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 Mar 2013 Aashna
The pit in her stomach started when she was 11,
Growing til she was 16,
waking up one day, afraid to live,
Bullied for 11 years, the whole time she was in school,
She knew she wasn't as skinny as other girls,
She knew she wasn't pretty enough,
It was proven.
when her first love left her for another girl,
Everyday she found out how useless she was,
losing friends for no reason,
Letting the pit in her stomach become darkness surrounding her,
Til the only reason she left the house was for work, and school
The only reason she left her room was to eat,
She couldn't let her parents be suspicious,
When she was 13 everything went into a down spiral,
experimenting with self harm and becoming addicted,
For three years she then dealt with the darkness,
Sweatshirts covering scars,
Words carved into her ankles
Hope being lost.
Her only way to vent,
through poetry,
Yet finding it harder to put words together,
Get the energy to type all the words she's feeling,
The only words she could find for how she felt,
Just plain sad.
So she.
I mean I,
wake up everyday, afraid to live,
But I still put on a smile,
So that everyone else doesn't have to  worry,
while I slowly die inside.
It may not be good, sorry, Just how I felt ya know?
 Mar 2013 Aashna
Cris R Costa
I feel your presence every day
When we are close you feel the same
Kissed me softly hugged me tight
I feel it but I have to lie

You are like a summer night
Like heaven or a paradise
Your heart is open your mind is free
You are the prince in my fantasy

But I'm not like this
I'm cold like ice
Hell and devil at the same time
My heart is gone my mind is closed

So run like crazy and get away
To save yourself you better find
A person who is worth dying for
Because we two can never be!
So forget me fast and don't waste a thought
But I will waste one every night
 Mar 2013 Aashna
Elfie Mac
Sit silently
hear the wind blow
the cars pass by
they move slow
sitting there silent
you hear the sound
an ambulance comes you pace the ground
as you watch yourself lay there hopeless
you try to scream out
as you see them come to your side
put you on the stretcher
take you and sigh
trying to fix whats been broken so many times before
now you await fate as they close the door
of the ambulance white with red on the sides
this is the last of your heartbreak
no longer will you cry
tears of frustration of his idiocy
*now my dear you are set free
 Mar 2013 Aashna
Kasey Lorenzini
 Mar 2013 Aashna
Kasey Lorenzini
Silently drifting
Endlessly falling
Finally settling
On your grave.
Copyrighted by Kasey Lorenzini 2010.
Work in progress: I don't know if I want to attach a title to this poem.
 Mar 2013 Aashna
I thought things were perfect
Naïevly tumbling in love with you
Tumbling freely and out of control
Until you ended everything so suddenly

Although, 6 days before it was over,
I  sent you a text, pouring my heart out.
I wanted to tell you I loved you
But thankfully, I refrained

I'm laying in bed now, just thinking, and you seem to be the main thing running through my mind. And I'm quite alright with that haha. But I'm just thinking about everything about you. Your hands, the way you touch me, your arms and the way I feel when you're holding me, your lips and the way you kiss me, the way you make me laugh, and the way we just go together. Everything about us, to me, just fits together I think. I am attracted to everything about you and I miss you all the time I'm not with you. And sometimes I can't believe I'm so lucky to be with someone as great as you. And I think that's why I'm willing to be in this crazy long distance thing. Because I see what amazing potential we have and how great we really are. Before we know it, you'll be home! And I know we haven't even been together that long, but, gosh, I just cherish you and everything you are to me. And I can't even really explain everything you are to me, because I don't even know if I fully understand everything you mean to me, but you mean more than you know. I'm so happy we are a part of each other's lives because being with you makes my life better.

How did you reply the next morning?
Not how you normally would have
Not at all.
No, you sent me pictures of snow

It's snowing!

And that was it.
6 days before it was over
You told me everything
I needed to know.

It was snowing there.
And here?
Here, it was warm and muggy.
But here, I felt the cold.

*It's snowing
 Mar 2013 Aashna
she liked

the idea of

being consumed

she sometimes dreamed of

being devoured

by the dark

and then she’d wake up

and realize

it wasn’t a

 Mar 2013 Aashna
Richard Jones
My mother never appeared in public
without lipstick. If we were going out,
I’d have to wait by the door until
she painted her lips and turned
from the hallway mirror,
put on her gloves and picked up her purse,
opening the purse to see
if she’d remembered tissues.

After lunch in a restaurant
she might ask,
"Do I need lipstick?"
If I said yes,
she would discretely turn
and refresh her faded lips.
Opening the black and gold canister,
she’d peer in a round compact
as if she were looking into another world.
Then she’d touch her lips to a tissue.

Whenever I went searching
in her coat pocket or purse
for coins or candy
I’d find, crumpled,
those small white tissues
covered with bloodred kisses.
I’d slip them into to my pocket,
along with the stones and feathers
I thought, back then, I’d keep.
 Mar 2013 Aashna
Thomas Wolfe
Oh, will you ever return to me,
My wild first force, will you return
When the old madness comes to
Blacken in me and to burn
Slow in my brain like a slow fire
In a blackened brazier - dull
like a smear of blood,
Humid and hot evil, slow-sweltering
up in a flood!
Oh, will you not come back, my fierce song?
Jubilant and exultant, triumphing over
the huge wrong
of that slow fire of madness that feeds
on me - the slow mad blood
thick with its hate and evil, sweltering
up in its flood!
Oh! will you not purge it from me -
my wild lost flame?
Come and restore me, save me from the
intolerable shame
Of that huge eye that eats into my
Naked body constantly
And has no name,
Gazing upon me from the immense and
Cruel bareness of the sky
That leaves no mercy of concealment
That gives no promise of revealment
And that drives us on forever with its
lidless eye
Across a huge and houseless level of
a planetary vacancy
Oh, wild song and fury, fire and flame,
Lost magic of my youth return, defend
me from this shame!
And Oh! You golden vengeance of bright
Not cure but answer to earth's wrong
 Mar 2013 Aashna
Sami Preshaw
I want to write a poem so beautiful
it makes your head spin
A poem so amazing that there is no more room for speech or higher sense of knowledge
only tears and feelings no one can quite explain
A poem that's fresh
A poem that's new
A poem that will wrap you up, take you in, and eat you from the insides out
Only to then spit you back, sitting there bare and confused
a gooey mess drenched in an unfamiliar substance
Something that will make the heavens shake
Make the earth quake
And make the boys and girls stop feeling like they have to be fake
Not this mere poetry
Filled with amateurs and over used rhymes
Cliches which would stop you on a dime
With only the first grade teachers and the proud mothers who keep reading
None of that
I want nothing to do with you or your hopeless dreams and unfulfilled schemes just wasting time making no use or yourself
I want this poem to take you by the hand, lead you through you life, whispering secrets and playful lyrics
And with it you should be able to taste the sky, hear the grass, and feel the night
But you already knew that didn't you
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