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 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
JK Cabresos
Never ask a girl if she likes you or not.
Make her fall in love.
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Kiss me hard and kiss me deep
In the morning I shall not weep
Ease me into heavy slumber
Restless thoughts shall not wonder
Your smile I have never told
Melts my heart to liquid gold
Whisper softly in my ear
The melodies I want to hear
Tug and bend delicate strings
Conduct the song that my heart sings
Release me from your grasp, my dear
Unless you long to hold me near
Disguise, a tactic you learned best
Unsynced rhythm in my chest
The never-ending symphony
Morphed into a catastrophe
Bitterness and a vague answer
Diagnose me with a deadly cancer
Chants of demons in my head
My quaking body fills with dread
Falling debris from the ledge
Standing at a quarry's edge
Flying through the stolen night
For the first time I can see the light
Drown yourself in the guilt
Demolish walls you carefully built
Intent destruction I never will forgive
Because I had to die to live

Any ideas for a title?
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Glory days
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
When we were little kids,
Those were the glory days.
We all had aspirations.
Our little hearts would speak to us,
And tell us exactly what to do.
In our little world,
Nothing was impossible.
Our day consisted of nothing more than
And living.
We had broken arms,
Not broken hearts.
And boys weren't worth a single tear.
We could play without worry.
Live without care.
There was no such thing as evil.
And everyone learned to share.
But I've noticed as we grow up,
We loose our most important values.
We forget how to forgive.
How to treat others equally.
How to include.
How to, quite simply,
I want to go back to when I was a kid.
And stay like that forever.
As our years grow greater in number,
We take a reality check.
We realize how fast the clock is ticking,
That our days just keep getting
Fewer and fewer.
It really ***** to grow up.
No one wants responsibility or wrinkles.
But it's all just a part of life.
It's evil,
But we have to learn to deal with it.
We have to actually grow up,
And act like adults.
Transform into the boring,
We were destined to be.
There is no escaping,
This horrid fate called
"Growing up."
But I don't think I'm quite ready yet.
And I don't know if I'll ever truly be ready,
Because I will always know,
In the back of my mind,
How innocent,
How pure,
How caring,
How complete
I used to be.
I want to be young forever.
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
I wish I did not have to be
perfectly politically correct.
I have a serious fear
of offending anyone.
I am so tired of being the one
who preaches love and harmony.
I wish that people would just
******* get along for once.
I am the one who has to
break up the arguments.
I am the one who cannot deal with
my own qualms because I can be vicious.
No one would believe it;
that I could be a raging *****.
But I definitely can.
When I get on that nice long tangent
When words just pour out
not a full stop, barely breathing.
No one has truly been
ripped to pieces by me.
I hold back.
I know I could hurt someone.
I know this because
I have been hurt before.
I am afraid of letting myself go
because I will hurt someone.
But I pull the emotion in
and don't do anything.
I wish I did not have to be the person
who sets an example for others.
I wish I could just be kid.
I wish that I could be myself.
I don't think that I
am actually this "PC".
I don't think so
I hope I am not because
that would make me too good to be true.
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Socally Picter
It is not the sound of sunsets smashing every night.
They die over and over for that makes them amazing.
A story that is not done is not yours to tell.
Ride with me, take my love and crash like thunder.

You're only reckless until you're wise.
The day ends so the night may begin.
What we'll do with this God only knows.
What we'll do with this only God can forgive.
I'm trying something new. I do not know if it shows, but that doesn't matter. I write for me. not you dear reader.
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
What a pity
You disappeared without a trace
What a shame
That I can't forget your face
You should know
You tore my world apart
You left me with a black cloud on my heart
The wind blows hard
I still feel the raindrops stinging
I need escape
From the emptiness it's bringing
You're like a storm
You rushed in like a hurricane
And left nothing behind
But damage and pain
There are nights
I wake up fighting mad
You threw away
Everything we had
And I must admit it took me by surprise
When I saw the look of leaving in your eyes
But the eye of the storm is passing through
And maybe some day I'll get over you
I'll rebuild myself stronger than before
But there's still a lot to weather in this storm

(This was actually intended to be lyrics, which is why the timbre of it is off.)
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