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 Jan 2021 ia
my pain
 Jan 2021 ia
Give me an ink
To drink
And I will ***** out my pain

All I need is a place to think
And I will sing
Out songs of pain

I wish I was an artist with brushes and paint
To picture down what is making me sink
In the tears of my pain.
 Jan 2021 ia
fake happiness
 Jan 2021 ia
she hides under her bed
and cries herself to sleep,
she wants a happy life,
but she hides what she needs,
though to many she may be joyous
and as many friends she has,
she still needs someone close
which she clearly never had
 Jan 2021 ia
month of january
 Jan 2021 ia
m-emories of the year past
o-n a day of new beginnings
n-odding head off to silent sleep
t-humbs congealed within the wintry chill
h-ours went by to the new year

o-ut the sheets
f-allen to the side

j-ust awaken from wintry slumber
a- crowd of children ran across streets
n-eighbors greet each other of the new day
u-nder the icicle drenched oak branches
a- cardinal chirped its lonesome song
r-elishing the piercingly fresh air
y-esterday's death, today's first breath
honestly one of my favorites of 2021.
 Jan 2021 ia
4 walls
 Jan 2021 ia
4 walls around me,
they start to close in,
i'm feeling insane,
i keep remembering
why i'm here,
i'm all alone,
i die of fear
when i should've known,
4 walls they're pulling in,
i've hurt myself
and i can't win
it's about the consequences of hurting myself
 Jan 2021 ia
 Jan 2021 ia
A deep loneliness
Falling in love with strangers
Feigned intimacy
my first Haiku
 Jan 2021 ia
 Jan 2021 ia
my new years resolution
comes out more like a suicide note;
all languid lines and
lists that won't mean anything to the dead

i'd rather swallow it than keep it
i can live with a few scars
idk. **** the passage of time.
 Dec 2018 ia
Behind the Scenes
 Dec 2018 ia
Is it your face
that adorns the garden?

Is it your fragrance
that intoxicates this garden?

Is it your spirit
that has made this brook
a river of wine?

Hundreds have looked for you
and died searching
in this garden
where you hide behind the scenes.

But this pain is not for those
who come as lovers.

You are easy to find here.

You are in the breeze
and in this river of wine.
 Dec 2018 ia
I Am and I Am Not
 Dec 2018 ia
I’m drenched
in the flood
which has yet to come

I’m *******
in the prison
which has yet to exist

Not having played
the game of chess
I’m already the checkmate

Not having tasted
a single cup of your wine
I’m already drunk

Not having entered
the battlefield

I’m already wounded and slain

I no longer
know the difference
between image and reality

Like the shadow
I am


I am not

— The End —