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 Feb 2014 Abaigeal Skye
Love in an open hand
And I am drowning in it
 Feb 2014 Abaigeal Skye
I kept all the photographs
We were beautiful and bored and weird, but we were comfortable
Trying to light cigarettes with a lighter that was out of fluid
Doing some drugs to make the world pretty again
Getting lost in our thoughts and getting lost in each other
Gazing at the world through the rearview mirror of his car
We had no idea

All we had, we lost
We were never meant to be part of the future
I looked at him and thought about the intensity with which I loved him
And yet, all I could hear myself say was, "We're not gonna make it"
Then he said it out loud
So I repeated it back
And we were so happy, so careless
We knew we wouldn't last so we laughed and laughed and carried on and kissed until our mouths were too dry and the day still wanted to last

We were beautiful and bored and weird
But we were never gonna make it
We never did make it
find someone who
makes you smile
laughs at all your jokes
calls out of the blue just to say hello
watches disney movies with you
brings you your favorite coffee

find someone who
holds you when you cry
tickles your back
makes you soup when you're sick
listens to sad music with you

find someone who
lets you be you
 Feb 2014 Abaigeal Skye
"Mental Illness"
Do those words excite you?
Look at me
I am a whirlpool of melancholy
I am a drain
I am filled with mania
I am a pulse
An endless flame
Of what perfect madness
I am every kind of fluctuation imaginable
"Mental Illness"
But I am so intimately rearranged
Put together in the most unique
And beautiful
And miserable of ways

"Mental Illness"
*I am so much more than that.
 Feb 2014 Abaigeal Skye
Running from the thunder
Hiding in the trees
Superstitious people
Your will is hardly free
Casting the unlikeliness
Of a loving killing god
Stolen from the pagans
By a crucifying mob

It's time to wake up

Worshipped on the mountain
Forsaken down below
Superstitious people
Fearing for their soul
Casting their inventions
Making holy war
Pretending not to notice
The ****** killing floor

It's time to wake up


Sound like
Godsmack meets tool
Traveler Tim
re to 1-18
"Is it possible to fall in love with someone you have only met once?"

I've only seen those beautiful blue eyes
they lit up my world
I've only heard your beautiful laugh
it was the most beautiful song
I've only touched your beautiful body
butterflies went crazy

"Is it possible to fall in love with someone you have only met once?"
what good is love
to a person full of hate?

what is trust
to a person always left behind?

what is hope
to a person always discouraged?

what is peace
to a person always at war with themselves?

what is life
to a person who wants to be dead?
 Jan 2014 Abaigeal Skye
He built houses out of
Tiny twigs
Along the etched lines
On the palms of his
Rugged hands
To give me somewhere
To call home again

They say most things are better,
When shared with another.
No one else comes to mind when I think of
The ideal and only person
I would be willing to share
All of my love with.
All of my life
My joy
My sorrow
My everything.
He* is the ultimate answer
Love is the ultimate answer
He and love
They are the same
And they are
In everything
In every ounce of my boiling blood
And every fraction
Of every fiber
In my timid being.

He is overwhelming
In the same way in which it feels
To be in a beautiful foreign country
For the first time
He is addicting
Like the first three
(And next four)
Cigarettes you smoke
After telling everyone you have quit
He is irresistible
Just like that
One certain scent
The one that always brings
A flashflood of memories
And feelings
And beauty
And safety
Back up to surface until
Every inch of your skin
Is tingling
With raw sensation
A thirst explodes out of
the deepest part of you
As it brings you back
To the very last time you ever
felt something so special

Which is exactly the reason
You will do anything in your will
To get
One more lungful
Just to bring you back
To that beautifully indescribable place
One more time

He crocheted me with kisses
And wooed me with words
Penetrating the years of fear and hurt
Built like a fortress around my heart
And sending every nerve in my body
Into a ****** tangent.
Under the right light,
It's as if I am adorned
With flowers

**Because of him.
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