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 Feb 2014 Unknown
Daddy D
Just Wait
 Feb 2014 Unknown
Daddy D
Its not who you've been with,
Its who you're able to be with.
Don't let your past impact your future,
You are better than you think.
Gain confidence and self esteem and look to a happier future,
You will find someone who cares for you like no one else ever will.
Just wait, don't rush into anything,
Time will heal all wounds.

*Even a broken heart. Just be confident. Know you can do better and you will.
 Feb 2014 Unknown
Connie Nicholls
Writing is safer, I feel

Because letters looped together can flow fluently

Through pens, not speech

They can stand their ground when my legs give way

And words written down don’t get stuck in my hand

Like they do in my throat

They can’t stutter, can’t stumble

Like my tongue when I try to steady my breath

And no one can tell if I’m laughing

         or crying

                     through written words alone.
 Feb 2014 Unknown
Jai Rho
Black holes are only temporary
says Stephen Hawking in reverse
and the deathly grip of gravity
is released before finality
extinguishes identity
from the Universe

He must have found that memory
can survive a voodoo curse
and bring back sanity to
a world of unreality
before some tragedy
takes you away
from us

— The End —