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A Mess of Words Sep 2019
To think

That in the end

We were


A Mess of Words Nov 2015
until the waves stain red the shores

we will not hear 'peace'

we will only hear 'more'
A Mess of Words Mar 2020
And last,
there was Maria.

Her birth fell outside
the natural timeline of
all the rest of her family's affairs.

She may have called herself
'an accident.'

I could never make that connection.

She was the closest thing
to passion
I have ever known;
aside from childhood nights
beside an indifferent and well-fed fire.

She was terribly shy;

until she


handed me (only one) of her keys.

I wonder if it was ever
for the lock upon
her august heart.]

But she sang and she danced
and she ever approached me boldly.
She drew me out of myself
and brought me to wonder.

She even whispered with passion,

daring to share with me
her stately dreams.

And it goes without saying
(though I'll write it and lament)
she kissed with such passion.

She was above and beyond
any other girl I ever loved (...few)

I loved her.

I loved her,

almost enough.
This is not what I'd call a poem. It is rather a lament, during this time of crisis, to remind myself that I once cared for someone of great worth. This was also written without editing. Feel free to not send me any critiques.

(passion in this writing is rather of joie de vivre than of lust)
A Mess of Words Aug 2018
I'm a child in the warmth of your laugh

And as aged as the pillars of the earth

I'm at every point I've ever been
     and never been

I'm coming together
     completely undone

You've altered the course of my story

I will never again breathe normally

You're every chance I have to take
an unedited writing from 2014, about her
A Mess of Words Sep 2020
I’m no longer
Allowed to dream
As the children did
Before the war
Cursed them with age and care

Firework nights and
Midsummer hammocks
Swaying in a sultry breeze
Have all been spent
On days doled out
To pilgrims who came
Before me

Swift now falls the hammer stroke
Too soon is spent the day;
Dreams burst forth, but wither soon,
That golden were,
But cannot not stay.
hello goodbye
A Mess of Words Dec 2020
I see the multicolored Christmas lights:

A kaleidoscope galaxy

Glittering in your wide eyes.

You are taken with wonder,

And so am I.
A Mess of Words Apr 2019
I'm eager to

Lay her down


Eat her up
Feeling amorous again, 10w
A Mess of Words Aug 2018
I remember

her voice would quiver

like paper lanterns
dancing in some
foreign nighttime glow

I fancy

I knew that sweet tremble

at a tea ceremony table
beneath Chinese skies
many years before

it first caressed my ear
A Mess of Words Jun 2018
i start out brunch with a double *** and coke
and consider the three bottles of long aged scotch
in the back room on the bookshelf
waiting for my palate to mature

meadowlark song beyond the bedroom window
the grey curtains drawn but sunlight still leaks in
the whole place a weird cool haze
on a soon-too-hot summer morning

i wash socks in a small white tub meant for dishes
the laundromat could save so much time
but some strange weight overcomes me
some unspoken dread lingering

it's a cruel thing to admit
often what i miss most about you
are all the places i never actually kissed

the summer days leave me
dappled by the burning sun
the heat paws at me and sometimes
being this mess i am
i imagine it's simply you
apologies, i don't want it to keep coming back to you
A Mess of Words Jul 2021
We partnered up

With our grandest fears,


Our lonely thoughts,

We danced about

A cobwebbed room,

And never gained there

What we sought.
A Mess of Words Apr 2021
About the age of ten

My eyes ceded innocence

And have thus been

Blind ever since
A Mess of Words May 2021

I broke apart last night.

I broke

Over broken promises,
Failed friendships,
Innocence undone.

I broke
Over this last lost year
With all its fear.

I broke
After losing you,
And learning
Where you now are.

I broke.
I simply broke
A Mess of Words Oct 2019
Already the leaves are brightening
In bursts of orange and red, and
Swiftly separated from slender branch
To dance across the busy streets,
Where they will lay
Like dimly golden harvest grain,
And soon too the rains will change
Until mornings dawn with
Foggy street lamps flickering;

Gems of the celestial storehouse
Nestle about unwavering evergreens,
And in a moment of earthly quiet,
Whisper the soft echoes of hope, tarrying.
A Mess of Words Apr 2017
balancing on open palms
a choice between
whisky and coffee,
for neither

at this hour

is necessary,
but either
at this hour
seem right
A Mess of Words Sep 2021
Glorious morning;
The fog has lifted, and now
Fishing boats are out.
A Mess of Words Sep 2018
In between
Dusky alleyways
Hang strings of the
Monday morning wash.

Here wealth and without
Are thus reconciled
By this common chore,

Strung up at either side
Of the bone-broth shop
And the opulent five-star
A Mess of Words Dec 2020
She demanded attention



Begging understanding;


I failed.
A Mess of Words Jun 2021
Every Sunday afternoon

I curl up in this half empty bed;

I replay the memories

I’ve rewritten in my head

And sometimes whisper

Unheard prayers of shame.

Maybe I’ll eventually reconcile

You’ll never again speak my name.
A Mess of Words Aug 2018

I've hardbound copies of

Tasting Paris



side by side.


I don't want some

"delightfully delicate" fusion

of these

opposite ends of the earth.

In equal measure

I am torn in two

and thus

it seems

my name

holds true.

All this world's time

is not enough.
A Mess of Words Feb 2020
I suppose

I'm supposed

To be scared;

But how ought I,

even were I  to die,

when I have done

as few men have dared?
This has surely been done ten thousand times over.
A Mess of Words May 2020
I may beg

To cradle your tender *******,

But if your heart is withdrawn

And your hand is not mine,

Then this is naught

But lust

And such desire is strong

But lastly tastes of dust.
A Mess of Words May 2020
I am not

looking to

kiss a million girls once.

But to

kiss one girl

A million times.
what a pathetic, frank admission.
A Mess of Words Feb 2020
This bed is far too big.

There is no beauty being adored,

No lips being kissed,

No limbs being caressed,

No festive mingling.

I am left with naught but

Lukewarm bittersweet memory.
A Mess of Words May 2021
How long now has it been

Since we met up, just to end?

How many months passed

Since last I brought you flowers?

But second chances now belong

To the moments long since gone.

Memories raised up on false hope

Remain bittersweet, and hold no power.
A Mess of Words Aug 2021
She breathed in


And exhaled

Nothing less than passion.
10w again
A Mess of Words Apr 2019
It was a striking dance between us
that night you
pulled the secrets from my sinews,

you sought all my darkest mysteries
and nearly pierced my soul

oh that we then let go.

there are no words left to me
to admit
how I long to see your eyes again,
and plunge back in
to that stunning storm

what can I say?

though now you are
beyond my hope,
my true heart has
never let you go.
just regret

she has grey eyes, how can you compare anything to them?
A Mess of Words Jun 2020
To be

perfectly honest:

I'll never



a regret.
more 10w nonsense, or 10w something
A Mess of Words Feb 2020
I want to be spring rain,

Dancing gently on you.

I want to be winter snow,

Melting at your touch.
A Mess of Words Jun 2019
We ask

'am i?'

He says

'I Am'
A Mess of Words Jun 2021
She once

Shook me

With eyes

Beautiful as a storm,

Terrible and wild;

With eyes

Widened by innocence,

Tender as a child.
A Mess of Words Jun 2020
Far removed from family,

I flounder:

I fear

I'm failure.
I have nothing to give back
A Mess of Words Apr 2018
Seattle scent this Denver night
Hazy are the city lights
Away in flight sets her plane
But I below am kissed by rain

Below by rain, kissed am I
As her plane takes to the sky
Lights now dimmed by city haze
We yet count our numbered days
A Mess of Words Sep 2019
I can’t stop thinking of you
Since that first night
I pressed my lips against yours

You trembled
In such a manner
I felt I was trespassing
Along the edge of innocence

But I trembled too
For I know I was trespassing
Along the edge of integrity
A Mess of Words Aug 2019
This summer seemed to take an age

To finally fully blossom;

And there, within, the smallest things

Have burst forth truly awesome.
A Mess of Words Mar 2020
You are as the fog to me

From a distance I can see

But as I near

You disappear

Till then I look far behind

To see that you have passed me by
A Mess of Words May 2020
I will not

Strip you apart

As the childhood folly

Of a ‘she loves me,

Loves me not,’

neither my right nor my aim
A Mess of Words Feb 2014
See the stories in the snow
Footprints, and the ways they go
Side by side
And all alone
Setting out and going home
A Mess of Words Mar 2018
it seems the focal word is simply 'survive'
as if any of us get out alive
and all these suits think they determine my brothers
by little more than all our skin colours
well at the end of the day
we wash it all away
and after all our years
we have to leave this place here
it's not just about the desire to survive
what good is that if we cannot thrive?
beyond the ***** and *** and ****
we all have within a fierce unmet need
till the day he calls and bids our blind eyes to see

don't give up here
don't give up now
don't be a coward
don't be so proud

stop fearing love
as if it were some mere emotion
fools lean on such notions
like propping foundations
against ocean waves

let's not take all these petty things
to the edge of our graves

some of us get a hundred years
of swiftly burning days
some of us get more or less
before we must continue on our way
and it's not nearly
enough time here
so let's not take all these petty things
to the edge of our graves
just a bit of quick thought
A Mess of Words Sep 2013
I wait beneath a marbled sky
where darkened clouds linger high
Ready to relinquish rain
to this dull and dusty plain
One more day here will I chance
but I will dream in dreams of France
A Mess of Words Dec 2020
We tangled
our fingers together
As wayward
tree roots in the soil

We planted
In questionable

We blushed
A Mess of Words Jan 2019
I gave her a circlet
of sea foam pearls
from Hanok Village

perhaps some might think it
an expression of how
I felt engulfed in her loveliness

it was merely
a gift

A meager means to share my heart

I suppose

she kept both
A Mess of Words Nov 2020
Wine no longer makes heart glad

Bread does not satisfy

Here alone in darkened room

I sit and wonder why
A Mess of Words Aug 2021
Dozens of scars

Laid upon her arm;

Her smile

Sudden as dawn;

A fractured heart


A song that

Ever goes on.
A Mess of Words Sep 2020
I was born into
This disjointed world,
Already heartbroken;
And given only
Sixty years or so
To reckon therein.
A Mess of Words Apr 2021
Spring takes an age to bloom

Summer fades in an afternoon

Autumn lingers in brown and gold

Winter steals in and never grows old
A Mess of Words Sep 2019
I’ve seen Seoul at night,

From miles high,

Gleaming like a hoard of gold.

But I’ll stick with the countryside,

When I return, when I’m old.
A Mess of Words Feb 2017
Rains are rare
Upon these plains
Near Tornado Alley
Snow more oft
And winds blow
In this little valley
A Mess of Words Jun 2020
Here in these words

Perhaps I have shown:

I am but a soul

Longing to be known,

Yet this is no revelation

And I still find myself

Because what is the point of ‘poetry?’
A Mess of Words Oct 2020
I could spend
Four hundred
On you,

And never touch
The same place twice.
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