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i have paced around this empty parking lot
one hundred and something times, tonight
just trying to clear my head
of all the expired thoughts that make it sick
but every step i take wears my feet down
until the dusty skin has flaked from them,
and left me with ****** stumps

the letters floating across the breeze
are attempting to form your words,
but i can't hear you
your lips are moving too fast
and the sound is eaten
by the surrounding bits
of outer space
that keep our flesh
covered in goosebumps

and every step i've taken
has put me further away from you
but i would keep walking
a thousand and something miles
without any feet, and continue to bleed
until the rest of me was ground down
into the empty parking lot
i've been pacing
this entire time

and maybe one night
you will pace in my tracks
until you're ground down into nothing
just like me
 Jul 2015 Judgson blessing
I'm a little messy
I tend to have big dreams
That seem cliche
And I like the smell
Of old gas stations
And strawberry milk
And green tea
And my laugh is obnoxious
My smile is crooked
And I've grown
From asexual aromantic
To maybe the most romantic
Person you'll know
(If you coax me to say)
I like love movies
(Who knew)
And roses and kisses
I like touching,
(I used to not)
I like being in love
I like laughing til I ***
I love singing
(Even though I can't)
And I love dancing
(Even though I'm awkward)
I like sunrise. Early.
I like hats (stupid ones)
I like simple moments
And I love people
I love love
I love love so much
I love you
I love this world
And I know.
That one day.
Someone will notice all these things.
there is a place I know
where the seas roar
in the deepest, and most
beautiful shade of blue
and when the waves crash
against themselves,
the mist that sprays
sparkles in the sunlight
causing everything around it to glow

the sands there aren't beige,
they're magnificently green
glimmering brightly,
unlike anything I've ever seen
almost like a living, breathing dream
that I can visit whenever I need

a place where even the sun
can't shine bright enough
to show the full beauty
of every detail around me
and no matter how many times
I study the patterns and colors,
I always seem to notice something
even more beautiful than
the last time

I'm just sorry you'll never
get a chance to visit this place
with me

but you see, my dear,
this place is in your eyes
I'm being pummeled
By thousands of ghosts
That sciencey-guy over there
Said they were called neutrinos

I don't trust it though
It's mumbo-jumbo
But don't worry about me
I learned how to fight ghosts

Where's my garlic?

Wait, that might be for use against vampires.

Oh no.
O, I seek ye, paperclips
How you so kindly bind my documents
In the most orderly of fashions
O, greatest and most convenient
Loops of metal -  are ye sentient?
For if you were, I would surely state
My pure and deepest gratitude -
For your unending, ever-sacrificing
Services to my matters of
Organization ne'er go unnoticed
Lifting up the veil
Of an icy waterfall
A spinosaurus slumbers
With his back arched tall

When peering 'round the mangled ferns
A centrosaurus feeds
His giant grace and lofty limbs
Create a rumble through the trees

Footsteps behind - a smaller kind
An oviraptor darts
To fish and mammals of ancient times
Another era starts
A mastodon waits
For a bitter, cold ice age -
Hello, giant tooth
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