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Ylang Ylang Mar 2019
Infinite opposites, contrast to the character,
angles. Slicing the character(object) into millions of layers

Then these layers are to be investigated
in entire spectrum of light by the observer, a curious,
precise scientist. The adept of air, fire, earth and water
dwelling high atop the tower - Wisdom house; the Temple of Elements.
Ylang Ylang Feb 2019
What does it even
     to be dead?
Ylang Ylang Feb 2019
Went to an old abandoned house,
Chilly, wooden, dark & vacant
    I stoked up the fire

  the heat went up.
Ylang Ylang Jan 2019
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   Adorn my shatter'd skull
with mandala

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Ylang Ylang Nov 2018
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Rusty bullet went through my thoughts
in a windy haze of mind.
Taken aback, I turned my head
To see a figure of a bandit,
With his smoky gun held high,
Pointing straight into my eye
   A duellist
                an invader
A ghost straight from borderlands   
Relentless soul
  coming after me
Ylang Ylang Nov 2018
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I watched it all
Sink calmly
Into december night sky
Like a turning page

Magical mesmerization
Of icy stars
Glittering in frozen time
Stay here, be in it
Fade low, dark
Let the time run
Through the crystalline web
Ylang Ylang Nov 2018
Meaning of accomplishment?
To get a title of "Mad Genius"

"Such personality couldn't have formed
in a single lifetime.

   -He said, as the other one
was lying in bed,
squirming and mumbling
outside, blooming inside
                       feeling sizes,
colours, seeing things that can't be seen.
Ha! This cave is   i n f i n i t e!
Aren't we                   All mad?
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