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212 · Apr 2023
The Shadow
She haunts my dreams
Stands right out of sight
There are times I swear I see her
But when I look, it's someone else
Not her

Her long flowly brown hair
They way her brown eyes could change
The natural beauty she has

Oh god how I wish I could go back
Go back when I had her in my arms
Go back to that moment
When she was mine

Please I want to relive it
One more moment
Please just let us have
One more moment

Because I don't want to settle for her shadow
212 · Jul 2021
Does it Matter?
Every day is a gift
but some gifts are gags
or unpractical
but a gift no less

Does it matter if I stay in bed today
Would it matter if I gave up
Would someone care
if it didn't matter?

Every day is a gift
Some are better than others
You only see my good days
So does it matter
if today is not a good day?
208 · Jan 2023
Simple in nature
Pure in intentions

oh sweet desire
why must you strike my heart

Words I write
sentences I type

and for what
what is you're desire

or you after the encounter
more than the lasting imprint
206 · Sep 2021
Growing Up
Time ticks by
Some people celebrate numbers
And others dread them
All the same in the end

One more tick on life's counter
till a relaxation of death comes

No one can reverse it
not are we the same are before
time changes us all
situations shape us
as we
grow up

and try to find our place in life
202 · Jan 2022
Its utter chaos
This idea I've had
has now taken a life of its own

Already a name and logo
already spending money
Already for the future ahead

When will this stop?
When can I breath
When do I wake from this dream?

too little time
too much work
The school must come first
for this to work

Soon it will all be over
and life blinked by
but what an exhilarating ride
200 · Dec 2022
Empty Mind
Empty soul
Just sitting
wasting away
the night

So still
so quite
unsure about
silence made

am I
or just
199 · Aug 2022
Your words are sweet
Your intentions kind
You strive to make me laugh

But the smile hides the tears
The laugh hides the sobs
Of my heart shattering against the wall

A love I know
A love that is real
A love that can never be
198 · Jul 2022
Is it bad
to wish to talk
to another who does not know me?

Is that such a bad thing
To wish one voice is heard
and not drowned out in a sea of silence?

Is it so bad
to wish
to speak?
198 · Jul 2021
A feeling that is hard to describe
The mind so use to running
Now just crawls by
Every thought is vividly clear
Instead of being a blur in the wind
Does this last forever
Or am I the one getting slow?
193 · Oct 2021
Writing Hell
I sit and type
My fingers floating above keys
before words and sentences are created
A story is born
An empty page becomes full of text
and yet I still feel the same


I write to escape reality.
But I end up creating different prisons for myself
Each one has the one thing I want

And I fear
that I am never going to get it
Everyone deserves unending love


192 · Aug 2022
Overflowing with ideas
too much to keep in my head
procrastinate what I need to do
but the question of "what if"

What if I can write
What if I can draw
What if people actually like it
What if I won't be forgotten

Would this procrastination
be worth it in the end?
192 · Oct 2022
The wind blew through the leaves
Insects buzzed around
The warm sun on my face

Oh, to have this peace of my own
one day
one day
192 · Jul 2022
Broken Chains
Finally free
of the chains that bound me
and tried to force me
to be the perfect person

Act a certain way
Be a certain person
never be yourself

I broke free of their grasp
finally able to breath once again
and onto new things from here
191 · Mar 16
Run run run
Always busy
but some how
through the chaos
through the hope

home is still
out of reach
191 · Jun 2021
It is not a disease
It is not a disability
It is not a disorder

I am different

Just like everyone else
My difference can be seen by the naked eye

This difference is simple

You and I don't see the world the same
but isn't that what also makes me human?

So why does this A word make you look at me differently then
If no one sees the same world
when they look around?
189 · Aug 2022
Maybe today will be good
Maybe today something will change
Just maybe
184 · Aug 2022
Sleepless night
My mind runs
While I try to calm it with a puzzle

Constantly thinking
Different scenarios play out

One I level
One I bark
One I cave
One I snap

Each one me
But in different ways

I do not wish to crush a spirt
But if it was not just one animal
Maybe I would be more understanding

Maybe if they actually cared
Maybe I could help out
Instead of snapping

But instead
My mind runs

And I get another
Sleepless night
180 · Jan 2023
I am torn in half
Part of me wishes you to be back in my arms
but the other part
is scared of the monster you have become
One you swore to never release

on me

Oh sweet little devil if only we could speak, but are you a devil still or did you become a trickster instead?
179 · Apr 2023
9 years later...
9 years later
Your name still comes across my lips
9 years later
The small fights we had feel like yesterday
9 years later
I'm stoll looking for what we had

And though I know
It will never happen again
I still look for that fire

Not a spark or light
No the flame that burned my heart
And taught me how to warm a home

9 years later
I still recall that name you wished for a child
9 years later
I still think of you
9 years later
I hope your happy with with your wife
178 · Nov 2022
Sweet Silence
A pin could be heard
The ever growing silence
Not a word muttered
But the screams echo in the mind
I sit quite
I sit still
Completely silent
As my mind tears into two
173 · Nov 2022
Does it count?
Darkroom engulfs me
the shadows dancing on the walls
The bed kept me still

I struggle to get up.
My body fighting every step
my mind wanting to go back to sleep

the warm sun on my face
the birds chirping in the trees
does it still count as effort
when all I managed was to go outside?
171 · Jul 2022
Mind War
I sit
looking around at the mess I have made
unsure where to start

My life is unraveling
complete chaos
and not enough time

not enough time
for myself....

So can I find the reasons
to make it through the night?
170 · Oct 2021
Broken Love
I had almost forgotten the sound of your voice
The slight lisp you have
and how it made my heart flutter

But this time is different.
I couldn't let my heart soar as it had before
I had to keep it locked up

Locked up from the damage you did
Locked up from years of torment
Locked up
from you

I trusted you, and you broke it
a simple action made me question everything

but now we talk
small conversations
but still conversations I had begged for previously

I want you to be happy
but I am slowly understanding

That it will never be with me..........
168 · Jul 2022
I use too...
I use to worry about the next day
I use to worry about my grades
I use to worry about my friends
I use to worry about the scars on my arms
I use to worry about graduating
I use to worry that no one would love me

My skin is a mess
My job chaos
And my mind in pieces

When did I go from worring about life
To being the punching bag?
So simple
So kind
No one would ever guess
the scars they carry

the lines
the patches
the gouges
all by the demons she grew up with

She was a dream come true
to everyone but her
so simple
so kind

no one expected
her to lash out
when the **** broke
163 · Dec 2021
Always moving
yet now its finally peaceful once more
a heart beating through the night
a survivor once more

Ticking by
one by one
breath by breath

air given to the one
who survived another battle
and made it to the other side

One more battle won
one more battle gone
in the war of Life
162 · Jun 2021
Which Was It?
One day I am good
One day I am a mess
One day I am surviving
One day I am dying
Am I punished
Or was this always to be my life?
158 · Oct 2021
To Live
Once a breath is given
it is celebrated

Once a breath is taken
it is mourned

However, the time between the first and the last
is nothing at all

looked at with pride or greed
some sorrow and pain

each making history is someone's life

Yet here we sit
reading words
feeling another's emotion

but what if
this flood of words


153 · Oct 2023
My Angle
Your image but a blur
the years skewing the memories
But I still look for you
The boy I met in the caffiteria
The teen I dated
The man I fell in love with

If only it could have been simple
So sweet to a puppy love or high school romance
but I know what we had
what I felt
was deeper then just what was seen

even as the years tick by
I still look for your angle wings
I still look for my little shadow who wanted to be you
I still look for love that you let me taste
so sweet
so kind
you accepted me for me
and I for you
despite you telling me you were not worth it

My angle
my twin flame
my soulmate
shall I ever find a love like that again?
or will your names
be the one that haunts my lips?
152 · Oct 2022
So simple in definition
and taught that everyone's mater
but then why are mine ignored?

Did I do something wrong?
Did I misbehave?
Did I not walk the tightrope correctly?

Pushed aside by my own blood
Pushed to the ground by a friend
Pushed to stay by a lover

Everyone's feelings matter
but then why do you overlook
148 · Aug 2022
To be Normal
Why am I different?
Why am I strange?

What is simple for others
I struggle with understanding

What is easy for me
Others find difficult

Simple tasks
That are habits for some

I have yet to make stick
Despite me trying

Why am I different?
Why am I not normal
Like the rest?
145 · Jun 2022
Alone in the rain
Its was simple
they met on the street
the bench was holding more than just friends
Ones mind was calm
The other is a ragging tornado
Both were talking softly and calm

One had the knife and was making cuts
while the other had bandages and fixing them up
Toxic yet good for each other

The clouds came in
The rain started to pour
Blood running down their arms

One was calm
with the final cut of skin
they sat there and smiled
hoping for a scar

Alone they sat
in the pouring rain
understanding the pain all too well
Their smile bright
as the water ran down their face

No one would know
No one could see
the knife didn't cut skin
But muscle instead
and the rain hid the tears
in plain sight
143 · Oct 2021
Simple Really
Wipe your tears
   Hide your pretty face

            Maybe then they won't see

                                     your such discgrace
142 · May 2021
My Little Devil
My little devil
He made me scream
He made me cry
He made me want to **** him
He made me want to love him
He was nothing and everything in an instant
When we were close
We came up with nicknames to tease each other with
“Alright, Bookworm,” He use to say
“Fair deal Devil” I would spout off
I never viewed him as the devil
Just my personal devil
But not the one to cause harm
The one who would protect me
The long nights we stayed up to talk
The sweet moments we share
They made my pulse race
And cause me to wish they never existed
My own devil
My protector
But mine
For a moment in time, he was mine
And I was his
And everything was perfect
But the moment shattered
And my devil turned on me
I wasn’t scarred
I was calm
As my devil looked at me with
His bloodthirsty eyes
I stayed silent as he roared in my face
But I just smiled
Through the tears that formed
And my heartbreaking
And I reached out one last time
And patted my devil on the head
He shrunk back to the man I saw
And he became something more special
That no one can match
He was once my devil that I kept around
And now he is my little devil
Who reminds me of good times
And it still makes me cry at night
Or with the tune of a box
My own little devil that haunts my dreams
And steals my sleep
It makes my mind wander
And think “What if”
No one sees him
But I know he is there
My little devil
Who will never leave my heart
141 · May 2022
Graduation Day
Big room
Lights all around
Everyone's eyes on the stage

Cheers break out
for every name called
as they walk across

Unknown to all
some sit and watch
not feeling the excitement of the moment

Going through the motions
seems like a task
better left for tomorrow

Would it matter
if I graduated
140 · Nov 2021
You have always been there for me
My protector
My teacher
My guider

You hold me at night when the world is mean
You remind me how beautiful I am
You always make me laugh through my tears

21 years it has been us
together we got out of the hell house
and learned how to live without pain finally

When the doctors first said there was something wrong
I was 15
15 living in a nightmare while trying to navigate high school
15 when you first talked about leaving me
But then you were fine
and we were happy again

Now I sit
21 listening to your problems
21 seeing you in pain
and hating every second of it
21 and barely holding it together

Doctors don't know what's wrong
and speak of testing and scans
the only diagnosis we got
makes my stomach knot

"Suicide Syndrom"

The words burn in my mind
and when you explain how you understand
why it has its name
I silently cry
terrified that
the strongest warrior that I know
won't fight anymore
and I will be completely alone

Please fight mom,
please stay with me one more night
just one more
138 · Nov 2021
Weight of the Badge
Blue, Red, Green, Back, White, and Yellow
Each is a representation of something
Each having their weights

We used to look up to them
Now we yell at them
But the weight grows

Every day they carry it
to make sure we are protected
and safe

They give us hope in the darkest times
and that glimmer of hope lights the weight slightly
but it never leaves

No one understands the weight
until the badges have black ribbons on them
and one is put up to rest.
137 · Aug 2023
Am I a joke?
Look pretty
Play the part
Smile and wave
and never have smarts
134 · Sep 2022
Table for One
A unoccupied bench
A table for a family
A plethora of available seats

But only one sits

Glass tears shatter
Sarrows for another
The trees hiding the death

One sits alone
At a table for many
All alone, at this table for one
134 · Jan 2023
Oh sweet Trickster
My little devil
So kind your hands
So warm your heart
So sweet your words

But though I can see a future
A wonderful amazing life
And beautiful children

You only focus on my flaws
The edges that cut you
The parts that fight you

I try to see your point of view
But it feels as though
You never give back what I give onto you

So sweet
So caring
So devilish

Harsh with words
Brutal with actions
And break me any chance you can

So I must ask
The time we spent
The glimps of my life you saw
The vulnerability I gave to you

Was it all for something
Or were you just wearing a mask
To see how much you could trick me instead?
133 · Dec 2021
As the day draws near
My body shivers in the night
A chill settles in despite the blankets

Soon I will be taken.
Soon my life is no more my own
Soon I will be reborn

Every tick of a clock
It only reminds me of the time left
time left before the end

End before the beginning
Begging to end

Darkness to light
With a dragon soaring high
A protector of life to come
133 · Aug 2022
A simple thing really
Give it time
Time heals all wounds

But I wish it now
or life to speed up
and to already set me on my path

But then, when it is
I wish it slow
so I may enjoy life

Is there a time
when I am happy
with myself???
133 · Dec 2022
Shower Thoughts
Scrub scrub scrub
Make sure your clean
Scrub scrub scrub
Make sure your hair is squeaky clean
Scrub scrub scrub
Wash away the pain
Wash away the memories

Wash away the pain
Wash away the memories

Wash away the pain
Wash away the memories

Pretend it never happened
It was just a bad dream

A bad dream
And nothing more
129 · Sep 2023
A new spark
A new passion
A new concept
The lives once dulled
Now lift and fly off the pages

Creativity at my fingertips
and despite the fear of the unknown
I am genuinely content for now
127 · May 2023
This is a dream
This doesn't happen to people like me
The world is cruel
not forgiving
People who have gone through hell
don't meet their idols
We don't meet the people we look up to
because when does anything go perfect?

Full of pain
full of torment
nothing is ever easy
so why is this easy?
Maybe that's why
this feels like a dream
126 · Feb 2022
Moving Time
One more move to go
One more box to pack
One more city
Time ticks by
Making me count the days
Struggling in this sea
but still swimming with my head above water
The idea of moving is terrifying
And the uncertainty of home
only adds to this torment
Soon I will know what I can call home
Soon I will finally walk across the stage
Soon everything will fall into place
Just have to move first.
124 · Apr 2023
Little sis
So young
So bright

Little sis
So smart
So little

Little sis
So sad
So confused

Little sis
So scarred
So abused

Little sis
Big sis is here
To protect you now

Little sis
Put down the knife

I got you now
It's going to be ok
Dedicated to my little sister when she is going through hell at such a young age
123 · Sep 2023
I was getting better...
It was right there
A sweet taste of happiness
I got my creative spark back
Finally able to complete projects
But I guess I burned too bright
To much for my candle to handle
The nightmare returned
The sleepless nights
My mind in reverse of everyone else

But so quickly is that spark of energy
Drowned by a secret heavy weight I carry

I just want to wish this all a dream
A dream
I can wake from...

I was getting better
I promise I was...
123 · Aug 2023
Emotions, why so difficult?
Is this fear?
Is it anger?
oh what is it I am feeling

The numbness
the sting of a cut
the confusion
what is going on?????
116 · Oct 2022
Another sleepless night
Laughter turned to sobs
Happiness turned to sorrow
Passion turned to despair
Love turned to ice

Another sleepless night I'll have
One in silence
One in misery

Maybe tonight ilk feeling something
Instead of being numb
To everything
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