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 Oct 2012 a maki
James Ellis
Though the tides still turned
my heart and soul burned
when I thought that "We:"
*will most likely never be...
 Oct 2012 a maki
I dare you.
For one month.
Find something perfect about yourself.
Not unique.
Not odd.
Not ugly.
Not weird.
Just perfect, in your eyes.
The only eyes that matter.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
So behold your own beauty.
 Aug 2012 a maki
Emelia Ruth
She has hair
and even though
she has the face of an angel
and a heart of gold,
she can't be a natural beauty
according to the world.

The waist line of her dress
on her
long torso
falls a couple ribs short.

A couple seconds short
for 1st place.
She will push and push
getting her short legs
to take her as fast as they can go
and get in
4th place.
Not a natural runner
that's for sure.

But her legs are strong
and so are her hopes,
she won't stop running,
she won't stop trying.
She will keep pushing
to get through the barrier
that's almost as thick
as her stubborn skull.

In that cranium
she will jam
of school work,
pages of blank notes
into one night.
She wakes up the next day,
takes her final exam,
and comes home with a
barely passing
No, definitely not a natural student.

But she will take that D
and make it something
something worth looking at.
An object more than just a letter,
where lines to her
are perfect and proportionate
and can flow onto the page
at her own pace.

That big red D
on that paper of black and white
now looks like a unicorn
jumping over a rainbow
that emerges from the depths of the ocean of

Her parents look at the paper
and say
"Wow, you are a natural artist,
but you know what that gets you?"
"What?" she asks.

But she is the girl
with the short hair,
the long torso,
and short legs
that carry
the biggest heart
and the thickest head.
No matter how unnaturally
things may come to her
she will keep going
with a huge smile
on that angel face of hers.
 Jul 2012 a maki
 Jul 2012 a maki
I've been searching these deserts
I've been rummaging through my closet
I've been eating more than usual
I've been spontaneously bursting into laughter
I've been attentive
I've been regularly missing taking my anti-depressants
I've been crying hard all at once (expectedly)
I've been very extremely me

This is okay - this is okay
Thank you life
I'm okay.

I'm at this airport and it's like a chorus
The people go up the ramps
Fly away for 3 days like Horus
The returner's come home now
Waiting families embrace them with love
Jumbo jets zoom outside these giant windows
Visitors, excitedly saunter
Into this new and open place...

And this is okay
Thank you, thank you airport
I'm okay.
This will be my last update until I return from my vacation :) Fittingly.
 Jul 2012 a maki
Katrina Wendt
 Jul 2012 a maki
Katrina Wendt
Stop showing
You love me
A little at a time.

Stop saying
You care
Bit by bit.

Stop keeping
Me here
For tiny pieces of time.

Because I need
All of you
Not piece by piece.

I love
All of you
Not just some parts of you.

So love all of me
All the way
All the time.

Or let all of me go
All at once
For good.
A daisy picked for You
Such a massive sun
I was blinded
But the petals healed me
In time
Your joyous limbs
One by one

Nóinín a phiocas

Nóinín a phiocas Duit
Agus ba ghrian chomh millteach sin é
Gur dalladh mé
Ach chneasaigh na piotail
I gceann na haimsire mé
Do ghéaga áthasacha
Ina gceann is ina gceann
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