I still felt sharpness. I even ran into you on my worst day and I told myself I wouldn’t run.
to get away from it all, I flew away for a bit. I surrounded myself with people who loved me, and I love them.
my birthday month. You’re back in my life and still till this day I don’t know if it was a mistake or a blessing that it happened. But you left, for good.
I was over it. I knew now that since you were gone for good it was time for new beginnings. So, I chopped my hair and got a tattoo.
November and December
they were nothing but smiles and happy moments. Emotional detox cleansings and new faces.
new year new me they say. That was the truth. I vowed to leave all this behind and focus on the real picture, me. No more tears, no more worries, no more what ifs. It took me 9 months to get to where I am, and I was not going to let anything ruin it.
Apr 2018 · 239
My Dream
Latiaaa Apr 2018
I had a dream.
I was there,
you were there.
We were there with your mom at her house helping,
You bragged about having a bigger refrigerator than hers,
more food to eat,
more room to do whatever.
How you didn't want to be there.
I rolled my eyes and continued helping.  
In my head I was proud you had gotten a place of your own.
We were all in the kitchen.
I remember telling a story from our past about how we ordered so much chicken,
it went to waste.
That was the only time you and I had a connection and made eye contact.
Time shifted.
There was an art festival,
and you just happened to be there with your current girlfriend.
Talk about showing off...
Flaunting her around was a lousy way of getting my attention.
I was not moved.
I woke up in laughter and realization that you no longer have power over me.
Mar 2018 · 227
My Tattoo
Latiaaa Mar 2018
You were there when it all happened.
I dreamt of having a tattoo for years,
my day had finally come.
You decided to come with me and my sisters,
so I can have the moral support.
So many thoughts ran in my head,
"I change my mind..."
"I want to go home.."
"I don't know if I can do this!"
But you pulled me back to reality telling me if I didn't do it now I'd regret it forever.
I did it.
And you were there.
Holding my hand tight as the needle chafed against my bare skin.
I wanted to cry,
but I wanted to show you I was a big girl.
I can handle this.
You were there when I got my first tattoo,
Mar 2018 · 212
19th Birthday
Latiaaa Mar 2018
September 30th, 2016,
It was my birthday.
I was officially becoming grown in a sense.
And what other way to spend it than with you.
You took me out that day.
For tacos and a sweet dessert after.
My menstrual had fallen on that day so you tried to make it better.
It was that day, we were gifted with our son,
Theodore the Big Teddy.
Theo for short.
You know, I still have that big bear.
It takes me back to the day you bought it for me,
knowing I wished upon a star so many times for one.
Among-st all my birthdays,
that one sticks up like a flower in a grassy field.
It was my first of ever,
spending it with the love of my life.  
I thank you for making my 19th birthday a day to remember.
Mar 2018 · 236
Alone At Night
Latiaaa Mar 2018
I was alone that night.
Because of you,
I had to walk in bravery and fear alone.
Your anger liked to stick to you like a burr plant on blue jeans.
Whatever it is I said,
it boiled you.
I walked home that night alone in darkness and in confusion as to why you weren't there protecting me at that time of need.
I couldn't let anyone know what you did to me,
it would've left a bad taste in their mouth.
No call,
no checkup,
no worry,
You didn't seem to care about my safety until I had already made it home.
You only asked because you felt bad for not caring.
At that moment,
I should've left for good.
But I stayed.
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