My sister
is a signal fire
until she finds
someone to
rescue her
tell me why
the sky turns red
whenever I touch it
I watch her
burning out
across the sand,
crackling flames
spitting at me,
then crumpling
into ashes
tell me why
the sand turns to glass
when I bury my feet
She disintegrates
into pieces, blowing
past me in the wind --
I could pick her up,
replace the freckles
on her face, but
the only way she knows
is pushing me away
tell me why
my loved ones scorch
when my hand comes near
My sister
spreads hostility
like wildfire, turning
my own tongue
into a lick of flame
We trade insults
like red-hot peppers,
the bitterness congealing
on our tongues
*tell me why
you loved me once
only to turn me away
Partially inspired by one of my favorite poems ever: "Ophidion", by the lovely Gabriella Vogt, which you can find on this site.