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Some say our lives are meaningless piles of
useless actions to appease our horrendous society
I say this cannot be, for it should not be, and it will not be

But what do I know?                        
Only the valleys of red.                      
Formed on the hills of snow.                
From our rotting dead.                    .
With eyes closed
As if blindness was a blessing
As ears prepare
To listen to the melody
Of a heart in tune

Feel the heartbeat in my mind
It beats according
To your thoughts
You are tucked in between
The spaces of my pumping arteries
You are etched in my blood
Every molecule I am made
Out of is made out of you

You opened my percadium
Slid through the walls
Of my heart,
And leaped forth without
Making a home out of
What was once rejected

Open your eyes love,
Let this melody will flow
Through your veins
Let it manifest the love it
Feel each and every
Word project unto you
What I feel inside

These words I have
Summoned to at best
Give an idea of the
Depth of my emotions,
And I do realise they have failed
At their purpose – for that I apologise
Drowsy nocturnal eyes making poetry, it's just after 4 a.m in South Africa.
Light is more important than the lantern,
The poem more important than the notebook,
And the kiss more important than the lips.
My letters to you
Are greater and more important than both of us.
The are the only documents
Where people will discover
Your beauty
And my madness.
 Feb 2014 Adelaide Lim
Kaye Berry
We used our hands too much
That’s why

Our palms began to scorch
In sweat and whispered confessions
From tight grips in long walks
Our fingers are knotted securely together  
That our knuckles have turned white

We pointed at bowls of soup
We want to taste from restaurant menus
At clothes in shop windows
At stars, funny blog posts, movie posters

You, holding an umbrella out for me
When it rains out
From picking up a fight with a ******
Who used a lousy pick-up line on me
From attempting to sketch my face

I, massaging your aching muscles
From writing poems about you
Holding warm mugs of coffee
While watching you play your guitar

I began losing mine
After hushing you
With the finger I accidentally cut
From cutting cherry tomatoes
For your salad
And then I bit off my thumb
When you didn’t calm yourself
And began to speak even louder
To me

I knew you lost yours
When you barely reach out
For my hand anymore
But I think you still had a few
On your left hand

I know
Because I heard the door open
And shut
 Feb 2014 Adelaide Lim
It seems as though
I always want to talk to you
But our conversation comes at a cost
Because every word spoken
Puts me one word closer
To the last words I'll ever say to you.

With hope I could forever speak
With reason and love aimed at your heart
Taking your ears and making them listen
To what I need you to hear
Before you cannot hear anymore.

Carefully I select the sounds I speak
As not to choose the wrong ones
Picking silently in my head
The memories I would like to leave behind
In every moment I spend with you.

I know the last words I will say to you.
They are in my head now
Dancing on my lips
Teasing your ears
But I will not say them.
Not now.
I will say them when it is time
For them to be true.

I do hope, however, that when that time comes
You will have already said them
To me.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
©Sebastian @
 Feb 2014 Adelaide Lim
You know those tears you get
When you can't stop laughing
Because you don't want to
And they just rest on your cheeks
Until you finish your laughter
And you wipe them away

You know those tears you get
When you watch a sad movie
And you feel like the characters are real
Even though they're not
And the tears just rest by your lips
Until the movie is over
And you wipe them away

You know those tears you get
When you say goodbye to a friend
And you don't want them to go
But they need to go
And the tears just rest on your chin
Until the dust settles
And you wipe them away

You know those tears you get
When you walk down the aisle
And everything is perfect
When love is beautiful
And the tears just collect on your eyes
Until you need to blink
And you wipe them away

You know those tears you get
When you remember yesterday
And you wish it were alive again
But it isn’t
And the tears just fall to the ground
They soak into the Earth
And you can't wipe them away
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
©Sebastian @

— The End —