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Your body tensed
your mind confused
something we haven't done
something that was almost failure

But at the last attempt
you stayed
letting me climb
letting me slide on

the old familiar pace
Balancing as you moved
trying to figure out the weight

happiness bursting at the seems
of a moment I thought would never happen
I could feel you smile

With a attempt of control
in a open field with a mare you bow to
fear took hold
and you bolted

some how still aware of me
and the dangers around
trying to bring me to safety

but muscle memory failed
my mind confused
and in one sharp turn
I fell

but through the pain I felt
assesing if a bone broke or not
I was happy

and even though you thought you were at fault
and the boss stood between us
when I put my hand on your skin
you calmed
understanding it was not your fault

but a start of a new chapter
no mater how long it is
we were a team once more
It would be simple

All this pent up frustration
All this uncertainty
All this self hate of not being good enough


Swift and simple
Maybe the sound lasts a moment
Maybe a minute
or a hour, or few

but it has been years
so silent that no one heard it

maybe if they could hear
then it would stop
and I could get my life back under me?

Just clarity
a peace
so much to ask?
My sweet little devil
you've learned how to care
how to thrive
how to love
and you have it in your mind
that you wish to come
but would you still feel the same
if you understood why I dread it?
why I want it to both happen and not at the same time
a internal torment of my mind
over my simple regret

if you only understood how deep
this action goes
if you only remembered who was involved
if you only remembered how you stopped me
from making a terrible mistake

simple and swift
a request of a job
you refused
not because of the target
but of the payment

being me...
I'm sorry little devil if you find this before I can tell you face to face
I found myself once again
In the unexpected of places

My mindset on trying to find the impossible
My heart singing only one tune

With a small spark of hope, I rushed closer
Praying I could find what I seek

But soon, my little flame was smothered
and I was broken-hearted once more

A kind stranger saw my struggle
They knew my pain

"A different tune perhaps,
could change your mind?"

Time ticked by slowly
my little candle slowly glowing again

A new melody sang from my heart
as I finally found what I had been missing

With my flame burning like a forest fire
I search for more of the same

Anything to replace the ache in my heart
That I had grown to love

My candle now almost burned out
I looked in the mirror once more

My reflection
My soul

Once more, it was out on display again
True and bright

I felt comfortable
I felt free

and I knew
I was looking at me.
Master of Strategy
You see moves before I can even think of them
a simple game of chess

but though you used to proclaim your skill
you still have no idea how simple it is
to play you

you studied the board
I studied you
strange questions
only make my heart shatter

perhaps one day, I will relieve the guide
one day I will remove this curtain I have you behind
One day

When I see you again
Oh, my little devil, if only you knew who the real devil was.
When he draws his last breath
when his body grows cold
when his fur is no longer soft

I got you

I'll keep him safe tonight
I'll stay up with him
remind him he is loved so much

And though he wishes not to lay with you
I'll stay with him
and I wont leave his side

He'll be ok
we can say goodbye to Miracle

So tonight I'll cry all my tears
So I can hold it together
for you tomorrow

Cause I have
I have mom
we'll make it through this
For the Miracle kitten would stole my moms heart 10 years ago. Until we see you again, go have fun with snow and dusty for us. Goodbye miracle, we'll be ok when your not in pain anymore.
But when the night was cold
And my mind was in chaos

You were nowhere to be seen...
Another lie
with a perfect smile

She hides so well
under the spotlight

Her world crashes around
as she dances free

No one can see
the tears she hides

Under pressure
Beaten down

   The one happiness
     is slowly killing her now

          She's such a liar
            hiding under that smile

               as her wold shatters
                 right under her

                              and then

                                                               she falls
Maybe not today
Or tomorrow
Or the day after
But one day
I'll be there

Through tears
And fights
I'm getting there

Through the constant beratenints
Through the feeling of not being enough
I'm finally getting there

Little by little
One item at a time
And soon it will be done
I'm scared of my feelings
I'm scared of how to think
I'm scared of your anger
I'm scared of my venom tongue
I'm scared of our parents
I'm scared of you leaving
I'm scared of your touch
I'm scared of my mind
I'm scared of coming close to that line
I'm scared of crossing that line
I'm scared of never healing
I'm scared of being two faced
I'm scared of your view changing
I'm scared of the unknown
Endless possibilities of what could happen

But all you heard was
"I'm scared."
Far beyond the grasp on motal hand
In the depths of imagination
We soar high above the cites and trees

Your black wings create shadows
My white ones create light
Once we were enemies
Now friends

Oh my demon
Oh my devil
Would you still feel the same

If I told you what really happened
That cold morning in November?

Would you still crave my touch
Would you still hold me close
Or would you leave

After realizing I was a human
Pretending to be an Angle?
Would you stay or go, little devil?
Simple action
And I'm out for weeks

My body complaining
With every movement I make

Throw me in a brace
Give me meds to take

Each on only showing
What damage I have done

Maybe one day
My body won't pop

Maybe one day
My body won't seize

Maybe one day
My body won't hurt anymore
Oh how everyone would love this
The smart slowly going insane
From the thoughts in my head
the ones I got used to drowning
Now scream at me

Will they stop
Can they stop???
They once were small in numbers
Now they rise more and more

Simple like you and me
Deadly alone

They blend in so easily
Invisible at first glance

Shadows are where they lay
Hiding the blood on their fangs
In stories I find love
In stories I have life
In stories I have drive
In stories I can fly

In stories I can experience
The pain from a cut on the arm
In stories I can experience
The final breath leave my body
In stories I can experience
What a different life would be

Only in stories do I esapce
Only in stories do I die
Only in stories...
And nothing more...
Where no living thing breathes
But the ones who can not sleep
Where the ones whose minds run
Stay awake and think
Where the heartache becomes real
And why the loneliness sets in

That's where I am
That's why I choose to sleep
I painted a picture
For all the see

Carve the wood
To match perfectly

Every detail
Delicately made

To hide the seams
And match perfectly

I painted a picture
For all to see

One where I smile
One where I gleam

A simple picture
So small and pure

To hide the misery
And pain I feel

I painted a picture
For all to see

And no one thinks
I'm wearing a masking

For all to see
I should not be crying every night
I should not hate my body despite what people tell me
I should not let my thoughts tell me I'm worthless
I should not want what I can't have
I should not want

Your smile
Your laugh
Your voice

I miss it

I should not be this broken.....

Not at this age
Have I really lived
all life has to give
so soon?
For once

To be chosen
To be the first thought someone's has
And there last
To be picked for every event
Every gathering
Every laugh
And every cry

For once
The words "forever and always"
To mean what they are defined
And not just "for now"

For once
To be held until my tears stop
And to be still told
How beautiful my face is
Despite the tears and snot

For once
I want a friend
Who will always check on me
Make me laugh till I cry
Join me on crazy afternoons
And make sure I know how much good is in the world

For once
I just want to be chosen
To be loved unconditionally
And have a safe place to go when I fall

For once
I want something to last

Is that too much to ask?
Late nights when my mind runs
The struggle to be productive
only to be frozen
Endless thoughts
and unable to act upon any of them
But to sleep is impossible
So I sit
paralyzed completely
funny how the times change ones mind

all fill the air

The air
shoving me away from everyone
making it clear
I don't belong

If that is true
then why
do I still try to fit in?
Falling into a dream
Falling into a hope
seeing what could come
of a little poke

Hope and prayers
have you finally came
To bring life
to the dream of mine?
Despite you pushing me down
Kicking me when I was low
making me feel worthless

I still care

When you told me to get lost
When you ran from me
When you choose someone else

I still care

Through the pain
Through the tears
I still hold you in my heart

The husk of a man looking back
Once full of hope and dreams
now suffocate to barely living on a couch

Despite what you think
you are not a demon
but a hidden angle

One day I hope you learn this
And you finally hear what I ask
For you to be safe and happy

Even if your not with me.
Your voice whispers in my ear
The memories we made fill my mind
The promises we made make me smile

But I stand alone
My heart was both soaring and breaking
A life that will never be

A promise to be different
A feeling I didn't know I missed
A life that I dream of

Tears shed for a name.
A voice
A person

I miss you more than ever.
And even though you'll never read this
I still love you...

Though my heart wants to scream a thousand words
My body wants to run from the thought of you
I still love you, Ghostie
When the night is cold
And I'm all alone

I remember that night we shared
Under the stars

Our bodies begging
Our minds clouded and clear at the same time

I remember how I looked at you
Truly saw you
And I smiled

I smiled as I pulled you close
Wishing it was more
Despite every nerve in my body
Terrified of what could happen next

I remember that night
So vivid
So clouded

And yet despite the non existent communication
I still think of you
And wish you were mine
All this pain
all the sleepless nights
the drive to do good
make that difference
to achieve the life's goal I set

all this crap has to be for something
I'm not just suffering
for someone's else pleasure

the world wouldn't be that cruel
would it?
I thought it was simple
I thought it was just missing someone
A connection that no longer exists
I thought I had grown use to it
I thought.....

But it's a new feeling
A new pain
A new gut stabbing twisting of the knife heartache
To feel utterly and completely alone
When next to someone
Who calls you a friend......
Your dorky smile
Your warm laugh
The feel of you fingertips
Brush against my skin

It's always you I look for
In the nights I'm alone
Longing for a hug
Or the time
Where time stands still in the day

It's always you
It will probably always be you
And I hate it

Leave me alone
Move on
Forget I exist
Just let me be a memory

But I can't do that same
I can't move on
Because I keep looking for you

So even though I hate it
And your name brings up anger
And annoyance that you've become
A topic of conversation

My heart still longs for you
And the moment we shared
Probably forever
Loving yours
Till time do us apart
Please don't wish me good night
Please don't wake up and message
Please don't send me funny pictures in the middle of the day
Please, don't

No need for blurred lines
No need for pain
I've already done enough
To blame for this game

Please don't smile when you think of me
Please don't hope for more
Please don't whisper my name
When your at the store

Just don't
It's best this way
Distance to restablish lines
We carelessly over looked

Don't cry for me
Or smile at my thought
Please for me
Just leave it alone

It's best this way
Despite what some might say
It's best this way
Despite the pain it causes
Oh so much pain my little devil
The one I never ment to hurt
But then
why do we pay the consequences
because I couldn't uphold a bargain?
Take the breath
lay down your head
despite the tears I shed
Just relax
Your going to be ok
in a place with no pain
And when you see me above
and you see the held back scream
do not feel bad
or try to comfort me
for even though I shed the tears
I know your not in pain
and that is most important
is you being free
once and for all
For the one who saved me from the darkest monster of all, myself. Its ok Soxs, you'll be ok.
It would be so easy to give up
let the blade slide across my skin
watch the blood pour out
let my final breath leave my body

it would be so easy

but the aftermath
the pain
the damage my own actions would cause

it would be easy to give up
but I don't no mater how much I want to

I don't because of those who care about me
and the guilt I would feel
if I hurt them
like the world has hurt me

It would be so easy
but life isn't easy......
I use to worry about the next day
I use to worry about my grades
I use to worry about my friends
I use to worry about the scars on my arms
I use to worry about graduating
I use to worry that no one would love me

My skin is a mess
My job chaos
And my mind in pieces

When did I go from worring about life
To being the punching bag?
A story plot
Would take up hours of my time
Line by line
Page after page
My flow was never ending
And one was even hundred plus

But now
A few paragraphs is difficult
The drive I once had
Feels forced instead of natural
I use to write
To escape reality
Now it feels every my stories
Have once again
Become prison cells
I waited
your figure walked away

I waited
as your hands touched my skin

I waited
For your words to match your feelings

I waited
For you to understand how to love yourself

I waited
For you to see yourself as I did

I waited
As you tried to find yourself

I waited
As you yelled at me

I waited
As you told me to go to hell

I stopped waiting
For you to love me
like I loved you
I want to shout
To scream
To cry
I want the emotions
Everyone else feels
I want to reach out
Feel the regret
Watch my heart shatter
I want to feel something

Even if it's pain.....
At least then
I would know
I'm still alive........................
It was right there
A sweet taste of happiness
I got my creative spark back
Finally able to complete projects
But I guess I burned too bright
To much for my candle to handle
The nightmare returned
The sleepless nights
My mind in reverse of everyone else

But so quickly is that spark of energy
Drowned by a secret heavy weight I carry

I just want to wish this all a dream
A dream
I can wake from...

I was getting better
I promise I was...
"I don't care that you loved me"
"I don't care that I fell in love with you"
"I don't care anymore how you feel"

But I still cared
I still cared about you
about us

and that my fault
is that I cared too much
that I loved to hard

for you to leave me
like you promised
you would never do
The music plays
Her body moves
All eyes on her

The attention drives her.
Lust her second name
Her conquests being across all.

Each one thrills her for the night
but leaves her cold in the morning
Her heart aching silently

The prison she created
It keeps her heart protected
but leaves her money as revenge

A man knocked down her walls
understood her pain
Warmed her in the morning

Life being vengeful
killed the man she loved
her passion dying with him

The attention now is her poison
as she lets men have her body
but her heart cold and alone

Once more
Just push a little bit harder
Just stay a little bit longer
Just work a little bit harder
Just breathe a little bit deeper

Just sit for a little bit longer
Just stay still for a little bit more
Calm your nerves
Get ready for the push

Just a little bit now
Just wait
till the gates open
and the trumpet calls

One, two, three
run, run fast and run hard
Run like your life is on the line
Just a little bit more
Just last a little bit more
It was only an hour
60 minutes of pure terror
the unknown of what would happen
the uncertainty of who would live
the chaos in each mind

One drew their last breath.
One pulled a trigger
One body fell
One survived without a scratch

You scream at what I didn't do
How your family was torn
How I didn't save your child
But while you cry yourself to sleep

I lay awake
unable to shake that day from my mind
replaying my actions once more
The weight of taking a life
by a single, simple, action

Your family can grieve a stone
mine becomes terrified of me

three people died that day
only two bodies were buried

So why are you demanding my job
when I still have nightmares of that hour

one simple hour

that changed more then just your life...
Don't let them see the tears
Bite the lip
change the emotional to physical
Perhaps the taste of blood
might shock my system awake
or pull it further down

Just one more moment
Keep your eyes down
just incase the form
maybe no one will notice

maybe no one will notice you
and the pain you carry
when you walk through the building

Hide it with a smile
a tilt of the head
get them away
from the broken mess
you're about to become
I was already down
Having the negativity swirling in my head
and then you had to push me further

Its ok
everyone punished the wounded anyways
I should be working
I should be up and moving
and yet
I'm sitting here
looking at the stars
wondering how far they are from me
and wondering how I can get to you

ride a shooting star
forget everything for a night
finally hold forever in my hands

but I just sit here
looking at the stars

of you
Slowly you'll fade
Slowly I'll skew your memories
Slowly everything will be as it was

Distance between us
Awkward silence when were near
And the knowledge that we are strangers once more

Your creator got her way
but broke two hearts instead of one
So swift, so sweet, so ruthless

Now I will lay my head to sleep
Holding you in my memory

until leaves near die
and the sun always shines
I wish you the best

so I kiss my hand
and blow you a kiss
a farewell my little devil
Little black blade
So sweet
So sharp
Would anyone care
If you bled red for a night

Swift you would cut
Painless the cut
Red river flowing
A wind stopping

Little black blade
Lodged in a heart
Of hope and dreams
When life only delivered pain and misery

Little black blade
End it tonight please
Too thin
Too fat
Too caring
Too much hate
Too small
Too tall
Too bright
Too dull
Too smart
Too dumb
Too stupid
Too young
Too new
Too old
Too meak
Too strong

All lies I tell myself everyday
But I know their lies
Then how do I stop a cycle of self hate?
Repetition of those before us
A guide to what will come
So pure and beautiful
Yet can be callous and harsh
A simple thing
So small in the world
But can change it
Even still
An echo of past
An echo of the present
An echo of time itself
Simple yet powerful

Life is but an echo

So what is your echo?
I thought seeing a copy
was just one instance
but it is happening again
makes me wonder
if this is lifes way
to show me
the people I used to know
are doing well in another life
that their happy
with what has happened
as I never see them again

Oh, to be able to say
you know a person perfectly
and you've just met
oh what a gift
oh what a curse
to stay
Its funny
how we can take something small
and make it huge

or take ones inncident
and make it our story
skewing to what we wish

oh simple life
so simple to pressure
one way or another
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