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The music plays
Her body moves
All eyes on her

The attention drives her.
Lust her second name
Her conquests being across all.

Each one thrills her for the night
but leaves her cold in the morning
Her heart aching silently

The prison she created
It keeps her heart protected
but leaves her money as revenge

A man knocked down her walls
understood her pain
Warmed her in the morning

Life being vengeful
killed the man she loved
her passion dying with him

The attention now is her poison
as she lets men have her body
but her heart cold and alone

Once more
Just push a little bit harder
Just stay a little bit longer
Just work a little bit harder
Just breathe a little bit deeper

Just sit for a little bit longer
Just stay still for a little bit more
Calm your nerves
Get ready for the push

Just a little bit now
Just wait
till the gates open
and the trumpet calls

One, two, three
run, run fast and run hard
Run like your life is on the line
Just a little bit more
Just last a little bit more
It was only an hour
60 minutes of pure terror
the unknown of what would happen
the uncertainty of who would live
the chaos in each mind

One drew their last breath.
One pulled a trigger
One body fell
One survived without a scratch

You scream at what I didn't do
How your family was torn
How I didn't save your child
But while you cry yourself to sleep

I lay awake
unable to shake that day from my mind
replaying my actions once more
The weight of taking a life
by a single, simple, action

Your family can grieve a stone
mine becomes terrified of me

three people died that day
only two bodies were buried

So why are you demanding my job
when I still have nightmares of that hour

one simple hour

that changed more then just your life...
I should be happy
to celebrate
count down the days for their happiness

I should be happy
to enjoy their company
to embrace their warmth

but I don't want to see them
not because I don't like them
but for the pain I have

the knife in my gut twisting with every smile
with every side glance
every small loving smile
I hold it together from snapping

from crying out in agony
from screaming at the unfairness of it all

Because how can I tell them
that the love they have
the love that will last
the love I tried to explain

I was yelled at by a 21 year old upon our first interaction
and venom over child games
left deep cuts that scared

And the love they have
the love I see on them

I once held so delicately

so while they get to celebrate
and enjoy a wonderful night
and work every day to be better

I will be on my own
with the empty hands covered in scars
still hoping that something will happen

still hoping a miracle could happen
while I sit and see the name in stone
Don't let them see the tears
Bite the lip
change the emotional to physical
Perhaps the taste of blood
might shock my system awake
or pull it further down

Just one more moment
Keep your eyes down
just incase the form
maybe no one will notice

maybe no one will notice you
and the pain you carry
when you walk through the building

Hide it with a smile
a tilt of the head
get them away
from the broken mess
you're about to become
I was already down
Having the negativity swirling in my head
and then you had to push me further

Its ok
everyone punished the wounded anyways
I should be working
I should be up and moving
and yet
I'm sitting here
looking at the stars
wondering how far they are from me
and wondering how I can get to you

ride a shooting star
forget everything for a night
finally hold forever in my hands

but I just sit here
looking at the stars

of you
Slowly you'll fade
Slowly I'll skew your memories
Slowly everything will be as it was

Distance between us
Awkward silence when were near
And the knowledge that we are strangers once more

Your creator got her way
but broke two hearts instead of one
So swift, so sweet, so ruthless

Now I will lay my head to sleep
Holding you in my memory

until leaves near die
and the sun always shines
I wish you the best

so I kiss my hand
and blow you a kiss
a farewell my little devil
Little black blade
So sweet
So sharp
Would anyone care
If you bled red for a night

Swift you would cut
Painless the cut
Red river flowing
A wind stopping

Little black blade
Lodged in a heart
Of hope and dreams
When life only delivered pain and misery

Little black blade
End it tonight please
Too thin
Too fat
Too caring
Too much hate
Too small
Too tall
Too bright
Too dull
Too smart
Too dumb
Too stupid
Too young
Too new
Too old
Too meak
Too strong

All lies I tell myself everyday
But I know their lies
Then how do I stop a cycle of self hate?
Repetition of those before us
A guide to what will come
So pure and beautiful
Yet can be callous and harsh
A simple thing
So small in the world
But can change it
Even still
An echo of past
An echo of the present
An echo of time itself
Simple yet powerful

Life is but an echo

So what is your echo?
I thought seeing a copy
was just one instance
but it is happening again
makes me wonder
if this is lifes way
to show me
the people I used to know
are doing well in another life
that their happy
with what has happened
as I never see them again

Oh, to be able to say
you know a person perfectly
and you've just met
oh what a gift
oh what a curse
to stay
Its funny
how we can take something small
and make it huge

or take ones inncident
and make it our story
skewing to what we wish

oh simple life
so simple to pressure
one way or another
Last night was full of pain
the agony of pulled ligaments
broken bone
social battery dead
Accepting that the fail would happen

Early rise
hope in the air
body still healing
but just numb to the pain
Fill the tank
grab a bite
only a $1 left in the account
till next week

The road long
traffic hell
the misty sprinkles
making me aware

Read to keep the mind at bay
Count down the time
act like nothing is wrong
despite the eyes

Put on the mask
same as before
"Hi how are you"
"No thank you, have a good day"
The environment still

but smiles and laughs soon filled the air
Getting a glimpse at what once was
filled the heart with hope
of finding it again

Walk out smiling
happy and fun
not admitting the prayers
that this could be the one

Body exhausted
Lack of food and sleep
sleep the day away
then the nightmares will stay at bay

A single call
clarification on already determined decisions
"We pick you, can you do it?"
Joy beyond compression
the body unsure what to do
after being numb for so long

Is this really happening
is this a dream
has the skipping meals
late bills
and fear of going under

finally found the light at the end of the tunnel?
I sit perfectly still
my smile perfect
as everyone looks at me

But when I am alone
I break
and speak words no one will hear
not because they do not care
but because I do not worry them

I sit and let silent words hit the floor
each the fear of broken trust
because some
It was a fluke we spoke
At least that is what you thought
But the outcome was never your choice to make

A chance I took weeks prior
A day I hold close
A day where I went back to the beginning of my pain

I spent a hour alone
Looking at the carved stone
And having you on my mind

Part of me wanted to jump in your car
And have another fling
Part of me wanted to run far far away

But I sat and ate
Counting down the hour I gave
And thinking

A secret I hold close
A secret I made
A secret I will take to my grave

I thought about telling you
But the pain of realization
Might have tainted your view of us

So I swallowed my fear
And walk with my demon in hand
Never to leave it again

But yet I was still kind
Letting your heart pour out like a river
Only too keep you away

Though my heart sang once for you
It no longer does
Just as a bird will not fly back into a cage

I hope you read this
Understand the meaning
Learn the mark you have left on my heart

A voice no longer I hear
A devil I no longer fear
A secret to the grave

Find peace
My little demon
And let the light shine once again
My little demon
Look how much you've changed
You've finally started to grow

But your roots are buried in the past
Holding tight on memories
that are slowly fading

In your cold cave
you sit and cry
longing for a past that will never come

A past where you were loved
A past where you were happy
A past where you chased me away

Snappy demon
Angry demon
Resentful demon

All names for you
labels others gave you
but I didn't

My little demon
forever in my heart
no matter what you think

But the time for crying is over
Now you must walk
walk away from me

It's time to let me go
My little demon who haunts my dreams
I will never forget you

Take my teachings and learn to live
Stop being stuck in limbo
For your sake, please

let me go
so you can live
Anthony this one is for you
So young
So bright

Little sis
So smart
So little

Little sis
So sad
So confused

Little sis
So scarred
So abused

Little sis
Big sis is here
To protect you now

Little sis
Put down the knife

I got you now
It's going to be ok
Dedicated to my little sister when she is going through hell at such a young age
I thought it would be fun
I thought it would be relaxing
I thought

I never thought you would walk
I never imagine I would turn a corner
And you would be gone

Tears dried into fear
Anxiety birthed a drive
To find you

You save me
And I lost you
How could I live with that

Thankfully you went home
Thankfully your not hurt

But how do you live
With almost losing
The thing that is you reason to live?
A single kiss
A single touch
A single hug
A single feeling

I wish for one
It has been years since last I felt
A feeling of belonging
And now I long for it

Long to be touched
Long to be desired
Long to be loved

Could I ever find a happy ending
In a world full of missery?
When the nights are cold
And loneliness creeps up behind

When the air is crisp
And the night sky still

When the flowers bloom
And the birds sing

When the reality hits
And your no where to be seen

Your name on my lips
Through the tears and time
I still wish it true

But as I accept the cold emptiness of your absence
You get to embrace another

"Was it worth it my flame?"
I stay awake
Thinking of one
While another sleeps

Longing to feel wanted
Wishing to be held once more
Wanting to remember
What it ment to be safe

I lay awake
Unable to sleep
Creating false realities
Just to help me feel

Perhaps another level
Or another page
Might help in this
Long night ahead
My heart pounds
my nerves spread the fire
My mind is chaotic

But I remain calm
Sit perfectly still
as I look at you

The shell you've become
makes me sit
and look back

look back at the man you were
look back at the courage you had
look back at the love I had for you

I smile at the memories
as I stand and walk away
because looking back

is all I have left of you
"Do you still care about him?"

As easy as a breath the truth came from my lips
as easy as a heartbeat I spoke

admitted how your memory still lingers
not because of a book
or hope
but because you accepted me
for me

Never asking for change
never demanding modifications
never asking anything
but to be loved the same

And we loved
through the nights we loved
through the ups and downs
through the hell we raised
through the peace we shared
we loved

So when asked a simple question
not a moment later the word came from my lips
so soft
but so powerful

One day I will find you
One day you will find me
One day

but that day is not now
nor is it tomorrow
or the day after

One day
I will find love
Can I be loved?
Am I defective?
Is there someone dreaming of me?
Are you going to leave like the rest?

Can you love me?
Such a fickle thing is love
for one it's simple
for another it's their dream

so simple
so complex
so pure

for one it might race
for another it beats
but still pumps blood just the same

Yet for one
its not the mater of what happens
but the time instead
Everything has been slow
except a gifted mind
and now
everything is moving like a bullet train
How I keep up
is a mystery in its own
But slowly
just like a snail
everything is falling into place
the right place
and the correct clicks are heard
This tower that has been shaky
has now the base I needed
to launch
and hope I can strap in
and hold on as it takes off
It's coming to a new year
a new year with you

We have a few hours left
but I can see you're already ready for bed

When time comes
I know it will a long night

I fear how you will handle the sounds
but I know you will be alright

A new year
A new home

A perfect home
A forever home
I wear it so nice
the smiles so genuine
the laughs so warm

yet behind the closed doors
music blaring in my ears
drowning my own thoughts

Only then can I be me
but from wearing the mask so long
Maybe today will be good
Maybe today something will change
Just maybe
As time ticks by this night
seconds turn to munites, then to hours
my anxiety grows with every second

But why?

A simple meeting
nothing more than just that
but still, my blood rushes when I think of it

Perhaps it is the worry that I will make a mistake
or they will not like me

or is it
the possibility
I can continue the tradition
for another generation?
Holiday cheer
Celebrations all around
Everyone buzzing
With a feeling and warmth

A first Christmas here
A first for a pup at work
A first, to be last

The year tough
Money tight
Penny pinching to survive

And now you still expect
Me to give a gift
When I barely afford food?
And for what
Because you say so?

Yeah theres holiday cheer
But the actual reason
You might have forgotten

So tell me again what were celebrating

Is it a thanks for being here,
Or the monetary gifts your looking for?
As my time draws near
I sit and think of the past
trying to make peace with it all

Unsaid words plagued my mind
The fear of never being able to
made me reach out one last time

Now here we are
playing a game of chance and limbo

unsure what to do next
after our hearts poured out for one another

a simple game
a simple dance
a story left unfinished

will this be the end to my story
or is it just another chapter altogether?
The bed is still
The room cold
Everything asleep
But the mind
Who longs for another
I sit
looking around at the mess I have made
unsure where to start

My life is unraveling
complete chaos
and not enough time

not enough time
for myself....

So can I find the reasons
to make it through the night?
"You're the worst
You're completely and underly uselessly
You're the definition of pain
You're the reason everyone leaves
You are so ugly
You will always be a last resort
You will never amount to anything
Your style is the reason you have no friends
You are such a looser
You are pathetic
You're insane
You are the reason people walk away
You will never get more than a participation award
You're the dumbest person I know
You have no talent
Your scars will always define you
You should just die already
You will not be missed
You are the bane of my existence


But as my mind found every flaw
I just smiled at myself
in the mirror
Though we rarely talk
I feel you near

I understand the gifts I sent
are probably the few that spark imagination
and bring back the tiny Christmas spirit

However, I look at my tree
thousands of miles from yours
and I know there is nothing from you

no present or gift with your name
nothing to show you were here

But I am not sad
because even though I do not know where I stand with you
I know where you stand with me

and even there is no present from you
I smile and look to the sky
Wishing for you to be here

Longing for you to be near
and ultimately
just missing you here with me
We can never get off the phone
Either messages or calls
Always talking

You use to call me on the way home
I use to make sure you got a good morning message
We use to talk

Now it seems you just grew silent
As my heart began to soar
Leaving it to fall once more

Yet when I ask
When my concerns are brought up
You brush them off

So are we still in this together
Or did you leave me at the platform?
A creature I swore to never become
It has finally consumed me
And made me one of its own

A replica of the one before me
and only created to cause harm
Cause pain

I create problems
I destroy relationships
And I scar my skin for punishment

Who could love a monster?
Who would miss a monster?

One less monster under the bed
One less monster in the closet
one less monster on the street

who would care
about how the monster felt?
You thought you were smug
filling the complaints
hoping it would be a slam dunk on my failures

you didn't realize I still had proof
or the evidence
or the gift to show your issues
without confusing my truth

So swift you came out swinging
and all you did
was ink your fate
as the villain you are

so thank you for the inspiration
where your always shown
as the monster you truly are

and the world moves from your lies
and only remember one name
Monster Monster
Take down your walls
Monster Monster
Let us watch you fall

Down through the deeps
And away for everyone to see
To remind you
You don't belong indeed

Monster Monster
Backstabbed and all
Monster Monster
Please fall
She sat still as the night passed
Tears falling down to the ground
Her body a statue in the moonlight
Her mind wondering
Wondering why she must endure this pain
Wondering if she was good enough
Or was this just temporary
to prepare her for the real thing?
You have always been there for me
My protector
My teacher
My guider

You hold me at night when the world is mean
You remind me how beautiful I am
You always make me laugh through my tears

21 years it has been us
together we got out of the hell house
and learned how to live without pain finally

When the doctors first said there was something wrong
I was 15
15 living in a nightmare while trying to navigate high school
15 when you first talked about leaving me
But then you were fine
and we were happy again

Now I sit
21 listening to your problems
21 seeing you in pain
and hating every second of it
21 and barely holding it together

Doctors don't know what's wrong
and speak of testing and scans
the only diagnosis we got
makes my stomach knot

"Suicide Syndrom"

The words burn in my mind
and when you explain how you understand
why it has its name
I silently cry
terrified that
the strongest warrior that I know
won't fight anymore
and I will be completely alone

Please fight mom,
please stay with me one more night
just one more
I lack all drive to work.

the idea to work on a simple paper

My desire to listen to lectures

Everything ***** passion
and leaving me hollow

How long
until I am normal again?
Run run run
Always busy
but some how
through the chaos
through the hope

home is still
out of reach
One more move to go
One more box to pack
One more city
Time ticks by
Making me count the days
Struggling in this sea
but still swimming with my head above water
The idea of moving is terrifying
And the uncertainty of home
only adds to this torment
Soon I will know what I can call home
Soon I will finally walk across the stage
Soon everything will fall into place
Just have to move first.
Your image but a blur
the years skewing the memories
But I still look for you
The boy I met in the caffiteria
The teen I dated
The man I fell in love with

If only it could have been simple
So sweet to a puppy love or high school romance
but I know what we had
what I felt
was deeper then just what was seen

even as the years tick by
I still look for your angle wings
I still look for my little shadow who wanted to be you
I still look for love that you let me taste
so sweet
so kind
you accepted me for me
and I for you
despite you telling me you were not worth it

My angle
my twin flame
my soulmate
shall I ever find a love like that again?
or will your names
be the one that haunts my lips?
I am empty
The gut-wrenching feeling I have had
these past few days
as made it hard to breath

The endless self-doubt
a constant reminder that I am not worthy of anything
constant pain of walking on eggshells
a constant hole in the heart
from being bitten when trying to feed

I feel numb
numb to emotion
numb to pain
numb to love

The pain is still raw
the idea your actually gone
still hurts
even if I know it was the right choice

Maybe one day I will do the barn and coop
maybe one day I won't feel pain when someone says your name
maybe one day I'll remind myself what it is to be happy
without putting on a fake smile
maybe one day

one day you will become a memory
but someone I will never forget
one I am glad to have known
despite the constant fights

it was always nice to have a friend
when you needed it
My little devil
He made me scream
He made me cry
He made me want to **** him
He made me want to love him
He was nothing and everything in an instant
When we were close
We came up with nicknames to tease each other with
“Alright, Bookworm,” He use to say
“Fair deal Devil” I would spout off
I never viewed him as the devil
Just my personal devil
But not the one to cause harm
The one who would protect me
The long nights we stayed up to talk
The sweet moments we share
They made my pulse race
And cause me to wish they never existed
My own devil
My protector
But mine
For a moment in time, he was mine
And I was his
And everything was perfect
But the moment shattered
And my devil turned on me
I wasn’t scarred
I was calm
As my devil looked at me with
His bloodthirsty eyes
I stayed silent as he roared in my face
But I just smiled
Through the tears that formed
And my heartbreaking
And I reached out one last time
And patted my devil on the head
He shrunk back to the man I saw
And he became something more special
That no one can match
He was once my devil that I kept around
And now he is my little devil
Who reminds me of good times
And it still makes me cry at night
Or with the tune of a box
My own little devil that haunts my dreams
And steals my sleep
It makes my mind wander
And think “What if”
No one sees him
But I know he is there
My little devil
Who will never leave my heart
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