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A C Mar 2015
The truth can ****.
The truth...
Something no one,
Wants to hear.
Something that can rip you apart,
Piece by piece.
My heart was ripped in two
The truth ruined my life
It has caused me to think
Am I worth something to somebody,
Am I worth the time and effort,
Am I really human?
Are we just puppets,
In a world
Much smaller then it is,
Or are we alone
Is this small world?
What is truth?
What is life?
A C Feb 2013
I dont have anyone for this weird day.
They say you need someone.
I say ***** it I can be all by myself for at least one day.
But can you last one day without me.
A C Jun 2014
Is that all that I'm going to hear my whole life
They tell me to wait
To just wait a little bit longer...
I'm so sick and tired of waiting
Waiting only brings me troublesome thoughts
As I sit here typing this and waiting
I'm tearing my eyes to shreds
Soon my heart will be cold as the darkness inside of me
Please don't make me wait anymore longer
Don't make me go through more pain then it is
Just tell me to go and I'll go forever
I'll leave and never speak again
I'll delete everything and go.
A C Apr 2013
Why do you have to leave me all alone.
Just because it runs in your family doesn't mean that you have to leave to.
I don't want you to leave I miss you even when your right down the hall from me.
Why do they need you they already have taken so much from me.
I have lost my father and my grandfather they were in it to.
They do not have to take you from me.
I really don't want you to leave me.
I love you and I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life.
I hate them for taking you I wish I could have given this to you before you left.
But now I can't because your gone.
I miss you my love I really miss you. :'(
A C Apr 2013
Why now you tell me you like me out of all the times I have flirted with you & tried to get you to notice me.
You liked me that whole time.
Why didn't you ask me out I was waiting for you to say something to me.
Why didn't you talk to me.
We could have been together forever & had so much fun but now we can't because you are miles & miles from me.
Now I relize I was stupid I didn't say anthing to you but now I wish I could turn back time and talk to you so then we could have been together forever.
A C May 2013
Be who you wanna be, no one can stop you except yourself.

Choose your own path, no one is forcing you to choose wrong or right.

You choose your own fate, not anyone else.

Your true enemy happens to be closer then you think; go look in the mirror it will show you, your one true enemy.

The mirror is a powerful thing, it shows the real you.

The mirror never lies.

To you, your a monster but to me your a wonderful person who just wants to be loved for the real person you are.

You are who you are don't try to change for someone who doesn't love you for who you are.

Why do you not smile, because you think your not beautiful, well you better start smiling because you are beautiful to me.

Start showing your real colors & not the persone someone makes you to be.

I love you for the person you are & not the one you choose to show the world.
This poem is my very first one. I hope you guys enjoy it. :)
A C Apr 2013
The young pup has much to learn.
It has so much to learn untill it is all grown up.
My young pup just take it slow.
Don't rush life just let life come to you.
You don't want to grow up just yet.
One minute your wanting to grow up.
The next lifes a pain in the ****.
My young little pup don't wish to be grown up.
Just live life untill the very end.
On my dying breath take my hand and hold it close.
For my final wish I don't want you to be grown up.
Your still my only and my very young pup.
Every mother goes through this when their little pup grows up and leaves the home.

— The End —