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349 · Aug 8
When time runs out
When I finally reach the end of my time

Look for me in hoof prints
Of those who run free

Hear my voice upon the nickers and neighs
of delight and play

Feel my heart beat
As two become one

Only then can you experience what I loved
What gave me a reason the live

Do not shed any tears
Do not scream in wallows

Find me where I thrived
And treat those who can not speak
With the kindness you showed me
339 · Jul 2023
Oh what to do, what to do
Frustration of this
Frustration of that
Never enough here
Never enough there

Can this cycle
of pain and misery
just stop
or must it be my hand
to finally stop the clock?
333 · Aug 2021
I was once innocent
Pure hearted
Kind at all costs

Innocent till I was alone

Alone they made me
I was a poison everyone hid from
A poison that only hurt myself

A poison that planted a seed

A new environment soon came.
And for once I could make friends
Friends who didn't run away from the sight of me

Yet the seed was growing.

A new environment with friends was a first
First time I wasn't an outsider
That I finally had a place in this world

But the sprout finally emerged from the soil.

Pain filled my memories.
Growing with uncertainty
Friends not able to understand how much I was hurting

Blood watering the plant

I screamed silently
I begged for help
trying to find reason in my upside-down life

The plant only growing more with every drop.

I wanted to be told I was insane
That this was just a bad dream
and I would awake from this nightmare

But the plant started to strangle me.

My secrets came spilling out before my eyes
This is just a nightmare, I thought
A nightmare and nothing more

The plant tightening its hold on me

Then I was alone
Alone with my thoughts
and trying to escape the self-created prison

The plant loosened me enough to breathe.

A new environment
Trying new things
People understanding what I was going through

The plant slowly weakening.

I thought I was better.
I thought the nightmare was over.
I thought I was free.

The plant quickly suffocated me once more

.I screamed for help
I begged people to see the damage I was enduring
I prayed, but no one came

The plant slowly killing me with every second I couldn't breathe.

I was fighting a war
that everyone saw
but no one wanted to help

Every drip of blood fueling the plant more.

Was I too far gone
I thought
or would I set the example of what not to do

The plant draining every bit of life I had

my vision went blurry
and all I saw was the plant I created years ago
slowly winning its fight with me

"One last breath"
the plant hissed
"one last breath"

As I felt my body giving up
slowly growing numb to the pain
the plant started to die

Leaves wilted
Stacks grew limp
and the remains of my plant buried me

I crawled from the remains.
watching as the blood that once gave it strength
gave birth to a fire at its core

A fire that burned everything it touched
everything turning to ashes
burning bright in the night sky

Soon my fire ate its self to death.
but I was not cold anymore
I did not need its protection

I was finally free
free from the plant I created
free from the fire I made
free from myself
331 · Oct 2023
Who would care??
Who would care
if I just stop trying

Who would care
if I just stop fighting

Who would care
if I stay in bed all day
miss a meal
stay up all night

Who would care
if I needed the help

after being strong for everyone else
Who would care

to be strong for me?
Your voice against my ears
your scent once more filling my nose
The man you became
the strength you had
the kindness and wisdom for everyone
oh to see it once more
to experience it once more
Would be like seeing God in the flesh

funny how the mind of a shattered heart
thinks of the strangest things
that would fix it so easily

but there is only so much possible
in impossible
and sometimes
the life changing, heart mending thought
is that "im"
324 · May 22
A small treat
A little moment to be a child
A small smile
And spring in my step
Only help hide the pain

For you it was a small act
Something you did
Because I was being a pain
But you continued
And it became our habit

A small habit
"Have a good day"
kiss on the cheek
Passing of a 6 pack of oreos

Despite being a cookie
Just a simple mass produced cookie
They make me smile
And be a child for a moment

A moment where I was young
A moment where life was easy
A moment where you were mine to hold
Pinch here
spend there
everything way fine
until it all froze

I had budgeted
one more week
one more amount
that never came

Better job
Sell a house
All because
what I promised wasn't there

"Your lazy"
"Not good enough"
"Not trying"
but how can I try

when my government failed me
just because they want to yell at each other
instead of helping those
with a penny to our name
318 · Sep 2021
Can I be loved?
Am I defective?
Is there someone dreaming of me?
Are you going to leave like the rest?

Can you love me?
318 · Jun 22
Purple and Blue
A simple idea
Turned into a yearly tradition
A celebration unknown

All plastic
Just the preserve the concept
The vase changing every few

"Who gave you so many roses, and why are they purple?"
"I bought one every year"
"Cause at least someone celebrates a birthday."
"A old friends"

The next year
There was a real blue rose amongst the bouquet of purple
316 · Aug 2022
A promise I give
A promise I follow

But yet when I'm down
I refuse to reach out

for fear of that simple phrase
to be said once more
when I needed someone
"I'm busy"
313 · Aug 21
One Year
So much has changed
Today is a celebration
last year full of tears

Funny how that little bit of hope
was the difference between keeping everything
and loosing it all
just because society failed me
312 · Oct 2023
Some daughter I have become
How to love you
when everyone sees something different

How can I love you
when you torment my sleep
make the daylight painful
and every moment full of guilt

How to love you
when everyone thinks your perfect
or some how amazing

And yet
I get the sleepless nights
the constant torment
and lack of security
on things that should be certain

Would they still love you
if they saw the cracks and holes
or would they be like me

and struggle to love myself
All the planning
makes my heart race
and the tears threaten to fall

but when asked if I wanted anyone with me
I thought of you holding me
letting me break once more
and know I would be safe enough to not be strong

"No, there isn't anyone to call"
It would be simple

All this pent up frustration
All this uncertainty
All this self hate of not being good enough


Swift and simple
Maybe the sound lasts a moment
Maybe a minute
or a hour, or few

but it has been years
so silent that no one heard it

maybe if they could hear
then it would stop
and I could get my life back under me?

Just clarity
a peace
so much to ask?
Scroll until a yawn
Covers keeping my body warm
My fingers already hoving
Waiting to open the app
To dull the mind asleep with videos
But for once I hesitate
Content with my mind
Content with the thoughts
Content, to sleep

So that's what it feels like
To be at peace

I almost forgot it existed
297 · Nov 2022
Blasting Chaos
Some run
Some work out
Some paint
Some draw

Music is made to help a person escape
but would it be bad
if I used it to blast my chaos away?
296 · Nov 2022
Trying to find Normal
Everyone seems to have it together
A messy but controlled life
and then I'm here

struggling to function
struggling to breathe
trying to find a reason to live

Why is it so hard
to figure out something normal
that can get me through the day?
294 · Oct 2022
In stories....
In stories I find love
In stories I have life
In stories I have drive
In stories I can fly

In stories I can experience
The pain from a cut on the arm
In stories I can experience
The final breath leave my body
In stories I can experience
What a different life would be

Only in stories do I esapce
Only in stories do I die
Only in stories...
And nothing more...
292 · Nov 2023
It's ok
Take the breath
lay down your head
despite the tears I shed
Just relax
Your going to be ok
in a place with no pain
And when you see me above
and you see the held back scream
do not feel bad
or try to comfort me
for even though I shed the tears
I know your not in pain
and that is most important
is you being free
once and for all
For the one who saved me from the darkest monster of all, myself. Its ok Soxs, you'll be ok.
291 · Nov 2021
Unknown source
but yet strong in force

You pull me
begging me to follow
Unknown where to go
you take me where you see it fit

Deeper and deeper into the mind
Images and voices swirl
You demand to be heard
even when whispering

So why will I go tonight
unknown pull?
289 · Dec 2021
Care for a Game?
Simple in rules
Find the secrets
Decode the words
Storys of old
Once more retold

Fly fast
Fly strong
Messages are out there
Waiting to be found
and the game to start
289 · Jul 2021
The colors spread on the canvas
Each one planed
Each one different

The brushes are a mess
and create black water as they are washed
but the canvas is different

Slowly shapes and splashes
turn into a complete image
a story through the artist's eyes

Her life is one display now
but when people ask which one she is
her answer is simple

"All of them"
286 · Dec 2021
Dragons Flight
I feel awake
my senses tingle
Every nerve of fire

One hurdle down
One more to go
Before everything else is complete

Dragon must rise
from the ashes of the past
Injured but will fly

Time ticks
the dragon
Takes to the sky once more
285 · Dec 2023
Porchlight at Night
Such a strange thing
Standing perfectly in Night and Light

Such a strange occurrence
on a porch at night

Seeing both the options of life
Enter in blinding light
or embrace the shadow of night?

The known
The seen
Bathed in comfort
Bathed in Light

The Unknown
Shadows hold their nightly ball
Night becomes Darkness

Ones own being torn in two
Embrace the known
or face the Unknown

where everything is challenged
but only in darkness
can the smallest lights
burn the brightest

and one finds comfort once more
in the company they hold
281 · Dec 2023
Unheard screams
Your name is on the tip of my mind
the touch I crave is you
I want you next to me

they ask how I am
I lie perfectly as I smile and tilt my head
but no one can hear how hoarse my voice is
from screaming words you'll never hear

no one is there as I turn dirt to dust
push the gas further down and increase the speed
empty dirt roads hold much more then just dirt

Why your back on my mind
is a mystery to me
but with that comes the depression once more

and the knowledge that despite how I love
despite how I try
no one could love me like you
or be better then you
A young love still pure, despite the time and hardships faced. One still loves the other, and the other doesn't care at all.
275 · Jun 2021
The Balance
Angle and Demon
Broke the single rule of birth
Love connected them
and brought forth a child
A perfect balance
Of good and Evil
Both proud of the child
But also know
that when the time comes
The child will bring the fall of the world
And pay the price
That they avoided
For falling in love
274 · Nov 2023
If I called...
If I called you once more
would you answer?

If I called you once more
would you hear the tears I struggled to hold back?

If I called you once more
would you give me the minute to accept the truth?

Would you let me be raw
for the first time in years?
would you listen to my walls crumbling?
would you
........would you still care?
"I miss you,
and I hate that I miss you
because I reread our google
because I deleted our messages
and that was so stupid of me to do
because I want them back
and I can't get them back"

Such pretty words
such a pretty face
but in the end
the truth cut harder
and stung a lot more

because I keep everything
even a voicemail you sent me
because I wanted to remember your voice

where you wished to forget me
when anger over took you

Funny when I think about it
that the words I type
hoping, praying you'll read
and make this a nightmare I'll wake from

are also the same words
I know you'll never read
because you don't dare look at my words
for fear I moved on
and you didn't
266 · Jan 2023
Love, so complicated
Such a fickle thing is love
for one it's simple
for another it's their dream

so simple
so complex
so pure

for one it might race
for another it beats
but still pumps blood just the same

Yet for one
its not the mater of what happens
but the time instead
The desire to write is at my fingertips
my arms ache to paint
show the world what I hold in

my voice croaks to speak out
the words I swallow back

the "I miss you" that will never be heard correctly
the "I love you" that is gone
a empty grave
one must believes exist
just to live with hope

would it be too much
to ask to stand next to me once more
grant me the strength and love
I know is gone

but then again
I still love a ghost
the ghost who still lives
259 · Jun 9
Either come or go
I thought I was better

Accepting that time
Forced me to move on
Accepting that life
Had finally gave me a break

A break from pain
And misery
And heartache

I thought I was better

Being able to speak your name
The small uncontrollable smile
That always crosses my lips
Warming my heart
Being able to remember our time with fondness

But as soft as you memory is to me
The razor edges cut deep
The longing for your ghost
To not be a ghost anymore

Is this my curse
Forever longing one
That settled for those that punish him
Despite knowing what love really is?
Either come or go, but staying in limbo is not helping either soul in lifetimes like these.
253 · Dec 2022
"I'll be there"
But when the night was cold
And my mind was in chaos

You were nowhere to be seen...
252 · Aug 2022
Self harmer

Names I have been fighting

So does it mater
With all the work I put in
Not to grab a blade
Not to just give up

When all you look at
Are the scars fading
Of a moment of weakness I had?
248 · Sep 2023
New light bulb
Its finally back
That spark I feel
when creativity sparks
Everything at my fingertips
My brain constantly thinking
I finally feel comfortable living
with my characters once more
The carvings come to life
And everyone praises me

And even though I have a brand new light bulb
Why do I feel
completely encased
in darkness
once more?
241 · Oct 2021
As time ticks by this night
seconds turn to munites, then to hours
my anxiety grows with every second

But why?

A simple meeting
nothing more than just that
but still, my blood rushes when I think of it

Perhaps it is the worry that I will make a mistake
or they will not like me

or is it
the possibility
I can continue the tradition
for another generation?
240 · Dec 2023
What kind of friend am I?
"You doing ok?"

It was innocent
Came from a place of compassion
Empathy even
For the devastation thing called life

You call me a friend
Surprise I come when offered
Not knowing till later
No one else invites me for things

Despite the laughs
Despite the masterful smile I showed
You saw through it
Saw the pain in my eyes

The one thing I've begged for someone
To do
And yet, I built that wall higher

The one of my own self isolation
The one where the past and present blur
The one, where no can hurt me if I'm alone

You were genuine
Caring in time of need
And I still lied to your face

What kind of friend am I
When I want to be safe place for everyone
And can't seem to let others do the same for me

Me, myself and I
The closest friends I have
What kind of monster have I become now?
thats the common word now

only if
only then
only maybe


Could everything finally fall into place?
Could this only cliff
that I have been struggling to get to
finally be within grasp
and something I can stand on?

just only for a moment?
238 · Nov 2021

all fill the air

The air
shoving me away from everyone
making it clear
I don't belong

If that is true
then why
do I still try to fit in?
238 · Dec 2023
I read
I sculpt
I imagine

These wonderful creatures
Taking flight above me
giving me the freedom

to fly once more
237 · Jul 2021
Black Dragon
Harsh and Evil
Cold and distant
Never allowing anyone to get close
Fear of pain once more
Love broke the walls
And helped shelter the heart
Soon blankets became metal
and a cage was formed around it once more
Leaving it cold and alone
Once again
236 · May 2023
Untold Truth
Through the tears that fell
through her body shaking
Through the cuts bleeding out

she still held her head up
gave a smile
and said she was fine

Because she didn't want them to feel bad for her
235 · Jul 2023
Some Family
"We're there for each other"
"We care about each other"
"If you need anything, let us know"
"We will support you"
"We're a family"

But what when issues arise?
What happens when I need support
and all you do is tear apart my ideas
my hope
my dreams
What then

yeah, we're a family
a dysfunctional
damaging family
233 · Nov 2022
"Im scared"
I'm scared of my feelings
I'm scared of how to think
I'm scared of your anger
I'm scared of my venom tongue
I'm scared of our parents
I'm scared of you leaving
I'm scared of your touch
I'm scared of my mind
I'm scared of coming close to that line
I'm scared of crossing that line
I'm scared of never healing
I'm scared of being two faced
I'm scared of your view changing
I'm scared of the unknown
Endless possibilities of what could happen

But all you heard was
"I'm scared."
Could you love me
Could you accept all of my baggage
Could you accept my trauma
Could you accept my genetics are worst then before

I don't know if you even exist
or if your just a name in my past
but could you love me entirely
like I would love you?
Flaws and all
till this life ends?
230 · Nov 2021
Golden Feather
Golden Feather
so light and pure
your light
casts away the darkness
simple yet strong
innocent in war
perfect and flawed
both the truth
simple and powerful
burn bright Golden Feather
and keep the monsters away
227 · Feb 2023
I wish my devil back
"I don't care that you loved me"
"I don't care that I fell in love with you"
"I don't care anymore how you feel"

But I still cared
I still cared about you
about us

and that my fault
is that I cared too much
that I loved to hard

for you to leave me
like you promised
you would never do
224 · Oct 2022
In Dreams we Soar
Far beyond the grasp on motal hand
In the depths of imagination
We soar high above the cites and trees

Your black wings create shadows
My white ones create light
Once we were enemies
Now friends

Oh my demon
Oh my devil
Would you still feel the same

If I told you what really happened
That cold morning in November?

Would you still crave my touch
Would you still hold me close
Or would you leave

After realizing I was a human
Pretending to be an Angle?
Would you stay or go, little devil?
224 · Oct 2022
Shattering of the Heart
It was simple, really
a swift motion with a sword
A brutal hit with a hammer
My heart in pieces on the floor

I felt ignored
You left me
You refused to understand me
You broke me

Now I sit
Cutting myself on the pieces
as I gather them up
wondering if anyone

can fix my broken heart
and not break it once more?
224 · Jul 2023
"Do you mind if we talk?"
Did you really wish to talk
or did you not remember when I told you I was different

you praised me
when I helped a child not breakdown
but yet it was all I could
not to do the same

You get mad when I get overwhelmed
always have to be perfect
but how can I be perfect
when you keep trying to knock me off my tightrope

so did you really wish to talk
or was this the cover
because you don't want to admit
I'm different then you?
220 · Jun 2022
One day
Another night
or chaos and overthinking
Nothing new

Maybe one day we'll talk.
Maybe one day we'll meet

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