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 Sep 2014 a maki
We are looking for reasons to look at each other
Like the rain wasn't already enough to incite our souls
Like the oceans weren't vast enough to make us question
"What exactly are you trying to avoid?"
"What exactly are you running from?"
And our need to find exact representations of what we are trying to say
when the weight of the darkness is heavy and the pressure in the air
like the tension in our lungs isn't already enough
Because describing the ocean without considering
rapid currents and forces pulling us in the direction
that drives us away from one another
Walking in silence trying to avoid the clump
in our throats when the nothingness of all things is aching
Reaching out but not searching hard enough
not looking at the longing like it's the only thing holding us together
"What exactly do you want?"
"What exactly are you trying to fight?"
When you're close to what you want and you're separated
by blistering tornados that want to blow you into smithereens
Like you hadn't already tried running only to realize
you were running from yourself and your secrets
Thinking that maybe you weren't trying to convince yourself
of things that you're not even sure you understand
Because understanding means letting go of
the things you never once believed until now could be yours
"Where exactly will you go?"
"What exactly do you want to see?"
And the exact measurements the seamstress
tried to tell you about burn your eyes
The stinging in your hands and the burning
of trees isn't going to reduce the danger factor
in looking for cracks in fine China
"Do you have anywhere to go?"
"Do you have anyone to run to?"

 Aug 2014 a maki
nicole smith
I don't know how many times I have tried writing you a letter to explain how much I adore you.
But after two hours of just writing, I have realized not a single word can be placed in my mouth to describe my admiration for you.
I do adore you. I really do.
And I wish you were here right now, so I wouldn't have to worry about finding words to describe the joy you have placed in my heart.
And I wish you could place your hand right above my chest and feel my heart beat when the thought of you crosses my mind.
I do adore you, but you cause me so much pain.
I crave the feeling of your hand in mine.
And if I only had one memory for the rest of my life, I would want it to be of your smile, because nothing makes me happier.
I want you to stay.
I want to kiss your cheek.
I want to wrap my arms around you.
And as much as I do adore you, all I want is for you to adore me too.
 Aug 2014 a maki
Danielle Shorr
I keep old movie stubs in my pockets
Concert tickets
Loose mints
Half pieces of gum
And the fortunes from cookies I ate at my favorite chinese restaurant
The one nestled between a church and a thrift shop
I keep an abundance
Of miscellaneous items
I like the reminders
What was important to me at the time
And even though
I keep these things
I am not a hoarder
I am a collector
Of memories
Of moments
Of past that I refuse to let go of
I hold on
Much longer than I should
Fold every sweet second
Into the palm of my hand
And save them for later
Saving the sun for overcast days
Saving light
For nights when the darkness is too much
It is my memories
That keep me alive
But the same ones
Could very well
Be the death of me
I am a collector
Of both things good and bad
I hold on
Much longer than I should
But happiness
Does not have an expiration date
And there is always reason
To reflect
To smile
At a piece of paper
A picture
A note
That once held significance
People change
Locations change
But inanimate objects
Stand still even when time does not
I am a collector
And I am attempting to preserve
The fading.
 Aug 2014 a maki
Emma Pickwick
She was the kind of beauty that was not to be heavily applied and caked,
She was the kind that rolled over in untucked sheets the next morning with a slight glimmer in her eye, and a rosy tint to her cheeks.
The kind with long eyelashes, and a wardrobe full of cotton striped tee shirts.
She was gentle, sweet, and told ***** jokes on car rides home.
She was the kind of beauty you find in low budget indie films,
The kind that warms the pit of your stomach when she walks in a room,
The kind that didn't strike twice.
 Aug 2014 a maki
a letter
 Aug 2014 a maki
these are the things
your mother never taught you:
someday you will break down
at a  traffic light, and you will
call your dad and cry and
it will be okay
you will fail math class
your first try, but eventually
you will get it right
some days you will feel burnt,
knuckles bruised and shoulders
shaking; you're too old to cry
but when no one is around
you will lose it
one day you will meet a girl who
changes everything, a girl who
looks at you like she believes that
under your skin you are
an ocean
under your skin you are
an ocean
i wish i could make sense for you
 Aug 2014 a maki
Bruised Orange
I cast my words into the sea.

You drop anchor,
retrieve them with your net,
And whisper, "*******,
You are not dead."

Your faith in me is a buoy
In the ocean of my disbelief.

Still, I flail against the waves
Of disconcerted effort.

"My talent has drowned," I cry.

Yet you pull it from the depths,
Pump your own warm current
Into these collapsed lungs.

I gasp, and spew salt water verses
From my sea foam mouth.
Doubt not, O poet, but persist. Say, 'It is in me, and shall out.' Stand there, baulked and dumb, stuttering and stammering, hissed and hooted, stand and strive, until, at last, rage draw out of thee that dream-power which every night shows thee is thine own; a power transcending all limit and privacy, and by virtue of which a man is the conductor of the whole river of electricity.

~ Emerson
 Aug 2014 a maki
Karen Newell
 Aug 2014 a maki
Karen Newell
She wove a ring of Magic
and wore it like a crown.
Dancing in the Moon light
when no one was a round.

She wove a ring of Magic,
a spell that no one knew.
She casts it over Mortals,
the ones she wants to woo.
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