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 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Megan Grace
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Megan Grace
will always
be the reason
I don't think I'm
good enough but I
know I'm better than I
was four years ago. And
I think I'll spend the rest of
my life trying to prove to you
I'm bigger than how you made
me feel.
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
I think this is my last heartbeat...
Will you save me?
Or let me flat line at your feet...
You say you're scared.. well I'm scared to...
But so much we shared... Just to feel blue...
I would topple mountains... Just to see you...
Swim across oceans... Just to feel you...
You're turning me into sand...
A cold rock... Under your warm sun...
When you set... I want to run...
Hide myself in the night...
Away from your rays.. out of your sight...
But I know I will end up at your feet...
With my last... heart... beat___
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
In The Night
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
In and out my mind dives,
Rolling in the deep black of sleep.
You lay there beside me, alive,
But you are so calm and pretty.
The curve of your body is perfect.
It rises and falls with such flow.
In the night we are timeless beauties.
Two women side by side, we glow.
Woman madly in love, and passionate.
There is nothing greater, I know.
The soft rising of your chest,
Whispers such sweet sounds.
The way you lay is a masterpiece.
All the things you do an art.
The way you move, a perfect dance.
Nothing ever falls apart.
Beside me, my beautiful love, you lay.
Deep in the lost hours of the night,
My heart is happy with you,
And the strongest part of me knows,
It will be all right.
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
There are only so many times you can be broken
    before it becomes impossible to put the pieces back together.
       There are only so many times your heart can be torn
          before it becomes impossible to repair.
            There are only so many beatings you can take
               before you stop fighting back.
                  There is only so much tearing down that can be done
                     before it becomes impossible to be rebuilt.
                        There are only so many times you can fall
                           before you can't get back up.
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
There is a shore I stand on every day
and what's behind me?
Who can say.
A city of lights?
Music and gold?
A magnificent sight you must behold...
Or perhaps a forest of enchanted trees
that tell us riddles in whispered breeze.

But maybe behind me nothing exists
just branded coils that always persist...
To chain us to the past and leave
nothing but ghosts we can perceive.

I only see in front of me though, a sky of blue and mirrored below.
Whats behind me, none can say,
but I'll find out sailing back someday.
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Alicia Strong
I'm sitting here
in constant fear
of events
that are to come.

Warning signs
ring clear as chimes
and my body's going numb.

There's darkness at the edges,
of my vision
and my mind.

And this darkness truly comes for me
to take me home this time.

"You've been running for too long"
it says
"just stop and take a break."

but I know its just a ploy;
my living soul's at stake.

So I run.

I'm running through a labyrinth,
full of broken bones.
Following a winding path
full of empty homes.

I recognize these places;
they're from my recent past.
They're people who have helped me,
but they left me pretty fast.

I have no one else to turn to.
and no where else to go,
so why do I keep running?
My feet, they start to slow.

I've come upon the end
of this horrid maze of bones,
and here's to my efforts:
I have nothing to show;

except my scars.
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Robert Guerrero
You shot me with an arrow
It hurt like hell
But no amount of pain
Could even come close in comparison
With the pain I would feel
For the next several months
As the wound from your arrow
Never could heal

The woman I fell for
After your arrow shot me in my chest
Couldn't reciprocate those emotions
And you wasted your last arrow on me
Cupid, you cruel *******
Why did you make me suffer?
Why did you shoot me with that arrow?

You see I wrote her
A total of 46 poems
Almost 100 love letters
Sent her 38 Valentines cards
And it wasn't even Valentines day
It was the middle of June

Cupid, you cruel *******
You put me through 8 months
Of pure undesirable hell
And every night
I contemplated your ******
But then something happened

I fell out of love with her
And fell in love with somebody else
I don't write to her as much
I haven't wrote her a single love letter
And the reason being
She doesn't love me anymore

Cupid, you cruel *******
I have cracks in the cracks of my heart
I have flaws in the way it beats
I hate you and what you symbolize
I hope you rot where I put you

See I realized this thanks to you
That I'm better off alone
No one to love
And no one to love me
Its better for me and other people
If they don't grasp my heart again
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