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"Why did you do all of this? What was your driving force to create this?"

"I wanted to give my children the world I dreamed and escaped to, because dragons could be defeated with a sword or food, and a kingdom needed a hero to praise."
I used to have to charge my phone at least twice a day
constant text
constant calls
were always were talking
learning about each other
despite the years, we shared

I used to risk injury by sleeping on my phone as it charged
refusing to get off the phone
even if it was to listen to your breathing
I still wanted to hear it
a reminder
that I wasn't alone

Now I sit
Drowning out our memories
trying to ignore your voice
and my phone sits silent
only at 62% remaining
at midnight
9 years later
Your name still comes across my lips
9 years later
The small fights we had feel like yesterday
9 years later
I'm stoll looking for what we had

And though I know
It will never happen again
I still look for that fire

Not a spark or light
No the flame that burned my heart
And taught me how to warm a home

9 years later
I still recall that name you wished for a child
9 years later
I still think of you
9 years later
I hope your happy with with your wife
It is not a disease
It is not a disability
It is not a disorder

I am different

Just like everyone else
My difference can be seen by the naked eye

This difference is simple

You and I don't see the world the same
but isn't that what also makes me human?

So why does this A word make you look at me differently then
If no one sees the same world
when they look around?
Someone who should be cherished
Someone who should be loved
Someone who should be cared about

not cast aside
not thrown away
not forgotten

Why did you push me away
why did you stop caring
why do you constantly hurt me

what did I do wrong
what did I do to make me underserving of your love
was my entire existence a mistake

why do you hurt
why do you make me feel worthless
why do you refuse to listen to me

what did I do so wrong
to make you walk away

dad, why do you not care about me?
Again I sit here
Typing for nothing
Nothing but useless words
From a useless person
Nothing special anymore
Music doesn’t help like it use too
But the feelings are still there
The comments being told
Even though so old
They still hurt
No new scabs to pick at
Just scars
All smooth
Nothing rough
And cant make new ones
Without people noticing
And screams
Fill the head
The demons came back
The tears sneak out
Through shut eyes
And no one knows
Or if they do
They don’t say
Feeling alone
Scarred of the world again
And no one to lean on
Scared to
Scared of judgment again
Scared of teasing
Scared of being forced places
I didn’t want to go
And worse of all
The confusion of why I feel this way
Why I feel this way
Why I feel this worthless
Why I feel pathetic
Why I want to disappear
Why I want to die
Why do I feel this way
Why is this me
Try hard
get good grades
Be smart
and you'll be successful in life

That's what they said.
Not knowing the damage this would cause

Smartest of the class
is last to apply to jobs

Those that don't try
struggle in life

but no one knows the pain of the averages
the ones who weren't the smartest
but they tried
the ones who had to work hard
because school wasn't natural

Those struggle to find jobs
but they find something
expect one

the youngest
the one who tries their hardest in school
and stays up studying material
while balancing life

but because of a number
they are pushed aside
and their classmates take the opportunity available

"Don't judge people."
"Don't look down on people."
"Don't discriminate."

but you did
when you said I was too young
They're just black and white
Letters and words
1's and 0's of code

Some are my own
Some I helped
While others I find

I reflect on these
Imaging a world
Different then my own

Such a strange thing indeed
To long for a sensation
That I have never felt
Ink to paper
The strokes with persision

A simple request
A simple hope

A reminder
Of a promise that still stands

A dream of the impossible
A possibility of the 0.001%

Would you read it
Would you see my heart on the page

Or would it end up in the trash?
Due to worries of another?
Almost I found the courage
To tell you my regret
To tell you why
No one can ever touch me again

Would you hate me
For not telling you sooner
For being a coward
Despite having every opportunity possible

Would you hate the memories
As they all went skewed
Wondering if your lust
Was damaging instead of pleasing

Would you be mad at him
A boy who hurt me
That I have no contact with

I was almost brave
I almost formed the words
But when I tried to process it
I went back to that phone call
That cold, cold November
The request I made

I wished to make my abuser happy
Even at my own cost
How silly was I
How silly and young
Holding my life in my hands
With the final keystroke
I was done with another semester
the final click of a mouse
showed it was finally over

A bittersweet ending
second to last down
final to start

and when it's done
life will take me where I belong
out of this town
and finally allowing me
to make a new life

One more semester
One more paper needed
One more sleepless night
One more goodbye

I'm almost free
and I am both terrified
and excited
for a new journey

to begin.
I’m alone
Alone with my thoughts
The bad thoughts
The ones that hurt me
They come at night
They hunt me
When I feel ok
They take my happiness
And leave me with pain
And it comes out on my skin
A red trail
Down my limb
Think red blood
Coming from a single cut
One slice and it's over
But I fight
I fight for a losing cause
I didn’t want them to return
But they did
And now
It’s a fight for my life
Every night
When I’m alone
The thoughts eat away at me
They **** me from the inside out
Suggesting the blade
Over and over and over again
“Take it,” they whisper
“Take it, and it is fine.”
I don't want to
I don't want to pick it up
I don’t
But I’m alone
And who would stop me
Would it be something they would want to change if they could
Or would they let me sit there
And fall asleep
No one knowing
Till its too late
“Save me,” I cry
“Someone SAVE ME”
They laugh
They mock me
“Who would save you, apathetic, needy child.”
Until one night
The fight is too much
And they win
One slice is it all it took
But to make sure
There was two
Long thin cuts
And I fell asleep
For good
No one heard me
No saved me
I was alone with my thought
Alone and scarred
And soon was overpowered by the darkness.
Its was simple
they met on the street
the bench was holding more than just friends
Ones mind was calm
The other is a ragging tornado
Both were talking softly and calm

One had the knife and was making cuts
while the other had bandages and fixing them up
Toxic yet good for each other

The clouds came in
The rain started to pour
Blood running down their arms

One was calm
with the final cut of skin
they sat there and smiled
hoping for a scar

Alone they sat
in the pouring rain
understanding the pain all too well
Their smile bright
as the water ran down their face

No one would know
No one could see
the knife didn't cut skin
But muscle instead
and the rain hid the tears
in plain sight
A promise I give
A promise I follow

But yet when I'm down
I refuse to reach out

for fear of that simple phrase
to be said once more
when I needed someone
"I'm busy"
Look pretty
Play the part
Smile and wave
and never have smarts
Your voice against my ears
your scent once more filling my nose
The man you became
the strength you had
the kindness and wisdom for everyone
oh to see it once more
to experience it once more
Would be like seeing God in the flesh

funny how the mind of a shattered heart
thinks of the strangest things
that would fix it so easily

but there is only so much possible
in impossible
and sometimes
the life changing, heart mending thought
is that "im"
A new passion
A new concept
The lives once dulled
Now lift and fly off the pages

Creativity at my fingertips
and despite the fear of the unknown
I am genuinely content for now
I Should be mad
I should scream
I should run and never look back
I should cry and have tears run down my face
I should

but I don't
just sit here numb
unsure what to feel now
I sit and scribble
pencil on paper
notes that will be used

I sit annoyed at the screen
frustrated the end can't come fast enough
but yet I also want it slow
slow for my others
time to let me enjoy the few moments I have left to cherish
and to finish projects, I have yet to begin

So I sit and write
complete chicken scratch only I can read
as I count down
till the last one comes
Laughter turned to sobs
Happiness turned to sorrow
Passion turned to despair
Love turned to ice

Another sleepless night I'll have
One in silence
One in misery

Maybe tonight ilk feeling something
Instead of being numb
To everything
It shoots through the sky
Above whats suppose to be normal
Making me unable to focus

I sit
I wait
I shake

Each second passing
makes it rise
Victim and Preditor
once more together

How long
until the victim is freed?
How much torture is needed
to see my pain?
So many applications
So many opportunities
so many no's

why must it be hard
to find my place
in this thing called life
when I keep getting a "no"?
So sweet
So caring
So lovable

but behind her caring smile
behind those bright eyes
Behind her loving heart

the blade hides
Waiting to strike
So what ever you do

don't make that blade come out
because she might miss with the blade
but not with the gun
Time is at our command
We walk the same earth
and yet record it very different
Time moves by us indifferently
Yours moving away
Mine moving towards
Both finally meeting
for that single moment

A moment that changed the past
A moment that changed the future
A moment that changed time
Forever you will be intertwined in my mine
A blink in yours

Oh the troubles
with being a Timelord's wife
A promise for ever lasting
a secret only one knows
memories that will fade
but the words in gold

the words in ink
done by the hand of a Timelord
done with pain and sorrow
done with joy and excitement
done for Time itself

so the event could be recorded
like everything else
oh the dilemma of being a Timelords wife

loving one soul
one tiny crazy piece of insanity
and accepting
that your time of joy and excitement together
has run its course
And further apart you will go
on your own timelines once more
She is the girl you walk past at the light
The one you watch grab her morning coffee
The girl who smiles and walks on

Nothing special
Nothing exciting
Just simple and average

Back in her hometown
She's a celebrity
That everyone wants to meet

Flagged down in the store
Taken pictures of as she drives
Everyone knows her and wishes her to know them

Glitz and glam
Flashes and videos
Nothin is private there

Yet when you see her walk by
You see her as quite
nothing like what the story's state

She's private and open at the same time
telling her story in pieces
with every small bit, she talks about

To one, shes a hero
To another, shes a villain
but to you

She's just average Jane walking by.
Another day gone
Another hour passed
That can never be recovered

The coveres swallowed
My lifeless body
As seconds passed by

Another day gone
Another life passed
Today was just not a good day
Keep it in check
Hold that mask
High and tall
Then show all the pretty smile

Keep it high
Don't let it fall
Keep up your dance
Twirl and spin
Smile and wink
Wave and hug

Act like it's normal
To be the doll you are
Looks would normally take this title
I find it else where

When alone
Surrounded by nature
Flowers blooming
Trees standing tall
Leaves russelling against one another

The soft breeze on my face
The warm sun on my back
A reminder of the unspoken words
That if you listen close
You still hear the words in the wind

The voices of those we miss
Reminders they are still here
No mater how much time has passed

To me
To be at peace
And with family and friends new and old
This is beauty
The hidden beauty most forgot now
I started my own company
I wrote a book
I got a dog who helps everyday
I moved out on my own
I have a really good job

But despite that I still miss you
Even though I'm grateful I agreed
That October morning
I do sometimes wonder
How life would change

If we never split at all?
You beheaded me
stole the life from my body
a simple term
a simple action
so swift
and so brutal

I have one month
One month of finances
one month to live
one month

You knew I was struggling
You knew I was in pain
yet it didn't matter
in your game

So simple
so swift
so brutal
You cut me once more
Term for ASL beheaded
We were kids then
simple minded
but had it all planned out

You gave me dimonds
I gave you my heart
You promise me the world

The window shattered
the broken shards cutting me
as I tried to pick them up

The scars made it easy
to hold the shards
as I made the pieces into weapons

Maybe now you'll understand
that your simple pleasure
was more then just a wolf in sheep clothing

Time ticks by
you life hanging in the balance
And a single figure over your grave
Your words are sweet
The thoughts make my heart race
Your voice still echos in my mind

But yet when I look back
Reread our messages
Guilt sets in

Not because of you
But where the fire once burned
The empty sparks fizzle out

Maybe it's me
Maybe it's you
Maybe we're just not ment to be
"It's a mystery
Oh and ain't life a trip,
no, it don't get better than this"

From the start
Our path has been set out
Unknown the destination

Rollercoaster ride
we all hold on to
Never stopping

Some are slow and bumpy.
Some are looped and extreme.
Mine just doesn't stop.

Life is crazy
and through the pain and love
it can only get
better than this.
Bide it well
Hold it still
Wait for the moment

A moment of uncertainty
a moment of battle clarity
a moment of freedom

Bide the time
hold still
stead fast ahead
wait for the moment

to strike
You're filled with pure ink
Each mark was permeate
the red divider you have is your only color

But you are the second to hold her words
Such power she can create
For both good and bad

The black book that she looked to for salvation
only held the darkness
and let it out when she read

Nothing was happy in that black book
Even when flames struggled to consume it

Now you are here
Holding most of the same
but you are different

You show love, passion, and hope
Where she almost forgot the feeling
So let her ink your pages

scraping your page with metal with each stoke
And one day
Show the world
the words she struggled to say
Harsh and Evil
Cold and distant
Never allowing anyone to get close
Fear of pain once more
Love broke the walls
And helped shelter the heart
Soon blankets became metal
and a cage was formed around it once more
Leaving it cold and alone
Once again
"Name your emotions"
"Take a minute to breathe"
"Write down what makes you happy"
"Be in a calm mind set"

All the ways to fix a troubled mind
and none to fix
the uncontrollable feeling
of being alone with myself
and not being certain
if I am the strong willed adult
or the scarred child
Some run
Some work out
Some paint
Some draw

Music is made to help a person escape
but would it be bad
if I used it to blast my chaos away?
Against my will
Everything runs
Of possibilities of impossible
Is this fate
Or a tick of the mind
For something
Only just out of reach

But what of the past
The anger
The hatred
The cuts that scared
And the choice
"Your family, or me"

God I asked for a sign
But is this really it
When I can't control my memories
When my body
Is not my own
Is this the home
I truely deserve?
If I combined everything
Glued and cut
trimmed and designed

would anyone
care to read?

A collection hand picked
Sentimental beyond
Perhaps maybe then

I can afford to live
after all
It was a simple act
reading a book I talked about
and getting to talk with someone about it
made me smile
shinning a light in the darkness
I've been in for so long

It was just us talking about a book
but it meant so much to me
because it gave me a reason
to fight for another day
Take it in

take it in
the anger builds

take it in
scream a soundless scream

take it in
accept the truth and fight back

take it in
lash out in frustration

take it in
release with everything

until your completely empty
to start breathing again
Broken wings
Golden wings that aren't hers
Time has been cruel
As seen by the scars on her body
The time in the Darkness
Rebirthed her in ways
But left memories that will never fade away

Love has been cruel
The demons playing tricks on her
The men demanding favors
Each taking a part of her away
or killing it slowly

"Will love ever come."
She asks everyday
"Or am I destined to live alone once again?"
Finally free
of the chains that bound me
and tried to force me
to be the perfect person

Act a certain way
Be a certain person
never be yourself

I broke free of their grasp
finally able to breath once again
and onto new things from here
Can you call it love
when you never met a person?

Can you see what love is
when it is miles away?

Is the heartache real
or just a figment of imagination?

Will the pain ever fade away
when you still question if they were real?

Or were you played
a sick game, one more?
You promise we can talk
You tell me tonight is the night
You swear it

and yet I wait by the phone
silent on my desk
no message
no call
no notification

Another night it's quite
when I hoped for noise
Hoped you hear your voice

We use to be so close
so what happened?
Why do you make empty promises?
I had almost forgotten the sound of your voice
The slight lisp you have
and how it made my heart flutter

But this time is different.
I couldn't let my heart soar as it had before
I had to keep it locked up

Locked up from the damage you did
Locked up from years of torment
Locked up
from you

I trusted you, and you broke it
a simple action made me question everything

but now we talk
small conversations
but still conversations I had begged for previously

I want you to be happy
but I am slowly understanding

That it will never be with me..........
Your voice smooth and sweet
You words ones I wish to trust
But others have made that impossible
And yet I still get a little hope
And the thought of seeing another face

But would your stay still be the same
If I finally spoke the truth
Could you ber to look at me
Or would you throw me out
For hiding it for so long

Would you be upset I asked about it
Or would the fragmented memories
Finally click into place
And you understood why I jump
Why my heart races
And fear sets softly in my eyes
Despite my body wishing you close
A simple request
To protect and uphold
A simple action
To look away and walk

Why did you leave
And yell and scream
Only to gas light and burn

But the forest is dry
The light very dim
I just wanted to sit and eat
To huddle and warm the my hands

You poured gas all over
Are you really that mad
That I dropped my match
When you pushed me down?
"You're so mature for your age"
I have to care for my parent and make sure she safe

"You're so responsible"
I have to make sure my parent eats before she gets sick

"Your hearing is amazing"
I listen carefully before walking into a room

"You are so happy to be around"
I don't want others to feel unwanted

"You have such good grades"
They yelled if I didn't do well enough

"Your parents must be rich if you have that much money"
I save the money they give me for lunch instead of eating

"how did you become such a good listener"
I had to listen to them vent about each other

"you always have the greatest ideas"
My ideas only mattered when there was no one else

"Your always up and there for me"
I stayed up listening to fighting and shouts

Now I am a adult trying to navigate life
But back then
I was just a kid
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