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115 · May 2023
Oh Sweet Struggle
Money makes the world go round
But poisons the well of hope
And makes people turn into monsters

So simple
a tiny number we use to dictate
our own worth

but what happens
when I try to get on stable ground
and I can't even do that

Everything that has brought joy
is so daunting now
Everything that made me happy
Everything that brought me love
is gone

and I am alone

created by my own making

oh the simple sweet struggle
of trying to find your place
in this great big world
and trying not to be forgotten
in the seas of time
114 · Jun 2021
Dragons Soul
A dragon's soul is ancient.
And fragile
But it holds a heart of gold in the center
That few can have love them

A heart of gold surrounded by a passionate fire
That will burn those who try to take by force
Only if the dragon allows the first to go down
The cold stone and fire will stay up
Protecting the heart

But even when the dragon cares
No one ever understands the heart
until they hold it
And understand why it is fragile
and cracked
and missing some pieces

But it still beats
And even if thrown on the ground
It does not shatter
The dragon will take it back
And wait until they can find the right one
to hold their r heart
Their soul
Their life

Once you can hold a dragons heart
then you will understand
While few walk on the surface
And why they were hunted
And hide in the darkness
Away from thieves
But still careful
Of those that come near
And the few they hold near
114 · May 2021
The Wolf's Cry
Does the wolf apologize?
Do they apologize for the blood on their fangs
Or for protecting their young
Must they apologize to those who get too close
Do they apologize for being a wolf?
Must they be punished for the actions of others
Must the be tortured by hunters
Will they extinct?
A wolf is loud and strong.
They don't back down to prey.
Even when the hunter is against them
A wolf is alone but beautiful when they run
But every beauty has a dark side
A wolf has fangs and claws
That become ****** when they ****
Yet the respect natures law
Unlike the prey who is ravenous to the woods
The wolf hunts when hungry
But respects the hunter when they hunt
And still gets caught and killed for a sport
Their prey feeds off their bodies like a leach
So, where does that leave the wolf?
Must they be punished for a living?
Must they be held responsible for the hunter?
Must the bow down to the prey to survive?
A wolf is a wolf for a reason
Kind heart when close
A cold-blooded killer, when pushed
Must the wolf apologize
just to survive?
113 · Apr 2023
Empty and misplaced
how one can be surrounded
and yet feel so alone

when the voices in your head
just stop filling the silence

in understanding
what it is I should be doing

when this confusion
will finally end
113 · Nov 2022
Oh sweet Demons
Demon of death
Demon of heartache
Demon of pain
Demon of loss

You follow me everywhere
Standing right out of sight
Mimicking my every step
Watching, waiting

Your small actions
Cause major repercussions
So if you come for me
Make it swift and sweet then
112 · Aug 2023
I want to shout
To scream
To cry
I want the emotions
Everyone else feels
I want to reach out
Feel the regret
Watch my heart shatter
I want to feel something

Even if it's pain.....
At least then
I would know
I'm still alive........................
112 · Aug 2023
Throbbing Ache
Pushed down
eat the dirt
maybe then
you'll understand the hurt

Strike once
the twice
see how far
till the burst

Bind the wounds
hold them close
the blood freeze
and keep it close

Once then twice
only then
maybe then they'll see
the pain is more
then they thought
you could bear

Hold it close
never show
slowly let it out
and clean the wound

One two three and four
maybe then
the pain
can stop?
110 · Aug 2023
Inner voices
Oh how everyone would love this
The smart slowly going insane
From the thoughts in my head
the ones I got used to drowning
Now scream at me

Will they stop
Can they stop???
110 · 6d
Normal wish
A simple life
A life full of joy
But sadly that in not one
to be uptrained

The flashes
The downhill spirals
The constant fights
The constant pain

Why am I different
Can I be normal
just for one day???

"Your different like me? You understand what its like to be, different?"
109 · Mar 2023
"What is your greatest fear?"
   "Having this heartache feeling forever"
"Oh, ok"
   "What about you, what do you fear?"
"You really want to know?"
   "Yeah, what keeps you up at night?"

"Being alone"
109 · Mar 2023
Cruel Dreams
I could feel your hands
They way they held me close
Your soft voice
Whispering in my ear
I turned to look at you
But the empty bed
Told me it was only a dream I had
109 · Apr 2023
Current fear
"Hey I'm in town for a little bit, did you want to meet up? We could grab coffee or a drink, know a good bar nearby. Just let me know
miss you"

109 · Jun 2022
I still love you
Your voice whispers in my ear
The memories we made fill my mind
The promises we made make me smile

But I stand alone
My heart was both soaring and breaking
A life that will never be

A promise to be different
A feeling I didn't know I missed
A life that I dream of

Tears shed for a name.
A voice
A person

I miss you more than ever.
And even though you'll never read this
I still love you...

Though my heart wants to scream a thousand words
My body wants to run from the thought of you
I still love you, Ghostie
109 · Aug 2023
Just hold it together
Don't let them see the tears
Bite the lip
change the emotional to physical
Perhaps the taste of blood
might shock my system awake
or pull it further down

Just one more moment
Keep your eyes down
just incase the form
maybe no one will notice

maybe no one will notice you
and the pain you carry
when you walk through the building

Hide it with a smile
a tilt of the head
get them away
from the broken mess
you're about to become
109 · Feb 2023
Kiss Goodbye
Slowly you'll fade
Slowly I'll skew your memories
Slowly everything will be as it was

Distance between us
Awkward silence when were near
And the knowledge that we are strangers once more

Your creator got her way
but broke two hearts instead of one
So swift, so sweet, so ruthless

Now I will lay my head to sleep
Holding you in my memory

until leaves near die
and the sun always shines
I wish you the best

so I kiss my hand
and blow you a kiss
a farewell my little devil
108 · Oct 2021
A seed for my smiles
A tear for my sarrows

maybe one day
the trees will grow
108 · May 2023
He was my first
My first kiss
My first friend
My first shoulder to cry on
My first support
My first love

But life is a cruel thing
Taking him so young
Leaving a stone and flag
I cried for years
Our son trying his best to support me
But how can a child help the parent

So much pain
So much fear
And I never wanted to forgive him
He didn't have to leave
He could have stayed
Stayed with us
Watch his son grow

But I guess remembering you
Is better then having you hear
Despite my longing for you
Craving your touch once more
We found happiness in the pain

We still visit you
Still loop you in when something happens
Leave you a seat at events
Like his band concert last fall

I think we're finally finding that happiness again
We can never replace you
Nor do we try
But we are getter better
One day at a time
106 · Nov 2021
Black Book
You're filled with pure ink
Each mark was permeate
the red divider you have is your only color

But you are the second to hold her words
Such power she can create
For both good and bad

The black book that she looked to for salvation
only held the darkness
and let it out when she read

Nothing was happy in that black book
Even when flames struggled to consume it

Now you are here
Holding most of the same
but you are different

You show love, passion, and hope
Where she almost forgot the feeling
So let her ink your pages

scraping your page with metal with each stoke
And one day
Show the world
the words she struggled to say
105 · Jul 2023
So few
To understand a fragile mind
to love a worried
to support the pained
love the unknown

So little
so forgotten
so not enough

just maybe
there is still hope
maybe tomorrow could be better?
104 · Jul 2023
She Wolf
So caring
So passionate
So perfect

A simple creature
one who will fight and die for her chosen mate
but the one who also rules underneath everyone's nose

A simple woman
Beautiful and cunning
A war-ready atomic bomb

She will hold you so close
yet destroy everything you know
should you ever cross her

A woman who knows what she wants
A woman who will always get what she wants
A woman with fire in her soul
104 · Oct 2022
Bells for another
We were kids then
simple minded
but had it all planned out

You gave me dimonds
I gave you my heart
You promise me the world

The window shattered
the broken shards cutting me
as I tried to pick them up

The scars made it easy
to hold the shards
as I made the pieces into weapons

Maybe now you'll understand
that your simple pleasure
was more then just a wolf in sheep clothing

Time ticks by
you life hanging in the balance
And a single figure over your grave
103 · Apr 2023
So Simple
Follow tasks
Listen to rules
Is it that hard
to follow something so simple?
103 · Feb 2023
Your voice
In my sleep I hear it
When I'm writing or thinking
I hear it
Soft and Melo
Calm and strong
Not deep or high
A mid range
That calms my nerves
Eases my heart
And lulls me to sleep

Though I have yet to hear it
The ghost of it
Brings a smile to my face
103 · Nov 2022
Who owns Who?
Type little words
1's and 0's
hidden on a server somewhere

Pay a little fortune
for needed help
Which is needed to live

Does anything really mater
when everything is left
to someones else choice
on what happens with our words or life?
103 · Nov 2022
Why is this easier?
To hear you voice
Makes my heart soar
To see your messages
My mouth form a uncontrollable smile

So why is it easier
To type everything I wish to say
In a unread document
That is buried on a drive
When I am so good with words??
102 · Aug 2023
Its always you
Your dorky smile
Your warm laugh
The feel of you fingertips
Brush against my skin

It's always you I look for
In the nights I'm alone
Longing for a hug
Or the time
Where time stands still in the day

It's always you
It will probably always be you
And I hate it

Leave me alone
Move on
Forget I exist
Just let me be a memory

But I can't do that same
I can't move on
Because I keep looking for you

So even though I hate it
And your name brings up anger
And annoyance that you've become
A topic of conversation

My heart still longs for you
And the moment we shared
Probably forever
Loving yours
Till time do us apart
102 · Aug 2023
How to make it stop
How can I control the winds
Or the rays of the sun
Or the crashes of the sea
To ensure you'll be safe

You've gone through so much
More then I can imagine
But I know the war isn't over yet
But how can I help

God why her
She's 13
Let her be a child
And not deal with all of this

Just let her be a child
Give me her pain
If she can stay a child
For just a little bit more
My dear sister, how I wish I could make this stop
102 · Feb 2023
Words in color
Jesus wrote in red
David wrote in brown
Draven wrote in black
Jeniffer wrote in blue

but Issablle wrote in gold
and yet hers are the ones no one reads
101 · Aug 2023
You beheaded me
stole the life from my body
a simple term
a simple action
so swift
and so brutal

I have one month
One month of finances
one month to live
one month

You knew I was struggling
You knew I was in pain
yet it didn't matter
in your game

So simple
so swift
so brutal
You cut me once more
Term for ASL beheaded
101 · Jun 2023
Talk at work
Talk at play
Talk with everyone during the event
Talk with the visitors who never stay

Talk with everyone
But no one talks to you
Outside of where you met

Is it too much
To wish some to mix
And finally have
At least, just one
101 · Mar 2022
Typed words on a page
1's and 0's on a server
Endless words of the unknown

All silent
all still
but causes emotions to pour out of strangers

No one bats an eye
to these words on a screen
unless your count is high

no one cares
until the words stop
and forever becomes never

Forever time will go on
Never will anyone ever see this
And one day, the words will stop

frozen in time
frozen forever
still and haunting of what could have been.
101 · Jan 2023
When I dream...
Everything I close my eyes
I see you looking at me

The spark your eyes had
The small smile you were trying to hide
The warmth you gave off

Evrytime I close my eyes
I see you holding me
Laughing and remarking to yourself
Making me giggle as I felt safe

Everytime I close my eyes
I see you
And me
In the dim light night

Everytime I open my eyes
I want to cry
Because you made me feel something
I forgot was not a imaginary thought of a child
You made me feel comfortable and safe
And not scarred of my past

So I escape to my dreams
Where I can see you again
Is this what love is? Did I really forget it was a too way street, and not just a lonely highway?
101 · Mar 2023
Don't waste money
Don't give me coins or bills
Don't try to pay for my skills
Don't tip my kindness
please whatever you do

Don't waste your money on me
101 · Aug 2023
Bide the time
Bide it well
Hold it still
Wait for the moment

A moment of uncertainty
a moment of battle clarity
a moment of freedom

Bide the time
hold still
stead fast ahead
wait for the moment

to strike
101 · Sep 2022
A single kiss
A single touch
A single hug
A single feeling

I wish for one
It has been years since last I felt
A feeling of belonging
And now I long for it

Long to be touched
Long to be desired
Long to be loved

Could I ever find a happy ending
In a world full of missery?
99 · Oct 2021
I sit and type my feelings away
Unsure how to untangle this mess of a mind

I want to sit and cry.
I want to just sleep.
I want to just walk away.

Why do you have to mimic the hold on me like before?

A promise that I believed
A promise that was once again

But you admit your mistakes
you tell me for the first time
that I deserve better

no one ever told me that
which make you stand out among the past

But can I believe an empty promise again?
99 · Dec 2021
Perfect Home
I found it
My perfect home
it was small yet spacious
Warm and cozy

I expressed how my heart sang for it
How I could see my family in it
But no one listened

Soon I will have to live in my perfect home
it won't be mine.
99 · Jan 2023
Why am I broken?
It's a beautiful day
Sun's or
Little clouds
Breeze is cool
Air crisp

And yet
All i want
Is my room dark
The covers over me
And to sleep it away
99 · Dec 2022
Past, Presnet. Future
I sat on the bench
Quitely Watchung
Refusing to partake in the symphony of others

A little girl came and sat next to me
Wild brown auburn hair
Deep rich brown eyes

She sat smiling as she kicked her legs
"It's nice out here today"
Her voice startling me a bit

So pippy, so energetic
I gave a her a half smile
As I pulled my sleeves down

"Yeah I guess it is" I responded as her gaze was preoccupied
"Why do you wear a jacket when it's hot?"
"I get cold easily" Same old lie once more

Her eyes found mine once more something almost familiar about them as a young woman came up

"Mind if I sit, I'm waiting on a friend?"
I moved closer to the young girl as the woman sat

Her brown hair was pulled back in a cap with hints of fire red in it
Her tanned skin showed scars fading on her arms
Maybe she worked outside and got a occasional cut here and there

We sat in silence
Just the three of us
"It's a nice day today" the little girl repeated

The woman smiled as she leaned forward to speak
Her eyes full of warmth and passion
"Aye it is little one. Great day to do the impossible."

"What's impossible?" The girl asked
"Something you never imagined you would do. And it's really scarry."
Before the little girl could respond, she got off the bench and ran off

The woman sat back and chuckled
"Children are always fascinating to talk to, full of wonder and possibilities."
I shrugged as I looked at the ground
"Hey" the woman said making me look at her
Her eyes sharp and stern but her voice calm
"I know that look, been down that road myself a few. Nothing will get better if you choose that road, but you out here means your trying to find that reason. Make it a point to take it one day at a time, and if that's too much then hour by hour or minute by minute. Break it up to find something good every single day."

I looked at the woman shocked
My hand slowly released the razor blade in my pocket
Her gaze moved off of me as I felt tears start to come

"Hhhhow" I managed in a barely audible voice
She gave me a half smile and side glance
"Not hard to know when someone is saying goodbye. We have our own scars, but don't let them become shackles to hold yourself back."

We sat in silence
Just the two of us
"Hey my friends here, but thanks for the converstation. Remember, find one good thing every day, makes the process a whole lot easier."

I watched her walk off
Leaving me alone on the bench
Silently I sat

I gazed up at the tree
Providing just enough shade to sit comfortably
And I smiled
at my one good thing that day
98 · Oct 2021
I want you here
I want you to hold me
and tell the world to leave me alone
I like your arms to keep me at night
and I want your lips to kiss every inch of my body
but as much as I want you here
Next to me
I can't have it

You wake up every day
tired from the day before
and you still find the energy
to run and help at a moments notice

You are there helping people
saving them when there is no hope
Calming blazes till their out
You're a hero to them...

So how can I want you
when it would be
taking someone's hero away
at the moment when they need one the most?
So simple
A promise of hope
A promise of gold
A promise of home

So simple
A promise to inspire
A promise to help
A promise to guide

Was it a promise you made
to break my soul
Was it a promise you made
to leave me confused
Was it a promise you made
to leave me alone

A simple statement
A simple promise

would I still take it
if I knew the misery
it would entail?
98 · May 2023
Chasing Ghosts
I thought it would be easy
putting myself out there
hoping to find a spark

but when I actually do it
All I can think of
is you

the warmth of your hugs
the comfort I felt at your touch
The softness of your kisses

All of it
is you
and I'll I'm doing
is chasing the ghost

of what will never be
98 · Dec 2022
A Father's Daughter
Someone who should be cherished
Someone who should be loved
Someone who should be cared about

not cast aside
not thrown away
not forgotten

Why did you push me away
why did you stop caring
why do you constantly hurt me

what did I do wrong
what did I do to make me underserving of your love
was my entire existence a mistake

why do you hurt
why do you make me feel worthless
why do you refuse to listen to me

what did I do so wrong
to make you walk away

dad, why do you not care about me?
98 · Jul 2023
I used to have to charge my phone at least twice a day
constant text
constant calls
were always were talking
learning about each other
despite the years, we shared

I used to risk injury by sleeping on my phone as it charged
refusing to get off the phone
even if it was to listen to your breathing
I still wanted to hear it
a reminder
that I wasn't alone

Now I sit
Drowning out our memories
trying to ignore your voice
and my phone sits silent
only at 62% remaining
at midnight
98 · Oct 2022
To understand...
You expect everything to be fine
Talking like nothing has happened
Ignoring the main cause of silence

You never asked why
You never asked what happened
You never asked...

You expect me to be cheerful
You expect me to be happy
and hide my true emotions

"Be happy, Be squeaky"
Never once stopping to ask
why I have such tough skin
98 · Mar 2023
Watching from the outside
Funny how life goes
First you go through hell
then you heal

but life is funny
when making someone close
go through something
you thought you healed from

but when the feelings
the fear
rushes back
it makes you wonder
did you ever heal in the first place
or did you burry well enough

funny watching your life
as a outsider
instead of living it
98 · Oct 2022
Children sitting
I walked in upset
Frustrated at life
and all these children sat

each in their own cliques
each their own life
and I saw one, who reminded me
of me

not really belonging
Not sure what to do
but just wanted to be accepted

It was nice to watch them open up
Hear them laugh
Watch them smile a true smile

Life has a funny way
of being back
those memories you believe to be forgotten
97 · Mar 2023
Life, so small
Its funny
how we can take something small
and make it huge

or take ones inncident
and make it our story
skewing to what we wish

oh simple life
so simple to pressure
one way or another
I should be sleeping
I should be laying down
I should be comfy
I should be doing alot of nothing

As my body started to fade
Into the blissful sleep
I thought of you
I thought of me

I thought about us

Tears poured out my eyes
Sobs gasped from aching chest
Because for a split moment
I saw you
At the end of the aisle

But you weren't standing
As I walked to you
So peaceful you looked
So precious
It looked like you were just taking
A much needed nap

And in this thought that made me fear sleep
I saw you be lowered
And placing your hat upon the casket
Before carefully pouring the dirt
And wishing you a very

Very said goodbye
My little devil, don't leave
97 · Mar 2023
Oh the fustration
To see your creation
get denied its life

oh the frustration
of not knowing will happen
of the uncertainty of tomorrow

Oh the terror
my body is in
but I remind myself

this is just another, no
so now
watch me as I do what I want
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