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addy r Nov 2013
Silence me with handwritten notes on small books and blank paper and bury them with me if I should die tonight. My soul will take them to the nether regions where they will be preserved. But if I should lose them, find them and get them back to me.
For they are as precious as the jewels of the earth, and as beautiful as the complexities of your mind. Now I rather I never wrote them for I might still be breathing the breaths I barely ever did.
So watch me as my dying soul breaks my fragile bodice and sends it to the hell where you are not present.

(lunarlullubies & forsakengirlhue)
addy r Nov 2013
I always told myself to not do something that ****** one’s conscience.

Don’t tear the leaves or flowers from their roots. Do you not hear their screams of white noise and agony? Do you not see their blood drip onto the forest floor as you cared not for them but for your own selfish pleasures, to have their beauty in your hand?

Don’t listen to the voices that resonate off the walls. Do you not understand how that will satiate the undying hunger in the voids of your mind? Do you not know how it will churn your insides and burn the base of your soul?

Don’t look for the things you have lost. Do you not wonder why they would go missing in the first place? Do you not know that the wolves in the base of your spine have been unleashed?

Don’t stare at the beings in the universe around you. Do you not realize the trouble that would put you in? Do you not know that a single misadventure of the eyes will often lead to shiny blades with long handles in your torso?

Don’t overthink at night. Do you not know that the spirits in your atmosphere will steal your thoughts and add nightmares to them so you’ll have bad dreams? Do you not keep your thoughts in golden cages under massive padlocks and curvy keys?

addy r Nov 2013
I was a tiny fragment of darkness, struggling to find my way in the light. I was evolving, and metamorphozing every minute. My particles broke up into smaller particles and soon I was to become a mere speck of nothing, in this universe of light.

I couldn’t find my way. I was lost.

It concealed me in a shadow of pain. I could feel as it consumed me bit by bit.

Pain, I didn’t know what it was, except that it left me in distress and ice cold tears.

The light seemed to fade.

The pain disappeared, and the mere speck of nothing that I was transcended into the darkness where I really belong.

addy r Nov 2013
I gazed upon her solemn eyes as I analyzed the windows to her soul - a blank and dead world that has seen too much hurt and pain. Her iris - they came in a set of two, were of a chocolate shade, like milk chocolate. Bloodshot were they, and also lifeless. They were her eyes. Her visuals. Her tools of analysis.

addy r Nov 2013
He has those deep eyes of a chocolate hue, which almost always show malaise even when he felt spirited and free. Even when he was getting some. Those endearing windows of his soul hide the purest and loveliest embodiment of beauty ever seen. An air of flowers hang around him every day. The natural scent of his very skin. The look he gives ensures you of possible commitment and also possible attraction from other girls. A face so angelic, it makes one want to kiss him. And when he did kiss you, it was a feeling of ultimate comfort and happiness. If humans weren't weak, one wouldn't stop pressing her lips against his. As he wraps his arms around you, you feel as though it isn't the earth's gravity holding you down anymore. You're just floating, in his arms amidst time and space, like you didn't have a care in the world. His shoulder, a perfect piece of paradise which offers a safe haven and solace in the best way imaginable. The way he whispers, "I love you." Into your ears.
Pleasure, through and through.

addy r Nov 2013
Hung like broken promises on a solemn shelf, it was bare enough for anyone to see, how plain her pain was.

How tolerant she was of her hurt, that no one knew it existed.

As it wrecked her senses, and gave her delusional thoughts, all of which a tiny part of her mind knew wasn’t natural.

She strode on, ignoring everything she felt, dismissing them as utter nonsense and tricks of the mind.

She became numb to them.

She stopped questioning them.

The dark stopped frightening her.

Little did she know that it was killing her slowly.

Blocking a feeling only made it’s psychological impact on her worse, and made her condition deteriorate.

She’s withering from within, and her soul is crumbling unbeknownst to her.

The smallish, ignorant part of her mind is trying to comprehend the situation at hand, but it isn’t processing, because she doesn’t want to bother about it.

Thus, her life is fading away from her.

Only when she reaches an epiphany will she realize what’s internally happening to her.

But unfortunately, all is lost.

addy r Oct 2013
holed up in a little cottage

she questions her existence

and watched as the wind blew her life away

and took it to the lands beyond far-seeing eyes

deep inside the dark devil’s home where it resided in a glass jar.

her limp body cringed as it writhed in pain from sinew to sinew; crevasse to crevasse and nerve to nerve

she asked, “why?” again as she felt sensations of an unfamiliar sort before falling slumber to the subtle tricks of her mind

and awoke to the screams of her soul as it was ripped from her bodice in strange, unnatural ways

she could only look on as the devil stole it for his own cruel pleasure

and as her body faded into the colors of hell

and burned with the fires that never die.

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