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765 · Mar 2015
Mum and Dad
Abida Begum Mar 2015
Mum and Dad
                                                         By Abida Begum
Mum and Dad you have been there from the start, from the day i was born ,
the first breath i took in the scary world you always been there and never looked back.My tantrums and anger you never judged me for but the true beauty of my soul is why you are here
for without you i would have been scarce.
so thank you for teaching me right and wrong and the hate that i have got to turn it into a song
life will always be hard , i know but its the precious things in life that keep us so strong
fight back with actions not words prove to them that you have been worth it all along
work hard let the world know that you can do anything, yes its been told
i am writing this poem to let you know you have been worth it all along
so thank you for everything from the bottom of my heart
no words, no actions can prove this i know
so all i can say is how thankful i am mum and dad thank you for its all i can
all i can give you is my heart ,yet i know it will never always be enough , no amount of anything could show how amazing you both are
except these words that prolong in my heart
ill take it with me to my grave
yes i am scared of dying but you two are what is keeping me still standing
illl tell my kids how amazing you are with the hope that i will l be just as good as you both are.
347 · Jul 2015
Misreading Signs
Abida Begum Jul 2015
i stand in there with a room full of people but i still feel so empty.
i paint a smile on my face but inside i am breaking, i feel lost ,i feel incomplete, i am beat, i stand here waiting for this feeling to repeat. overcoming this will only be from that one person, the person who means so much to you but doesn't have a clue. The things they do that cant be compared my heart beats as if i am scared. These signs are playing with my mind again my heart and my mind combine into one, this love feels like the sun. But even the sun gets too close and attached maybe they're my darkness that i bring to life.
Abida Begum Jul 2015
Ladies know what you're worth, don't fall in love with a turf. Especially one that is
married. His mind may be playing games with him because of how beautiful and mesmerized you are but don't fall for this because sometimes the devil is hidden with the face of an angel. There is someone waiting out there for you and he is waiting for you, the harder he is to find, the more special he is because there is none like him. A plant full of clovers but has a hidden four leaf clover. It just takes time and we have to be willing to wait so in the meanwhile fellas plan your date!  Make it amazing, pull out all the stops if shes special and makes your heart stop. so remember respect yourself and know your worth you don't have to flip up your skirt and to the men you don't have to be a Calvin Klein model because we ladies are certainly not Victoria secret models, just be happy and do you because in the end that's all we will have left . beauty fades but your soul still remains young. Isn't that what we should be teaching our young's?
#loveissimple #youwilleloved
224 · Jul 2015
Abida Begum Jul 2015
i always got told to add more to things, whether its writing or doing something, something that is supposed to "push me" to develop my education. Why do i have to write more, why do i have to do more? when what i have done is enough, enough for me. but maybe all that i give can just never be enough, enough of all that i can give?

— The End —