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 Mar 2013 å
Bound To Fall
 Mar 2013 å
I dream the dreams no one can see
Pressing my fingers against my wrist
To feel the spaces between my heart beats
Attempting to even out my breathing
I just feel so lost now and then
Can't really set my feet on the ground
Floating up towards the sky again
Rendered speechless by my own head
 Mar 2013 å
He had given me some bittersweet stories.
All spoken of him leaving.
He says he always misses me.
He says that's why he has to go.
The void keeps growing.
Every night it's tearing at my chest; a hole.
And I'm trying to come up for air.
I'm trying to take control.
I'm not listening, and I'm not fine.
I said "you're not from this planet."
But really you're not from mine.
Like a beautiful supernova.
Something too heavenly to keep in.
old/revised/billy/my love/memories/
I'm glad he stayed.
 Mar 2013 å
Help me take on this world of woe
I know I can't do it on my own
While people are fading and changing
I'm a permanent fixture, watching, waiting
Run your fingers down my back to keep me fixed
Eradicate my distractions with every kiss
And I'll put my hands to your face
I won't waste this precious space
I think we can do this if we are strong.
Standing in the middle of this surging throng.
© Amara Pendergraft 2013
 Jan 2013 å
Feeling self destructive
How does one feel so?
I wouldn't know how
But I know how it goes

I'll get ******* at everyone
Turn of the telly and cut the tube
I'll say to myself, "I'm ******* done."
And I'll not sleep, like normal

Music won't do its good deeds
I'll smoke half a cigarette,
But put it out & do some speed
I'm just kidding, I don't do speed

I'll grind my teeth a little
Feel my eyes tighten into suspicion
Play the world's smallest fiddle
For my own sorry ***
© Amara Pendergraft 2013
 Jan 2013 å
Flowers bloomed where you traced your fingers.
They grew as if fed by your caress.

And slowly, I became a garden.

My bleeding red Dicentras fluttered, as your hands lingered.
Tuberose & orchids twisted together, covering my dress.

Your words sprung up fresh new buds.

But Lavender began to spring up from the words you planted.
And from my eyes began to sprout begonias, purple and dark.*

I realized that you were not willing to accept that I couldn't grow orange blossoms.

You & I knew my soil wasn’t able to be enchanted.
So I clipped all of my flowers, and shot the lovely larks.

You said I wasn't worth tending. Was I not?

*You kicked the dirt and ripped up the last of the lilacs
Dicentras - the heart
Tuberose - pleasure
Orchids - delicate beauty
Lavender - distrust
Begonias - deep thoughts
Orange Blossoms - fertility
Lilac - first love

© Amara Pendergraft 2013
 Jan 2013 å
Jay Jimenez
 Jan 2013 å
Jay Jimenez
Glow in the dark
Sharpie markers
Red Bull
4th dimension
hyper being
Nocturanal Drug Fiend
Best Friend to the Speaker
Middle Fingers
 Jan 2013 å
 Jan 2013 å
i think there's a person,
who lives inside of me,
a person who i've never met,
a person i call Z.

and when I am feeling happy,
like nothing can go wrong,
this other person who lives in me,
decides to come along.

Z takes my happy thoughts,
and throws them on the ground,
and when i try to sleep at night,
Z spins my mind around.

if i am having normal dreams,
of planes, and rain and things,
scary night-time monsters
is what dear Z will bring.

many people tell me,
how to fix myself,
they want me to take my issues,
and store them on a shelf.

the doctors all tell me,
the same thing, over and over again,
just pop a pill,
and take a spill,
into a place where there's no pain.

and then dear Z, he hides away,
in a place solitary, and confined,
instead of finding his way out,
he hides inside my mind.

until i'm fine,
and the doctors say,
to stop the pills,
i'll be okay.

but then here comes dear Z again,
he shows up at my door,
the minute i pull myself out of the haze of drugs,
he twists my mind once more.

you see the pills,
with all their thrills,
cannot get rid of Z,
for they don't know,
that despite the odds,
Z is really me.
they tell me its depression, but i think it's just my mind.
 Dec 2012 å
I feel the resin
Coat the inside
Of my lungs
As I say,
"Do not mistake
Me being
As me being
A pushover."
© Amara Pendergraft 2012
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