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432 · Feb 2018
Untitled Internet Of Things
Zing amA Feb 2018
Dusty music box
tucked behind
a bookshelf
that could have been
well read
instead shrouded in cobwebs
At the foot of the shelf
sits an old typewriter
faded oil canvas
the back drop for
boxes of all shapes
sizes and mildewed states

Journals, memoirs and autobiographicals
Classic fiction even a thesaurus
all packaged away in storage

A lonely guitar longing to be strummed
The once grand piano
silent now
A saxophone minus a reed
TV's and vintage consoles
even a few dolls

Its all there all packaged in storage

When reality went virtual the sensual became obsolete
355 · Jan 2018
Luna Orbitor IV
Zing amA Jan 2018
find the full moon
the most alluring
I  prefer the fading slivers of the waning moon
that last flickering of a dying light
342 · Feb 2018
Zing amA Feb 2018
Its all gone wrong
major tom
Boomers singing
never gonna give you up
Just another day tucked in bed
Paradise can wait
Mummas teaching a course in free thinking
she won't be in till after ten
Pappas off perming mullets
all weekend
he's a successful business man

Questionable fashion and a lack of common sense
Less said about this decade the better
Who was  raising the kids?
337 · Feb 2018
War Of Realities
Zing amA Feb 2018
The rift between man and machine
    that inevitable clash
with the steel beast
System failure of humanity
  rather lack of
empathy towards human beings
and more sympathy for the artificial
Intelligence cast away for the  lazy convenience
  of virtual living

The war drums are sounding

must never
mix with
Zing amA Feb 2018
to you
holding tightly, dawn peering
through the curtains
We fit each other well
like a fine tailored suit
You and I through thick and thin
oh have we seen some things
scaled our share of mountains


I like these calm moments shared with you
290 · Dec 2017
Many a jest said in truth
Zing amA Dec 2017
Look up
he cried
What happened son
The sky once was blue
and clouds
looked a lot like bunnies and elephants
Now its just a horrendous
tic tac toe soup bowl

You know Tyler and Sophia
are at it again
off making babies
Planning that inevitable uprising
when the block chain will be placing us all
in tiny zoos ( about the size a pixel needs)
with rifts for the eyes
After all
one eye makes a ruler in the land  of the blind

Ever wonder if electric sheep dream of escape from the matrix?
Zing amA Feb 2018
Like a recycled sitcom plot
The clock sits stuck
at two to twelve
Nothing new to see anymore
All our childhood heroes
have been flogged to death

The dead litter the halls
heads devolved
of originality
free thought
free will
Its better this way

— The End —