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 Apr 2013 å
~peach heart~
 Apr 2013 å
So soft and plump
I want to throw up
Cobwebs clinging
To my skin
Glowing and fading
So delicate and
Locked up
Holes and spirals
Of where bugs have
Made their nests
My chest blooms
And my heart
Swells with
Evanescence - the event of fading and gradually vanishing from sight.
 Apr 2013 å
Kristo Frost
 Apr 2013 å
Kristo Frost
carve the words
"right" and "left"
deep into your wooden wrists
backwards, if you want
just make sure you can feel them
so you can't forget
how many letters
went unopened
or how red the ink must have appeared
as it bathed the roots
of so many solitary trees
This has changed significantly since I originally posted it...
 Apr 2013 å
Kristo Frost
 Apr 2013 å
Kristo Frost


my name is unannounced

but i come hearing a sweet beat for you

and it flows like




specifically the green kind

but that’s too far off topic to matter

to us so




by sitting in an armchair

imagining the world to come

though it looks so




you'll be pleasantly surprised

to find the glass can never be too full


even though we settle too soon


love it for three weeks

and then rename it

to forget how




it really is inside

but the puppy’s made of painted glass


of life i’ve wondered

what we want

while it certainly is challenging

there must be more than what it seems


lets examine

our lives when we were kids

we find bruises scrapes and cuts

and your goldfish Tim

he likes to swim in circles cause the world's too big

but he only swims clockwise cause he’s missing a fin


now he


speeds up


grows legs


takes form


and he


gets lost


plays God


gets born


but he loses sight of clarity

and succumbs to the apathy

of time in all its brevity

at every opportunity to




to the Jell-O whose convictions seem far less firm

as they softly fall on flowers wearing    f r e s h   s n o w




i’ll be missing you for years to come

on lets go fishing we might catch us something *******’


why don’t we just pretend everything is fine


why don’t

we just take a number

get in line


why don’t

we search for truth inside our blackest lies


how else

to lend true purpose to these fading lives
 Apr 2013 å
Kristo Frost
i walk

brain dragging

behind me

(a suitcase)

this is what i have

this is what i know

this is what i am

did i leave my oven on?

will my apartment

(along with my neighbors)

be spent cinders

when i return?

a line of yellow tape

a shyly raised hand

this is all i have

this is all i know

this is all i am



(out of room)

(out of time)

(out of spite)

(out of rhyme)



rummaging through my suitcase

on the sidewalk

for my key

(if it’s yours

you have to prove it)

this really is all my




pushing past my


looking beneath my


i find the only thing

i ever really had

in a place where it can never be turned to ashes

i am all i have

i am all i know

i am all i am

seeing it safe

slightly scuffed but still intact

(contrary to cruel conveyancing)

i wrap my heart in a dying thought

building a fortress of drying observation

around a charred husk

of burnt-out hope

applying it firmly

between clenched teeth

(edging out gravity with pressure)

behind zipped lips

still, i walk

brain dragging

behind me

(a suitcase)
 Apr 2013 å
I'm not cold enough to collect lovers like shiny objects.

Yet, I'm not warm enough to keep one close, funny.
© Amara Pendergraft 2013
 Apr 2013 å
I remember it was after midnight.
Everyone in the whole town were at home asleep.
I walked on the empty streets of Main.
I felt as if I were on a stage.
Such a strange world it felt at that time.

And you were there.
 Apr 2013 å
I will wrap up my scars in a bouquet      I left a jar at your window

lay them gently on your door step    filled with sighs and cigarette butts

ring your doorbell         so you could get high in the morning
and runaway            off of my sleepless nights of          
                             ­ boredom and sadness
can you dig it? it's bad, i know this.
Oh, yeah two separate columns are two separate poems.
 Apr 2013 å
 Apr 2013 å
He says faces come out of the rain.
Well, I'm still waiting.
All she wanted was to be free.
Now she's the wind;
now she's inside of me.
Oh, and she was too good for this world,
and that's why she left.
Leaving us in wonder.
She's shooting to the stars.
Now her vibe is buzzing my bones.
Out of her body, she won't fall apart.
The world was too cruel, and life was never fair
for a girl who was so wild and too stunning to bear.
All she wanted was to be free.

She is free,
*she will always be.
for my dearest friend. I understand as much as I can.
 Mar 2013 å
For Brooke
 Mar 2013 å
It's a permanent solution for a temporary problem
I wish you could breathe another breath
But, for some reason, instead of that,
You chose death.
And I'd love to hold you tight, shake your insides soft
As if filled by a million crashing waves
Every friend would whisper in your ear,
That you could live a million days.
*And that it wouldn't, couldn't, be bad all the time
© Amara Pendergraft

It's so sad to see you go,
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