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Abaigeal Skye Dec 2013
while we were sitting by the lake,
the waves pounded the shore with soft tremours,
your twinkling laugh filled the air,
then I heard something more.
A poem,
I heard it so distinctly,
it flowed through my mind as I mulled over
the sheer rhythmn of it.
I found myself singing it.
You looked at me as if I were
Harmonizing all by myself,
giggling like
the happiest fool on earth.
You drew me to my feet and walked me home.
With a smile,
I brandished my paper and pencil to capture the melody.
Whilst sitting down
I realized
that I couldn't remember
of it
Abaigeal Skye Feb 2014
Sitting on hallowed pews,
Fighting the insuperable desire
To let my leaden head
Fall into the wake of sleep,
Bobbing in and out of consciousness.

My faith is not something strengthened
By these monotones, memorized traditions.
Wasn't it He who asked us to set ourselves apart,
To not just go through the motions.

Floating in serene waters,
Expression soft,
Mind at peace and exulted up in prayer,
This rememberance of Your omnipotent love.
This feeling of awe and wonder.
This is faith for me.
Abaigeal Skye Feb 2014
"Nobody gets left behind."
Toxic youth brain-washed by games
Adults around them carelessly play.
Success bartered for our souls
Briefcase in hand, your flesh still cold.
Air-brushed, white-teethed
In the mirror we hope to see.
The pressure builds, we're prescribed,
"Nobody gets left behind."
Abaigeal Skye Sep 2014
By: Abaigeal Skye
From green to gold,
From new to old.
Everything's crumbling,
So ball it up before it unfolds,
Shoot it in the trash before it leaves you cold.
Don't do what you're told,  **don't do what you're told.

Woke up shivering,
Pulled the blankets over my head.
Gazed outside looking for breath,
But found even the ground was dead,
And the bees weren't buzzing;
The air howling, unfed.
I'll look for the day's redemption
Where the sunshine has led.

Chills murdered greenery in the calm of the night,
And they fell slowly,
Like injured birds taking flight.
They all shed their skin,
Leaving the world threadbare.
Creation looked in the mirror
Admiring the wise being with graying hair.
Abaigeal Skye May 2014
Is merely a dream,
A well thought out scheme
Of Someone who's blood
Can redeem.
The sun sets on this board game,
Simply, pieces in a monopoly
That frees us from darkness overcame.
Abaigeal Skye Jan 2014
The same hands formed us all.
Mounds of clay
with the power of free will.
I will never understand the spectrum
of "imperfections"
that people must constantly
judge eachother for.

We were created with one responsibilty:
to  love eachother.
So far,
we have failed miserably.
Abaigeal Skye Feb 2014
Free from a pill,
Some are slaves to depression.
Free from the law,
Remaining slaves to our own transgression.
Free from the bell,
Merely slaves to bleak reality.
Free is never free,
If we are chained to our *mortality.
Abaigeal Skye Apr 2014
"Mama I've got a chameleon soul."
She rolled her eyes said, "like I didn't know."

A diamond kite riding on the breeze,
Weathered by wind,
Catching on the trees.

Stained and worn,
But working fine.
Vibrant prisms running down my spine.

My compass broken,
Pointing north or south.
Can't calm my mind,
Can't shut my mouth.
Hummed a little tune in the shower and this came out when I got a hold of a pen.
Abaigeal Skye Apr 2014
A basin filling to the brim
Weathered by wind
A crack that has yet to rescind
Strong gusts, breaking its whim.

Last night, remembering monsoon season.

Shaking, pouring out a stream
Uncontrollably heaving heavy droplets
Looking for sunshine to redeem
Wedging icy gates between outlets.
Abaigeal Skye Sep 2014
Do not
Shred yourself into pieces
To make others feel whole.
You can't**
Empty your entire being
To make others be full.
Abaigeal Skye Apr 2014
"Everything happens for a reason."
Hardships don't explain themselves in their own season.
I wish I could tell you what they mean,
but I've seen you grow in your troubles you see.
You're brighter, smile bigger, through your pain and sorrow.
Hope will be the strength to carry you through tomorrow.
Abaigeal Skye Apr 2014
Roll the windows down,
Let the breeze roll in.
Hand prints linger,
Goosebumps plague your skin.
Abaigeal Skye Apr 2014
Look into those innocent eyes,
You have defiled.
Why not just leave me here,
And go crack one of your electric smiles?

I hear your circuits whir,
Your bolts, they gleam.
Run fingers through your hair,
Watch as they dream.

I still hold onto you,
Unravelled by your games.
I'd love you call you out,
But I'm not naming names.
"Oh babe."

Eyes cut like knives,
Wit sharper still.
Why don't you just leave me here,
And go crack one of your electric smiles.
*Somewhere else.
Abaigeal Skye Jan 2014
He broke into pieces
so that our lives may fall into place.
Each of us holds a part of His perfect being.
Yet, He remains whole; ever watching, everseeing
us break His heart
with our nature to thwart
this wonderful world we've been given.
He allows us to be living.
I stand awestruck at His unconditional love,
surely there's good if Someone could purify someone as wretched as me; my slate as blank as a white dove.
He broke into pieces
so that our lives may fall into place.
Abaigeal Skye Feb 2014
Learning through osmosis,
that's what you desire from me.
Pages and slurs of facts,
saturating the air with verbose greed.

Musing behind dark lids,
so much every night.
Sleep- now reserved for the reckless,
enough night terrors in daylight.

Battered by sharp whistle,
together we must tread.
Eternally catching up,
to the expectations in your head.
Abaigeal Skye Jan 2014
A shadow in the corner,
Your voice whispering in my head
The creaking of your chair,
These all fill me with dread.

You know how you harrass me,
My spirit stronger than you think.
Seductions always tempting,
Like hot breathe in my ear.

All you are- a cliché,
A wisp of a being.
Now, freed from your chains,
Feeble plans ripped at their seam.
Abaigeal Skye Apr 2014
Sharp sounds from the tongue,
Adroit hand,
Pushing you away.
May illness empoison love
And inspire you to stay.
Abaigeal Skye May 2014
I try to keep you out of mind,
Free these thoughts that bind
Me to your gravity
Though I was there to watch you leave.

I start floating to greater good,
But I'd still have you if I could .
With helium, I fill my head.
You sink me down with bones of lead.

Draped in finest apology,
Like pearls you once gave to me.
Stop this feigned sincerity.
The silver leaving collars green.
Abaigeal Skye Mar 2014
She shot for the stars
With her safety on.
Pulled strings of his heart,
Didn't mean no harm.
Abaigeal Skye Nov 2014
By: Abaigeal Skye

Society's guidebook to being a "successful woman"
Was surely written by men who wanted to be more "successful with women"
For it is graced by the grimy fingerprints
That bound these pages with the soot
Of burned out attempts at seduction.

Look how
She turns her face away from you
As she erodes inward
To escape your invitational glare.

Hear her
Breath as it catches on each prickling remark,
Slowly unravelling from politeness
To annoyance.


Your mother
Must have told you that
We're humans, worthy of respect, of decency,
The posters boasting flesh and flesh alone
Invite you,

**This is the coward's excuse.
Abaigeal Skye Jun 2014
I'm sick and tired of this,
Don't think you understand.
I'm washing out the rest,
Like waves upon the sand.

But I

But I
Miss the
Warmth of

My shoulders were meant to carry
The weight of wandering spirit.
My hands small enough to bury
In yours, a perfect fit.

But I
Can't risk

But I
Lose your love
As it flows
And ebs.
Abaigeal Skye Jan 2014
In the beginning
Goodness was enough.
That timid boy
Called your home phone
Answering to a gruff father
Demanding to know

Would be calling for his daughter.
An Adam's apple bobbing up and down,
Like a buoy on the shoreline,
Searching for his own name.
A sea of thought
For a simple question.

In the beginning
Goodnes was enough.
The timid boy
Inches next to her
Scooting closer
Scratching against the wooden grain
Of the mossy park bench.
A half moon dawned on his face
As she tenderly intertwined her hand
With his.

In the beginning
Goodnes was enough.
Hands spun around,
At lightning speed.
Asking for *something more.

Her mind whirled
With the greyness of confusion.
She would do anything to keep him.
*A sea of thought
For a simple question.
Abaigeal Skye May 2014
I can't remember the series of events.
She said my mind will jumble up those years,
Leave the building blocks,
Simple ideas of what happened.

No part of me wants to talk about darkness.
If I pull one piece of the puzzle from this tower,
Everything will come crumbling to the ground.

So I couldn't honestly tell you of what I know;
I can tell you the feelings that suppressed the control I so craved.
Abaigeal Skye Sep 2014
My mind’s a one way street,

Like to keep **** uncomplicated.

I’m gonna make a U-turn if you don’t tell me what you’re contemplating.

Faking, baking dishonest relations;

Kissing, kicking broken correlations. 

Saying “I’m in love” doesn’t make it truer,

Internal screaming until your face turns bluer.

Then you’re tripping because your tongue’s *******,

Throwing pennies in fountains that were long dried up.

Soon, it’ll be all good,

Friendship will preserve it.

Love you like a brother, 

The heart’s not gone, don't know if you deserve it.
Abaigeal Skye May 2014
Maybe I don't want you,
But your happiness.
It fills me to the brim.
Seeing you smile
Even without me,
That's enough to quench this desire.

Maybe I'll stop feeling
The electricity
Every time your eyes light up,
Glowing orbs,
Pleasuring the air without intention.

Maybe I'll find someone
Who doesn't
Remind me of you.
Abaigeal Skye Jun 2014
You know those kids spritzing febreeze perfume,
Rollin' by, no curfew soon.
Shades on past the afternoon,
They have what they need and they don't need you.
Abaigeal Skye Aug 2014
I want to be
The burn hole on your hoody.
A flickering memory
Of glowing embers;
Of you holding me.
Abaigeal Skye Jun 2014
Don't you see
I can't be hurt?
Light your torch;
I can't be burnt.

Don't you see
My eyes search yours?
Poison me;
I'll find your cure.

Don't you see
Love only grows?
Like a river,
Imbibes you and flows.
Abaigeal Skye Sep 2014
Why are you angry?
Why are you dejected?
Why do you leave the love
You could have easily accepted?*
Generations before
Ask forevermore
These quandaries we don't care to implore.
Hoards of silence
Romanticizing the violence
Taking what they get,
In fear of loneliness.
Abaigeal Skye Jun 2014
Time is a human construction;
If you reject time you can transcend it.
I'll count my time on earth by action;
Watch minutes tick upon fires I've lit.
Abaigeal Skye Feb 2014
Coasting past nature's giants,
I muse about all they could tell me.
Their leaves holding the energy of
100 years' eclipses and smoldering summers.
The day the sun was silent.
Roots drinking up the essence of our ancestors.
The last handful of dirt, sprinkled mournfully.
Rough, weathered skin forever holding two names together.
A boy carving initials into her bark with a shaky hand.
The wisest creatures the world could offer,
Living scrapbooks.
Listen closely,
For the wind that shakes their arms in a waltz
Is not simply a whistle, but a secret.
Abaigeal Skye Mar 2014
The mind of a child is a sponge,
Soaking up what others expunge.
Some fester with brackish water.
Swollen with poisonous matter.
Others, saturated with bleach,
Expelling contradictions their elders teach.

Youth wrung out, once over again,
Scrubbing away the grime and pain.
Now faint- the writings on the wall.
Rounding out their squared edges and standing tall.
Abaigeal Skye Jul 2014
Don't chase happiness
It's a fleeting feeling.
This is what they say
To keep me from weightless reeling.

I'm bobbing in the ocean
Barely grasping the crest.
Searching for joyous commotion
To lift fears of losing from my chest.

Riches can be lost, homes can crumble down.
Sunshine, my anthem of success,
I wish to drape me like evening gown.
Abaigeal Skye Feb 2014
You wonder why young children look in the mirror
In disgust with themselves.
Why they go looking for love
In places they know it won't be found.
You can't comprehend why they,
With so much ahead of them, bury themselves
In an avalanche of notifications
Intangible, glowing distractions.

A sick, insuperable obssession
With the thought that
Connections to trajedy somehow transform them
Into more beautiful creatures.

Our generation is enthralled
With negative space.
Gaps in time;
Valleys eroding inward until
There is just
To give.

Happiness is out there for all
Who lift their heads from the blankness..

Let's bring ourselves back into a pure,
Simple life.
*It's worth living.
Abaigeal Skye May 2014
It's ludacris really
How I didn't realize how I felt
When I tried to remember the color of
His eyes-
I came up blanker
Than the sheet
That I have tried to drape
Ever so dearly over the memory
Of the gold flecks in your eyes
Dimming only to say goodbye.
Abaigeal Skye May 2014
Despaired eyes bleed waters of the sea,
Lapping at the memories of you,
Of me.

Our rippling laughter lifting up in a swell.
Tides under the dock rising as we fell.

Where we went, adventure followed.
Our bright eyes, never hollowed.

Times when I was gone, sank under your skin.
Our midnight conversations filled me in.
Abaigeal Skye Jan 2014
"You're such a ditz"*
My friends say
When I stop what I'm saying
To admire the last rosy kiss
Of the sunset
As it waves a lonesome goodbye
To its lovers.

"She lacks focus"
My parents say to eachother
In undertones I've heard coming so often
From the front seat.
I roll my eyes
At their attempt at secrecy
And turn my gaze back to the golden farms
Running beside our tires.

"You're very thoughtful,
Never stop appreciating the beauty of the earth"

My great grandmother says
Patting my hand with an understanding
I don't see often
Because she
Is one of the few.
Abaigeal Skye Feb 2014
Knock down your feeble tower of grudges,
They cause opponents no harm.
Resentment, no more than maming yourself
And expecting the latter to lose an arm.
Abaigeal Skye Mar 2014
If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then tribulation is the door.
The world will test you- mame you, and it is not the situations that you're put in that make you who you are,
it is your resilience.
Abaigeal Skye Jan 2014
White rivers
Etched into our skin.
They tell stories of battles we fought
And didn't win.
Abaigeal Skye Jan 2014
It's fine, daddy will walk through the door soon. You promised. But she knew he was sitting in the driveway, soaking up the light of the moon.*

Outside in a driveway
A man sits and waits.
His family has long given up on calling
Dinner is on the table.

They try to carry on as normal
Exchanging small talk
Work and the weather.

It's fine, daddy will be walking in soon. You promised. But she knew he was sitting in the driveway, soaking up the light of the moon.

Averting their gazes
From the fiery eyes
Of the tailgate
Shining beams through the window.

Wake up. It's not fine; it's cold outside and they need you to be alright.

He knows what he's doing
But truly he has no control.
All he is sure of is that when he comes home
He wants to be all there.
For the many who have lost their loved ones to the world.
Abaigeal Skye Feb 2014
I believe that everyone should be able to
Free their mind
From time to time.
Open up themselves to new possibilities,
Quandries they didn't know existed
With this new state of mind.

I have also seen the placid beings
That some become.
Hollow like the bottles
They have emptied;
White slate faces,
Echoing their constant distance
From reality.

I believe that everyone should be able to
Free their mind
From time to time,
But I have witnessed it's wrath
And I'm not willing to let you slip
Into mediocrity.
Abaigeal Skye Apr 2014
The echoes in your eyes chase around me,
the stationary winds of time,
whistling around warily.
Your expression says more than we care to say.
It's an expression of none,
of media res; drifting with a melancholy melody.
I'll never understand my resentment for you
that melts into infatuation whenever I look into your eyes.
Will we ever be anything but an idea?
Abaigeal Skye Jan 2014
A heat so intense,
it melted my heart.
When we touched, it was sweltering.
The sun from within set you apart.
You freed me from my flouresent prison.
Your eyes casting golden ray.
Melting under your touch.
I'm entranced by everything you say.
Abaigeal Skye Oct 2014
By: Abaigeal Skye*

The sun is in my eye,
Wintry breath upon my spine.
Spring in my clumsy step,
Falling into your seasons,
Each as divine.

Sprouting from the grooves,
Sidewalks melting moons.
Life dripping from the leaves,
Green driving away the blues,
Spiraling up with the loons.

Lapping at the heat they crave,
Rush by, lush grasses wave.
The earth bursts, untamed.
Eyelids flutter with robin skies,
As they rave.

Crackling ribs for kindling,
Omens for what wind will bring.
Eternal, infernal synergy,
Whistling through branches,
Weaving crowns for a king.

Crystallizing each shuddering breath,
Trees seem to whisper inevitable death.
Cheeks of primrose,
Sending crimson back,
Encasing the aftermath.

The sun is in my eye,
Wintry breath upon my spine.
Spring in my clumsy step,
Falling into your seasons,
Each as divine.
Abaigeal Skye Jan 2014
I'm a voice,
not an echo.
Everybody around me is letting go
of what they love
to please
their friends
Hollow beings
cover the world like
alabaster shells
trying to change their shapes,
to wedge themselves into the puzzle.
I am a voice,
not an echo.
Abaigeal Skye Jan 2014
A man reclines on 30th street's rickety sign.
He takes long drags from a dwindling cigarette,
Smoke melding to the crisp night air.
Pools of reflection,
Flickering in unison with the dimmed neon signs,
Abandoned dreams.
The veins of our city bleeding red with the misfortune Of failed artists,
Of profitable businessmen,
Of single mothers holding on by the skin of their Teeth.
Everyone, looking for a chance here,
Looking for a purpose,
An amicable place to drift.
As for the man blowing the scent of tobacco and Peppermint over this concrete maze,
Well, he is the city.
Abaigeal Skye Apr 2014
Beautiful things don't ask for attention,
That's why silent flowers boast so much dimension.
Does the sky solicit for your praise
When it brings vital rains?
And for what lauds does the grass ask?
It provides cushion for your ungrateful-
But us humans who destroy these beautiful creations,
We grab for the prizes and tear apart our nations.
Abaigeal Skye Dec 2013
Today I let the sun wake me up,
it's soft caress warm upon my face.
It was the last dawn of the year,
and I was still trying to find my way,
but looking out at all the happiness,
I searched for so urgently,
I fell into ease,
because I realized
all I was searching for,
was me.
Abaigeal Skye Feb 2014
His words, thick like honey,
Danced on the breeze
And sung sweet melodies
To drifting passerby.
Their timid laughs tainting the moment
With an innocent,
Yet malicious tenor.
"Just between you and me,"
You smiled as you intertwined
Your little finger with mine.
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