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 Jan 2014 Adam Burke
Riley Ayres
Six feet under,
trapped in a see through glass box,
people can see you,
they can hear you scream,
but they walk by as if they see nothing.

Six feet under,
buried beneath the pain,
hiding under the sorrow,
merciless cries come close to shattering,
the glass in which you are concealed.

Six feet under,
conceited, twisted lies,
cannot be forgotten or lost
hearts forever broken
as you see yourself

Six feet under,
the glass reflects the pain in your eyes
yet your stare is emotionless,
your heart ceases to beat
blood no longer pulses through your veins.

Six feet under,
You forget how to scream,
you lose your sense of sanity,
the glass swallows you up
lost, and always forgotten.
I'm starting to forget the names of those I've spent a... what seemed to be a lifetime of adventure, love, and great friendship I try hard not to forget their name because they've made a mark on me they each taught me something whether it was small or big n I still wish to see them in twenty years and say hey I remember your name and exactly how you scarred my life and not necessaryly in a bad way but in a way that made me realize that good memories don't need to last forever in order to have known something beautiful while it lasted
 Jan 2014 Adam Burke
I know for a fact
that if we aren't in it for the love
we're in it for the lust
and I know that when we're together
we can either be love
or we can define lust.
im in absolute awe
I don't know what to do
when you seem not to care
I need someone with more soul
and more feeling.
you've stripped me of comfort
and made me numb to others.
I have been stuck on your love
and you've stuck in my mind.
2 years later we're inseparable
and I have found no other soul
capable of making mine whole.
so I've found myself stuck here
not knowing what to do
and waiting for you to make up your mind
on whether or not you're done confusing mine
but it's sad i'll still be here
until you know.
because I love you
 Jan 2014 Adam Burke
Grace Jordan
Lips as red as rose, skin as white as snow, body as still as stone. Yet this was not the fairy tales that I had been raised to believe in. This had no happily ever after.

    The heavy weight of the melancholy anguish fell awkwardly on my shoulders. I was barely old enough to even understand what sorrow was, let alone what to do when every person I had ever admired was now helplessly crumbled in the solid white room. Unthankful walls stared bleakly down at us, as they were numb to these feelings by now. It was a hospital, after all. They had seen their fair share of the dead.

    Something strong, pressuring, and overwhelming continued to force itself into my chest, burrowing itself deeper and deeper. Nothing had ever felt like that, as if it was eating me until I was nothing myself. When I glanced around to my family, I could see that it had them too. Consuming them in this helpless, dark pressure, the kind you only pretend to escape. Drying them of the good memories and replacing them with pain and despair. Squeezing them until tears fell from their eyes so much I had almost forgotten what they looked like without them.

    A voice beckoned me to the side of the bed. The smile that had filled my childhood was replaced with broken eyes and a grin that I knew was a lie. I wanted nothing more but to crawl into her arms and cry until everything stopped hurting so much, but I was too afraid. For in my mother’s eyes I saw she wanted more than anything to do the same.

     Dad’s arm came around me and held me tight, he needed it as well. It was terrifying, to be able to compare my parents to how I looked after a nightmare. They were kids again, frightened, and desperate, and alone. All they wanted was a hug and smile and someone to tell them it would be okay, that the terror was nothing but a dream. Sadly, we would never wake up this time.

     The nurse came around with a camera,  and I knew then that this was the last time we would see him. I glanced down at the perfect little face I realized I would miss for the rest of my life. With the pressure eating my heart, I said inside goodbye to the little boy I had dreamed to know. His body, small and teaming with untapped potential and dead life, was an image I would never be able to forget. Yet he never even got the chance to see his big sister’s face. Maybe it was better that way, never seeing what he lost as we saw him. Things were going to be different now, without him. Things would never be the same. A nurse started to count.

     And in a broken photograph, I smiled.
 Jan 2014 Adam Burke
Ian Beckett
Head throbs, I want results, I need results, today,
No dice, I want a gun, persuasion, for results, now,
Idiots all around, is it me or is it them, I wonder,
I see them dead, better than Red I think, but,
Why so hard I ask, always the same, pain again,
A voice inside says, that is why, I still get paid
Big bucks, to take this strain, and not complain,
I need a cat, to kick, humane, because it seems,
It will survive with nine lives, and I have only one.
 Jan 2014 Adam Burke
I never understood the draw of taking life
from your body, believing only one of strife
would obtain the sudden urge to rip and tear the skin
and release from within, demons out,
out from sullied flesh and faded eyes.

To my surprise however it came not from anguish but from quiet.
Steady monotonous quiet that roars in the ears of the forgotten,
thundering its swaddled mallets against the drums of silence
that echo, and echo, and echo.

Pace does not fix and time is lost in the wake of ever steady steps
striking the same ground
in the same pattern
at the same time of every single day which repeats on into forever.
And the rhythm once soothing becomes feverish, ferocious and foaming,
clawing with smooth tendrils through every corner
until the brain hazes over in shades of grey.

And it would be in this cold quiet that one would obtain true pain,
cutting evermore sharply than the knife did flesh
as simultaneously the fragments of rebellious thought seek release through a ruby vibrance.

I never understood the draw of taking life
from your body, believing only one of strife
would obtain the sudden urge to rip and tear the skin
and release from within, demons out.

I was wrong.
I wasn't feeling so great.
 Jan 2014 Adam Burke
Phillip Rios
There is a man, standing on a street corner
business men stroll past him
house wives brush past him, toting large shopping bags
The man watches as the world leaves him behind
he is the only free mind left
Distractions keep even the most intelligent professor,
whose wise teachings once shaped generations of ambitious young men
from seeing one thing

No one realizes what this man does
Long ago, there was an empty world
that world went on a glorious journey, filled with many disatrous
and joyous moments.
There were great rulers, whose harsh decisions lead to the deaths of ignorant, yet innocent citizens
There was even a genious
His discoveries helped the world become more advanced
All of this has been forgotten, or dubbed as a "used to be" memory

Images of past and present fill the man's eyes
and he staggers back, knocking over a young woman's coffee,
which has been placed on her table and never touched.
The young woman is angry and she leaves the table,
almost forgetting her favourite purse

Unkown faces still cross the street
not knowing what has just happened before them
A man has understood that all Great Journeys
must one day
come to an End.
Inspired by Billy Collins' animated poetry
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