Darkness is pure
Untouched by light
Convert of be consumed
Creatures creep around
Never wanting to be found
Crawling and shifting about
Pure black without a face
Is the other half of the human race
Folded hands reach out
To folded faces who never get the point
We drop our pens and burn our papers
When our efforts are through
Even from the start
Brightness will die soon
Light is pure
Unless perverted by darkness
But in the fight for space darkness wins when the wind is blown and the candle dies
The candle dies
The baby cries
But the hungry dog is smiling wide
Splitting open scabbing stitches
Blood seeping into rough ridges
It's his time to consume
Eat or be eaten, only that is fair
Look around the darkened room
You're the only one there
Ask around ask around
You're the only one who cares
Drain the clothes to make room for new stains
Our clothes are too new, too clean, too plain
The person in front stares just the same
Carbon copies copying carbon copies copied by carbon copies
What is life but a series of constant repetition
Darkness existed before light.