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 Mar 2013 A O'Dea
A semicolon is used when a sentence could have ended but then was continued.
Take a minute and realize,
this is symbolizing millions of lives out there that have survived near death by suicide attempts.

You were my semicolon.

I remember that night clearly;
alomost as if it was yesterday.
I was sitting alone in my room,
a gun in my hand.
All of the pain was too much for me to stand.
Music was blasting.
Tears streaming down my face.
A simple note on my pillow.

Mom and dad please, do not be sad.
This was not your fault.
I love you, I just can't take the pain.
Please be strong.
Tell my neices I love them.
It'll be better of this way.
-Your daughter,

Suddenly my phone goes off,
a number on the screne that I have not seen before.
I decide to read it, thinking,
It's probably just another peorson telling me how useless I am
It would be nothing new to me.

I read the words you say,
to my surprise...
Someone actually cares.
I have noticed you have been sad lately.
I want to know whats up."

Wow, someone actually knows I exist.
Someone actually cares.
And better yet, it's the one I've been looking up to all season.*

Slowly I set the gun down

God knows how long we talked that night.
I opened up to you,
though, I barely knew you at the time.
That night, I never told you I was holding a gun in my hand.
But since that night,
I have never picked it up again.
Because I have had you by my side.
My semicolon in this crazy story I call life.
When the last memory says
I have to remember
all the layers that whisper in these rooms.  
My fingers become blind
to the passing warmth of years
my lips have forgotten
way too soon.

I always knew
the rambling name
of the nights when I smiled
at the voices of the stars.  
This is when I felt the air lingering
inside of a time
when I knew I could stand
where you are.

Faded hours fall
from my childhood scars
like solemn words set fire in streams
to all I speak.  
Still, I accept your arms
and give you all my love,
no breath of mine will sleep.

A knowing is left
like a sound subdued in my ear,  
and I savor the notion
that your words lie underneath.  
I read each line
one more time....until,
the end of us
is a tear
I'll never weep.
Copyright @2013 - Neva Flores - Changefulstorm
All I've ever wanted

is a hug and a kiss,

a shoulder to lean on

in times like this.

Funny how life is,

I can't stand to see myself now.

So if you wanna love me

just show me how,

because I didn't know then,

and I don't know now.

I'll just keep waiting,

for the right one

                   to come



      sweet sound,

             can you hear my words?

Fill her ear,

       with a sweet song,

              since all my words just hurt.

Caught in the moonlight,

                    that comforting touch

     yet again,


                   I've thought too much.

A telltale tome of the telephone ringing,

      spurred sad singing to a somber melody

Of solace,


             and sadness.

Silence thickens into walls of solitude

'Round this tender heart I hold on tethers

Searching for a light in the darkness

A sun to be embraced by the empty depths of a damaged soul.
 Feb 2013 A O'Dea
michelle reicks
and by that i mean
i am in complete awe of you.

and that's probably why i get quiet when i'm around you.
my brain shuts down
the only ***** in my entire body that works anymore is my heart
the beat quickens and
i can hear my own thump thump
desperately wanting to hold you close enough
so you can hear it, too

blood pumping to my fingertips,
wrapped around whatever i can get a hold onto
to keep from falling---

I get quiet around you
i am too engrossed in the feelings that you inject into me,
when you speak
when your gorgeous ruined torn up fingers scatter themselves across piano keys

just the sound of your voice
it seems to resonate in my ears

and i can't help but feel as though my heart might explode
from all the beauty i have stumbled across
in this otherwise, very lonely terrifying world
 Jan 2013 A O'Dea
F White
Vapo Rub
 Jan 2013 A O'Dea
F White
My body is not
a wonderland.

there is nothing
sultry about
A Cold.

'Come hither' with a
red nose?
Oh Baby...

Commentary on
Modern Music,
nearly halted by
an almost snot rocket...
Authority tempered
with a rasp.

"Did you know you could
DIE if you hold in a sneeze?"
9 year old anecdotal prophet's
looming outline, right up close to
my face.

messy  half-dreams under the
futile winter-hat Reality Shield in the
backseat of  Homeward bound
Economy Wheel Gathering.

**** Man Voice to

No sir, that's Mrs. White.
copyright fhw, 2013
 Jan 2013 A O'Dea
Nigel Obiya
I think poets are aliens… from another planet
I mean, we must be
You have to be off your rocker to get it, to understand it…
I mean, is it just me…
That sees it?
The way we took grammar, complicated as they made it...
And blew the rules to the wind, we decided to ‘breeze’ it
We made up our own… and as a sensible man...
I can say, they don’t even need to make sense
Because they are what they are… poetic and intense
I really think we are not human though… I'm being serious about this
We go around seeing through a third eye
I know because I am about this
And we are crazy I tell you
We see the art in everything
We probably came up with the phrase ‘an about kiss’…
Or an 'almost kiss'… whatever
‘It’s either a kiss or it’s not, it’s as simple as that’...
The rest of society thinks… oh, but the poet would have none of that
We are weird I tell you
Us artistic types
We open our minds to anything and everything
We even befriend the mystic types
We would take it there… or allow our curiosity to take our minds anywhere
We would experiment to a point where we’re tripping out
We would… and you know it, just as long as it’s something to write about
This creativity thing is like a super power… **** it!
I rest my case… arrest me and take me back to my mother planet.
They have us surrounded
Shocked and astounded
Bloodshot eyes weep tears
By the thousands...

I looked at you, and you at me
The most stunning beauty that I'd ever seen
The boots on the ground and drones over head
That was the moment...

That we knew for sure

They built their prison
But it wasn't enough
To contain two lovers
As in love as us...

I could feel your heart pounding
Lurching and leaping
As the door burst open
And the gas started seeping...

It was then that I held you
And told you there was nothing to fear
It is only a line, together we will cross
A love as strong as ours could never be lost...

I remember the sting of fire in my back
I remember your screams
Everything went black
And then we awoke, or so it seemed...

To an existence so beautiful it could only be a dream

You were young again
More beautiful than you'd ever been
That is when I knew that the old world
Was only a means to an End...

Now we can begin to Live!
 Jan 2013 A O'Dea
Brandon Webb
I wonder
as I sit bathed in the half light from the lonely bulb left on in the kitchen,
the dog the only other person awake;
does she feel anything for me,
any bit of what I feel for her?
am I even a thought in her head before she falls asleep?
like she often is for me.
Am I anything to her?
She is the one I avoid writing about
for fear that she will see it, she this.
this is only the second poem I've written about her.
but, wherever you are at this moment,
I want you to know,
before I go to sleep
that tonight, like most nights
you will appear, even just momentarily in my thoughts before i fall asleep
The time I save for positive thoughts
and hopes for the future.
and that hope is simple:
that you're hoping that I'm thinking about you as I'm falling asleep
Behind my smile is something  broken.
Broken from growing up in a place,
where my parents and I would have daily death threats.
They worked live-in at a group-home,
I had no choice but to live there among them.
From the age of 7 to current 16,
I've heard every word in the book,
had a child attempt to burn down our house,
in the middle of the night, killing us all...
I've seen my parents brake down in tears,
I've witnessed my family fall apart...
By the age of nine, I imagined myself dead...
I attempted to suffocate myself in grade 4.
I remember crying into my pillow,
but I couldn't bring myself to doing the act.
I still get urges, urges to drag the blade across the wrist,
the urge to tie the slipknot...
I wish I could end it all, the pain and confusion,
but that would help no one.
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