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in the ***** of the silver waves
grew a single water lily
speckless and spotless
the colour of pure milk
a private bud, it lay unopened
till the night it blossomed
complete, open, a whorl of whiteness!
exquisite in its secluded state
it pondered sadly on its fate
alone –
awash with an awful ache
it looked upwards towards the great black lake
so much similar to its own address
with just one exception that made the biggest difference
like a mirror leading on to a parallel universe
another swirl of bright white flowered
not alone but surrounded
by many young buds!
how wonderful thought the lily
how cheerful that bloom must be
to live thus accompanied by family
so pining it withered
feeling unloved, unwanted
never knowing that from above
the moon watched wailing
“how full of life was that lovely flower
alas! alas! how I loved her!
never could I have the courage to tell her
she - a brightness lit from within
and i a mere rock
with no light of my own”

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
   Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
 Jan 2013 Aditya Bhaskara
K Mae
Heart rending...
brittle trees creak and moan
strong wind cleaves wayward branches.
Time to let go here
with less desire
content or not,
surrendered  being.
is the fount of abundance
of endless youth – which knows
only to give
but Lover, do you know
how to take?

to you she offers this-
the legacy of the Wait
employ it as you will –
as a bed of thorns or as a work of art
the choice is yours

when the current of time shall turn
your chance will come
to take from that fount all you want
but the journey is arduous
the climb-treacherous
many a pitfall may lie in your path
beware - stay steadfast!

pour all of yourself without hesitation
drop by drop into that sacrificial fire
as your ink depletes onto the pages
like Svaha meeting Agni
there will come to exist
the consummation of your innermost desires

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
  Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
Inspired by Aditya's poem A Thing of Art (
Thank you Aditya!

Svaha & Agni : Svāhā is a minor goddess, and the wife of Agni-the God of Fire in Vedic mythology. It is said that the gods to whom offerings are being made through yagna (sacrificial fire) refuse the offerings unless the word 'svaha' is uttered during the sacrifice.
Secret inspirations on wonder nights
that come on the wings of wet winds,
moments that tiptoe across the gulf
of the worlds, I keep them deposited,
safe in your soul; When you smile,
you bring hundred hidden meanings
to life; You are my journal: in you I
hold my fondest fjords and rarest
gorges zealously concealed from the
prying eyes of life and time; Empty
flower vase that brings a silent corner
alive in shades of azul, dream-song
of the lone twig romancing the moon
in waving waters of the silent lake,
distant star that lights smiling eyes,
invisible companion on sacred quests,
hope of the cactus in barren deserts,
Señora, without you, I am a poet
orphaned in the loss of his journal.
A fjord is a narrow inlet of the sea between cliffs or steep slopes
i have it with me yet
that pink-white morning rose-
browned now but still fragrant
with memories of your gentleness
retaining even now
a trace of the care that i know
you must have lavished upon it
before you gave it to me
it lies flattened between the pages of
Little Women
i dare not move it from there
for fear that the petals will crumble
a sole physical reminder
of something shared
a comforter when i am
in a pensive mood
feeling like i’ve lost
that nothing is going my way
i look between the pages
to find a smile
and a tear
share equal space
on my nostalgic face

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
    Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
Thank you Aditya for the idea and Kirti for the title suggestion!
why do you choose
to stay wrapped in this mystery
when the sunshine beckons you
to leave behind the conch
that shelters you and listen
to a song other than that of the sea
step out of your (with)drawing room
be a guest for once
explore these gifts i bring you
choose which ones you’ll keep
discard the ones you don’t need
but do take a look at what is offered
hide not behind the curtains
forgo the fabricated veil
unwrap yourself hand and foot
rejoice in your own vulnerability
fall, get hurt, nurse your wounds
trust and be betrayed
in the end you’ll  only find
these trials have made you stronger
to find your very own Excalibur
take a risk
take a chance
let me in
for i do wonder
what it is like
to be in your head

but more than that
i ponder
what it is like
to be in your heart

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
  Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
Thank you all for the love and support you have been giving me!
I have been fortunate enough to be chosen as the featured guest poet on for this week. If you'd like to you could go see me there at :)
Inconspicuous as vanity
And as ***** as prostitution
We chant a wild song.
Change, we call for
Peace, we beg for.
But neither arrives in such a
Golden coach
Without the snake which
rides around the neck of
Our future.
Riots erupt into
Desperate silence
As the snake tightens
His grip.
All he says,
He says,
He says:
It is all we can do
For peace.
You, the people,
You, the righteous people,
Pulled the trigger on
You, the good people
Released the snake
Which your grandparents
Locked up.
I know only
And you will know only
From now on.

God save your souls.
For the people who blame the spoon for making people fat.
How strange to greet, this frosty morn,
In graceful counterfeit of flower,
These children of the meadows, born
Of sunshine and of showers!

How well the conscious wood retains
The pictures of its flower-sown home,
The lights and shades, the purple stains,
And golden hues of bloom!

It was a happy thought to bring
To the dark season's frost and rime
This painted memory of spring,
This dream of summertime.

Our hearts are lighter for its sake,
Our fancy's age renews its youth,
And dim-remembered fictions take
The guise of present truth.

A wizard of the Merrimac,--
So old ancestral legends say,--
Could call green leaf and blossom back
To frosted stem and spray.

The dry logs of the cottage wall,
Beneath his touch, put out their leaves;
The clay-bound swallow, at his call,
Played round the icy eaves.

The settler saw his oaken flail
Take bud, and bloom before his eyes;
From frozen pools he saw the pale
Sweet summer lilies rise.

To their old homes, by man profaned
Came the sad dryads, exiled long,
And through their leafy tongues complained
Of household use and wrong.

The beechen platter sprouted wild,
The pipkin wore its old-time green,
The cradle o'er the sleeping child
Became a leafy screen.

Haply our gentle friend hath met,
While wandering in her sylvan quest,
Haunting his native woodlands yet,
That Druid of the West;

And while the dew on leaf and flower
Glistened in the moonlight clear and still,
Learned the dusk wizard's spell of power,
And caught his trick of skill.

But welcome, be it new or old,
The gift which makes the day more bright,
And paints, upon the ground of cold
And darkness, warmth and light!

Without is neither gold nor green;
Within, for birds, the birch-logs sing;
Yet, summer-like, we sit between
The autumn and the spring.

The one, with bridal blush of rose,
And sweetest breath of woodland balm,
And one whose matron lips unclose
In smiles of saintly calm.

Fill soft and deep, O winter snow!
The sweet azalea's oaken dells,
And hide the banks where roses blow
And swing the azure bells!

O'erlay the amber violet's leaves,
The purple aster's brookside home,
Guard all the flowers her pencil gives
A live beyond their bloom.

And she, when spring comes round again,
By greening ***** and singing flood
Shall wander, seeking, not in vain
Her darlings of the wood.
Writers are humble beings.
We are not arrogant,
Or triumphant.
We are merely the artisans of words
That will forever exist.
We mold what we already know
Into a black and white painting of what we don't know.
To better understand
Our world,
And worlds beyond us.
Between keyboard taps,
Pencils that scratch,
And minds that rage on.

We rarely ever write about
If we do, it is only our perception of ourselves.
We do not brag,
Only tell,
We use characters to view the world sometimes.
The morbid words come together nicely.
They say something loud and wonderful,
Yet too often the words are mistaken for
When that is not the case at all.

We live through our writing
Our imaginations.
That is how we thrive.
Little notebooks are scattered
On bookshelves and desks
Around the house.
Reminders scribbled on lined,
Stationary paper.
Random words,
Brilliant ideas.
Ideas that will be

But the important part is not
That we are writers.
The important part is
That we have readers
And we owe it  to those
To put forth the beautifully
I am weak
I am the fringes
Of split peaks
Where ***** water runs.

Whenever I get the urge
To inhale my death
The poison sinks into
My shaking chest.
My living time shrinks
With each passing trunk
Of those wrapped bits
Of tar and junk.
On the road to hell
I walk the double yellow
Rattling breath yells
In a silence that bellows.
But every time I say
I'll have my last one today
Tomorrow comes fast
And wins a game I won't play.

The fog curls around
My sickened face
And I don't make a sound
As I drop to the pavement.
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