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239 · Jan 2020
Jay Jan 2020
You know what’s crazy?
The older you get,
You will understand that things are temporary
Now you probably wondering why I said “temporary” and what, or who is,
Life is temporary,
We literally live to die
It’s like when a flower blossoms it’s so beautiful
Come back to it in a month..... DEAD!
The flower lived it’s purpose and,
so it must DIE

People are temporary,
Can you remember the little girl or boy you played with in summer camp,
Think about it,
Or the person you sat by in class when you was in school,
I believe that people are introduced in your life for a specific purpose,
Once when it’s finished,
The person is now temporary

Relationships are temporary
This is tricky because it will always be a handful of couples who make it forever,
But the word forever,
is *******
I remember When finding someone was my biggest goal as a kid
To have that ONE person till the day I die
Move a mountain for them, sacrifice for them, be there backbone, be the man of there dreams.
That is so much ******* because when you die the relationship is over...... “TEMPORARY”
Relationship now in this generation is now looked as a duty,
If you don’t fulfill your significant other duty,
They lose patience and start to blame you for a lack of
Happiness In the relationship
The minute they start thinking this,
The relationship is temporary because they already thought of ending it with you,
Forever is out the door and you can kiss that dream goodbye
Finding a diamond in the rough is impossible,
And we have social media to blame for that,
because it molds you into thinking of how a typical world relationship should be
Instead of thinking what you want

People are easily influenced by the world and other people ideas
We lose the trait of our own morals and what we want as a man or woman
Which leads to everything in this world.....

— The End —