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Oct 2020 · 143
Stuck in my head
Yoni Oct 2020
And it hurts so much
When I feel the way I do
And realise I shouldn't
Like I gotta fake how I feel
And hide my emotions
Or face them head on
And not stop til they're broken
Life's a old arcade game
And I'm a token
I keep getting reused
When I wish I'd just get stolen
To play another game
Bc this one's broken
And I know it's not me
But I still feel like I need to be fixed
I'm in pain
but nobody hurt me
In my brain,
I keep on hurting
It's the same
Who's to blame
Nobody but myself
Oct 2020 · 66
Yoni Oct 2020
A lot of giggles
Some unnecessary
Some aimed at things that I wouldn't normally laugh at
All because I met someone new
Is it because she's really cool?
Or maybe it's been so long since I've talked about myself
Or maybe I'm a ******
Or maybe I like her a lot already
Or maybe I need to relax
I don't know
This **** is unnecessary to spend my thoughts on
I should forget about it
I probably won't

— The End —