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 May 2013 A O'Dea
I Ask Myself Why Am I Thinking Of You So Much
For Sure
It's True Love
I Think About All The Beautiful Moments We Shared Together &
The Way We Touched In Purpose
Still Feeling You So Much!!!
I Still Think Of The Moment When We Touch
I See You So Clearly
Your Eyes
Your Mouth
Everything About You Is So Clear.
I Still Feel Your Arm Wrapped  Around My Shoulder
Our Hands Clasped.
I Remember How Wonderful It Felt The First Time
You Held Me In Your Arms &
How After All Those Months You Still Made My Heart Melt.
I Hear Your Voice Saying My Name & Making It Sound Beautiful
I Hear Our Conversations Over & Over In My Head.
I Missed Your Voice.
Will I Ever Get The Chance To Hear It Again Before The Three Months ?
What Has Happened Is Never Spoken &
What I Am Feeling never Get To Be Spoken
Since Actions Speaks Louder Than Words
There Is No Words To Say Directly To You
Simply ,,,
I Miss You, I Wish You Could See
I Miss Those Days When You Would Call Just To Say Hi , How Are You .
Saying Anything To Get My Attention
The Days Were So Nice
I Won't
Say Good-Bye  
Never Ever !
Because Good-Bye Means I Will Not See You Again
I Miss The Times That You & I Could Just Sit & Talk For Hours
Never Run Out Of Things To Say.
One Thing I Know For Sure
Is That Words Could Never Take The Place
The Place Of How I Feel
I Will Keep Saying You Are My Last True Love
The One I Love
The One That My Eyes Can't See Anyone Except You
The One Who Took My Heart
The One That I Can't Look At You Because Of How Much I Love You
Every Time I See You
I See Your Beautiful Smile
You Eyes Looking Deeply Onto Mine
  Feel Your Warm Touch
I Fell So Deep For You
Adore you
 May 2013 A O'Dea
Find a way
Each and every day
To remind me that you love me
Or else I will forget.

 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Robert Guerrero
I'm your father
I want you to read this very carefully
I want you to understand something
I love you
I will always be proud of you
I'm 17 years old now
You are just a thought
You do not exist yet
But I want to tell you this now
Just in case I never come home again
I love you
I want you to know
I wish I could be there for your birthday
Wrap the presents on Christmas
Give you the keys to the car
When you're on your first date
I want to give you the money
So you can buy whatever you want
But if circumstances arise and conflict that
Know my dear son
I love you
I will be watching over you
You are a Guerrero
A warrior
So bear through the obstacles
Stay in school
Get good grades
Don't make the mistakes I have made
Love ever minute of your life
It's fragile and still young
I want to watch you get married
Become the man I never was
Son I love you
You have made me proud
And you haven't even been born yet
Nor have I even consummated with your mother
But I want you to know
I am a part of you
I want you know nothing of me
Just know I am your father
That I love you
That I am proud of you
Son you have a bright future
Just never let anybody say you are worthless
Don't fight with your mother
She loves you
She had to adjust to taking care of you
I wish you never have to read this
Because if you do
Then that means I am deceased and gone
But know I love you
I wish I could be there to give you the things
I was never blessed with
I want you to know
I have been through a lot
And my biggest mistake I will make
Is not being there for you
When you come out of your mother
I want to cry when I see you
I want to hold you
I want to tell you I love you
Look into your eyes
And say "You're a better man than I"
Son I  love you
Never stop moving
Go forward and turn the world upside down
You made me proud
Long before you were born
Because you are my son
And I know you will go farther than me
Because you know I love you
Son Ti amo
Ask your mom what that means
You're not alone
I'm in your veins
I'm every breath you take
I'm you because you are me
You're my son
So son, go far
When it feels like a dream
That's when it is real

                                                 Sincerely, Your Father,
                                                              Robert L. Guerrero

P.S. I love you
Good night
Sweet dreams
Tell your mom I love her
Tell her good night for me
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Grant B
She's been sent as a test,
to see how I handle the stress.
That's my guess.
And I've handled her well,
as she seeks to discredit me,
get at me,
push all my buttons.
She pushes and pokes,
and provokes.
But I'm not going to bite,
'cos she's wrong and I'm right.
So I'm playing the long game.
Staying the same,
being me.
Unperturbed by relentless
attacks on my work.
And it's working,
I'm learning,
I'm earning my stripes.
Growing up,
showing up.
Being sure of myself.
Dismissing the thoughts
that seek vengeance.
To stoop to her level.
'Cos I've been there before,
and it didn't work out.
She can shout all she likes,
and I'll never shout back.
'Cos I'm better than that.
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
I want you.
I want to sit with you, in an apartment that's ours.
I want to buy furniture with you.

I want to eat Indian food with you,
and watch stupid sitcoms that are on tv with you.

I want to adopt a cat with you.
I want to read books while holding hands with you.

I want to cuddle with you for hours when it's raining outside.
Hell, I want to get caught in that rain with you.

I want to dance to my Frank Sinatra record collection.
I want it to be our collection.

I want to drive, really really far with you.
Like, really far.
I want to spend that much time in a confined space with you.

I want to run to Waffle House with you at three in the morning when we're high.
So, I want to get high with you.

I want to come home, to our home, and just be with you.
I want to sit down and file tax returns with you.

But, more than anything,
I want you to be happy.

So, if that means
you want nothing to do with me, then
I want you to forget me.

If you don't want to see me again,
I want to disappear.

If you want to run away from me, like I'm a problem,
I want to run in the opposite direction.

But, if one day,
you want me in return,
I'll be there.
You're all I've ever wanted,
and all I ever will want.
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Katie Lorenzo
I am more afraid of aging than I am of death
The process of dying does not begin when you develop a heart problem
or when you lose your ability to walk
The process of aging and the process of dying are the same
Once you hit thirty five your body begins to destroy itself
First your pigment stops working
resulting in grey hair and pale skin
Then the muscles in your face begin to weaken
and your skin fills with folds.
The next thing you know your skin is paper
and your bones are glass
and you must be careful about everything
and that is not living at all.
Aging and dying are one in the same
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
I am the
as you

I work in your community
I live in your world
I contribute
(too much)
to Capitalism
by frequenting your local stores
and buying
more items than
I need

I vote for your President
your Congress
your Governor,
I participate in politics because
I care
about the way
our world

And yet I'm not equal
I'm not "the same."

As if any of us even know what being
"the same"
means anymore

When I dated men you
applauded me, praised me

Even when I dated total
people said,

"Well you're just too good for him.
But you're such a great person for
being able to see past his
'rough' exterior"

I saw past
'rough exteriors'

And I was miserable
And I forced myself to
to be happy.
And loved
And love-ING.

But then
walked into my life.

had been there for awhile,
but I shoved the feelings to the side
because they're




Be with a man they say.
And I followed their rules.

Which lead to alcoholism
suicide after suicide after suicide,

Which reinforced the fact that
my life would be full of

And then came the kiss
(when my lips met her perfect lips)
that opened my eyes,
and changed my life.

Now, I may be
Frowned upon


There is no frown upon
my face.

For my world is

And I wouldn't change that
to cultivate the appearance of
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