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Feb 2014 · 1.5k
liar, liar.
sayona Feb 2014
liar, liar pants on fire
lying for you
must be a natural desire
you twist people's words
and manipulate one's mind
you persuade them
into giving you
an unbreakable bind
is it pleasant for you?
messing with people's heads?
and messing with their feelings
tearing them apart and to shreds?
does it give you ephoria,
happiness or joy?
you're probably laughing right now
you just treat everyone like measly toys
well i will not be another
no i am no Pinocchio
you will not try to control
me by lying,
it will not result to so
you can run along
with your lies
and all of your deceit
i will not be taken advantage of
by 26 letters
i refuse to taste defeat
i literally had to run to my comp. because i was in the kitchen and i was teasing my friend saying, "liar, liar. pants on fire." and this precious idea for a poem popped into my head.
*first time that i rhymed in forever*
Jan 2014 · 505
sayona Jan 2014
don't you dare put me on a bookshelf because you have decided that you may not want me now, but i may be a good alternative later. i am vintage, something that you should be appreciative of. but to me it seems like that is everything that you're not. yes, i am old and my leather on the cover is beginning to crack, but doesn't that make me more beautiful? yes, my edges are torn and frayed but that doesn't that just mean to treat me with more delicacy? and yes, the binding is falling apart and tearing at the seams, but doesn't that mean you should take oh so better care of me? and not just throw me on the top shelf carelessly just because you think i am useless, because i am not. no matter how many times that i thought that i was, i am far from that. i am a treasure. that someone else will gladly be able to discover. i will captivate someone, at least one, with every page, and every one of my letters, jumbled together to create words in black and white. yes, someone will cherish me and hold me near and dear. and that someone may not be you, but **** it, if it's not. please give me away to someone that will.
i was feeling inspirational for once. how quaint.
sayona Jan 2014
i'm clingy.
you can't manage to love someone that always happens to stick onto you like fresh fallen snow on the bottom of your snowboots or pounding water that adheres to your skin in a shower. no one wants someone who they can't shake off and get away from a little. but with me, i will try my hardest not to let that happen. because i can't even fathom the thought of you walking out that door and never coming back.

my brain is like spaghetti.
my thoughts are always messy and all over the place. it's extremely challenging to sort everything out so i don't even try anymore. everything just jumbles and mixes together and you can't really differentiate one strand from another. and my grandmother always told me that guys don't like messy girls.

sometimes i'm just a really sad poem with feet.
i get into moods. moods where i think everything is wrong and that i'm useless. no one likes girls like that. boys like confidence, right?

i'll try to make a home out of you.
and you can't make homes out of people. but i don't think that'll ever get through my thick skull.

you don't know how to love me.
no one does. no one has quite been able to figure it out.
and i think you're okay with that.
i honestly think this ***** and i might delete later

Jan 2014 · 418
sayona Jan 2014
you're pacing in the hollows of my mind like you don't know where you're supposed to be. but it's with me. (you just don't know that yet)
Jan 2014 · 530
brick wall.
sayona Jan 2014
i keep punching at this brick wall.
and i know,
that i cannot knock it down
with such fragile hands
but that doesn't cease my hands
from striking its surface
cuts and bruises
decorate my hands
spilling out red, crimson fluid
my knuckles are black and blue
and maybe even a little purple
my hands are turning numb
and i'm beginning to lose
all feeling
but i think i may like it
i feel them coming
back to life again
so i strike harder
clenching my fists.
gritting my teeth.
closing my eyes tight
i don't really
see anything now
just a world of
pure and utter darkness
(but i'm not scared)
and i know,
that my efforts are pointless
and that i am hurting myself
way more than i am
making progress
of damaging this wall
even a little
but i keep at it
because after so long
of feeling nothing
i want to feel something
(even if it hurts)
sayona Jan 2014
i didn't know the true definition of writing
or that i happened to be good at it
until about 693 days ago
when my teacher asked us
to write an essay
on what we knew about best
and the only words that i could create
from my trembling fingertips
was words of torment
and aching endeavors
i didn't know that i liked poetry
until about 462 days ago
when i found an old book
lying in the corner of my friend's room
and picked it up and started reading it
                Listen to the MUSTN’TS, child,

                  Listen to the DON’TS

                  Listen to the SHOULDN’TS

                  The IMPOSSIBLES, the WON’TS

                   Listen to the NEVER HAVES

                   Then listen close to me—

                    Anything can happen, child,

                    ANYTHING can be

i didn't know that poetry was my outlet
until about 498 days ago
when you slipped in between
the spaces of my fingers like water
and no longer looked at me
like you craved my presence
and ached for my lips
i didn't know that i was in love with poetry
until it held me in its hands
and grieved along side me
when no one else would
is this okay? i fell like it's not..
the italics is a poem by Shel Silverstein. ♥
Jan 2014 · 795
my favorite book.
sayona Jan 2014
you were like my favorite book
i read you from cover to cover
and adored getting to memorize
all of your words and phrases
i placed cute, little bookmarks
in between the pages
on which i had stopped
and folded the corners of the pages
that were my favorite
and that i wanted to read over again later
i highlighted my utter most favorite quotes
that had tumbled from your lips
(that i admired)
and underlined all the things
that you claimed to hate
but that i
truly cherished
i read in between the lines
of black and white
and figured out your true feelings
when you covered yourself in a mask
and made everyone around you
believe differently
i kept you
and read you over and over
time and time again
simply for my own pleasure
my cat climbed on top of you once
and he rolled over onto his belly
and he started to purr when he saw
just how much you lit up my eyes
and my my smile brighten
but it's kinda sad
really sad actually
that you were my favorite book
because for me
you were a story
that i wanted to cherish
and changed a little every time
i had read it
and i loved it even more
each time i did
but to you,
i was nothing but a line
not even so
merely a word
that went in one ear
and quickly out the other
edited a million times.
i hope it's okay.
Jan 2014 · 595
sayona Jan 2014
i've always been oddly quite good with numbers
but i think i've gotten better since you left
it has now exactly been 489 days
since your awful, agonizing, piercing words
tumbled from out of your lips
and it's been exactly 489 days since you broke my heart
and shattered it into a million insignificant, microscopic pieces
that i'll probably never be able to piece back together.
inspired by pale moonlight. her poetry is great.
Aug 2013 · 775
we are more
sayona Aug 2013
we're not this worthless piece of a soul floating around
and inhabiting one's body
this body is just something temporary for our souls,
our true beings to occupy for a bit of time
we are more than this ***** filled and flesh covered beings
we are made out to be
we are more than what we think
and what our minds will ever let us to believe
we were all made, and created,
and brought alive for a special purpose
that we may not ever know in our lifetime
we were made to affect, and to change, and to love
and to feel and to think
there's always a little bit more to us
then we could ever imagine or dream
no matter how bright we think we are,
we're always a little bit brighter
no matter how shy we think we are,
we're always a little more outgoing
no matter how heartless we think we are,
we're always a little more loving
no matter how brutal we think we are,
we're always a little more gentle
no matter how much that we think we are worthless
and that we are nothing
and that we are unwanted
and that we're not special or loved
we are
because we're more than that
so much more
we will always be more
and i don't think anyone will ever comprehend their true selves.
because we're just too tragically beautiful
for anyone to ever understand

- S.O.
sayona Aug 2013
i see the twinkle of hope in your eye
when your body crumbles to the ground
and when your eyes sag a little at the corners
and when you mumble, "I no longer belong here."

i notice how you want help
when you push me away
and reject my hugs
and don't listen to my advice

i feel the warmth and beating of your heart
when you say, "I feel no more."
even when we're miles apart
even when your skin is ice cold

i see beauty where others see nothing


— The End —