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493 · Mar 13
Cranes of life
So small
A concept few understand

The pink ones
Tucked away safely
Protected from view
Show times I was at the end

A small final act
For the life to end

However there is another
Shown out in a collection
Different shapes
All the same size

These are white
With writting in black
Company stickies there called
Yet busy work for me

Fold and press
Shape and pull
Small cranes take flight
Creating a flock on the desk

The meaning changed
From once sarrow and a tearful goodbye
To a ray of hope
Making me stay busy when work is down

Funny how suicide cranes
Became cranes of life
490 · May 2
It's been years since I've seen you
Years since we kissed
A lifetime since we embraced in love

Despite the statements
Of how I'm fine by myself
Or how I don't want to share my space

I miss you
Despite the years
Despite the venom of your actions

I still long for you
I still miss your embrace
I still miss you

Is what love is
The emptiness
The ticks of a cupid struck mind

Is this where you sit?
The corner of my gaze?
Right out of reach?

Will we ever have our
Happy ever after
This lifetime, or is this one just in passing?
488 · Oct 2023
Tricky Monster
I thought about you
the sweet night we spent under the dim lights
The feelings I had were bubbling up

Your name caused a sharp pain
Uncertainty of why
I almost reached out

I reread our last messages
5 months ago
and almost broke again
form the pain your words had
the red truth

and no mater how much I wish for you
You will always be the monster
that shouts scripture
and refuses to follow it
So many applications
So many opportunities
so many no's

why must it be hard
to find my place
in this thing called life
when I keep getting a "no"?
484 · Jun 2023
"Stay Happy"
Never trust your heart
Never trust your gut
Never trust your sight
Never trust your senses

Maybe then
I'll make everyone happy
When I'm alone instead
482 · Oct 2023
Writers block
Why must this idea be caged
Why must I be tormented with the knowledge
Why can I not just let it flow
like it did before
Why must it be unscalable wall
I am faced to see
Why must this story be so hard to write
Why have I fallen out of love with my characters
Why can't I write like I use to
480 · Feb 2023
Heart throbbing pain
Why does it hurt so much?

previously your absence was a relief
now its pain

maybe because of the way it ended
or maybe because of what was said

but why does it hurt
and I can't cry anymore???
480 · Oct 2023
Ghost Devil
Its been months seen I've seen your face
yet I could see it clearly as the fence flew by
and that swift sweet moment
came rushing back in clarity

Was this my mind
accepting that I was moving on
or was this you
calling out once more
hoping that we salvage the destruction we created

My little devil
you still haunt my dreams
you still have part of my heart
but I need to find a new

I want the peace you search for yourself
476 · Jul 27
It would be easy...
To admit I don't like the company
that I like the way I have things
The i don't want to share
That I don't agree
That I have problems
that I want help
that I want to love
that I need support
that I am tired
that I need sleep
that I still long for you

oh it would be easy to say everything i feel
but instead
all you hear is the silence a still mouth makes.
471 · Aug 2022
A Guilty Pleasure
They're just black and white
Letters and words
1's and 0's of code

Some are my own
Some I helped
While others I find

I reflect on these
Imaging a world
Different then my own

Such a strange thing indeed
To long for a sensation
That I have never felt
471 · Jan 20
Sweet Unicorn
You try so hard
to be a horse in the heard
hide your horn
tuck in your wings

but the winds blew off your cover
tickled your feathers
and made you open your wings

Don't hide your differences
don't let them prey on you
embrace your difference
and step away from the heard

even if you are alone
it is better to fly above the clouds
then to be tied in the heard
464 · Dec 2023
My brain runs
Tierd of sleeping
Tierd of the pain

And yet my body
Refuses to move

Simple things
So exhausting
Yet I can't sleep
For my brain does not brain right now
464 · Jun 2
Because we broke up
I started my own company
I wrote a book
I got a dog who helps everyday
I moved out on my own
I have a really good job

But despite that I still miss you
Even though I'm grateful I agreed
That October morning
I do sometimes wonder
How life would change

If we never split at all?
462 · Nov 2023
I should feel more excited
and even though currently I am
I know it will not last

Once the night is over
reality sits back in
one more night of freedom
one more night to go out
one more night I can afford
not to worry, no doubt

"Live in the moment"
but how can one do that
when everything pulls me back
and nothing but one thing pulls me forward

From a past I miss
to a future I dream
can this excitement
really last
more then tonight?
460 · Nov 2022
You be black
I'll be white

I'll go first with a knight
You move a pawn

One by one our pieces move
One by one our pieces fall

But the board holds few now
Your calculations swift
Robbed me of everything but my king
A handful of pieces for you

But was that the intent
For another game

One where your white
And I'm black
Life is but a game of chess
455 · Dec 2023
It's not your fault
But then
why do we pay the consequences
because I couldn't uphold a bargain?
440 · May 31
Cold December Night...
It was night like the others
Everyone asleep
But the one who mind spiraled
So many times it went further in that darkness
Creeping closer to the edge of the cliff

A small voice begged for forgiveness
A single hand reaching out
"I have work, Goodnight"

The world fell
Air rushing
And the edge
Getting further from view

Only afterwards was damage realized
But would the same outcome happen
If time repeated
Or would it change

For a funeral or a second chance?
436 · Aug 2
Shadow Dragon of Hope
Cries of agony
Machines beeping
Tears flow and hearts stop

A small bit of hope
Causes relief to flood
But what might happen
If spark of hope
Change who knew

From just the employees
To the community
Would it help?
Would it fail?
And to stay unknown

Now that is the true test
Of a hidden dragon

Only time will tell
Which is best in the end
But the thought
Is all that matter
In the end

Is it not?
435 · May 30
Teach me again
For a moment
A blink of the eye
The beat of the heart
Just for that instance

Show me what love is
Please remind me
What it felt like
To be truely loved
431 · Jan 9
It has to get better
All this pain
all the sleepless nights
the drive to do good
make that difference
to achieve the life's goal I set

all this crap has to be for something
I'm not just suffering
for someone's else pleasure

the world wouldn't be that cruel
would it?
431 · Nov 2023
Oh to write
Simple words
effective meaning
such beauty
so easy

that would be a dream
let loose all the words I believe
let them go
out into the world

for all to see
for all to love
for all to criticize
for all
to see me
430 · Jan 10
Stories untold
Type the pain
say everything that my voice refuses to say
My fingers numb from the keys
My body shakes as tears stream
everything has come to this
the final line
the final word
A swift, simple goodbye

but that would to be to easy

Now let me stare at a blank sheet
maybe then I can feel something tonight
429 · Apr 15
"Watch were you step"
They said with guidance
"Want to make sure you know
Where your feet are"

"Keep you head up"
The criticized with frustration
"Have to know where your going"

But will all that guidance
With all that frustration
All it did was teach me one thing to fear

Close my eyes
Arms out wide
The first step
Before I fly
420 · Jun 10
Some daughter
You wanted me to be independent
Taught me skills to survive
Gave me wisdom beyond my years

But when I finally break free
Your talons of the past dig in
Refusing to accept
That I have moved on

"Be a good daughter"
"Bite your tongue"
"Resepct your elders"

Each day I master the fake smiles
No one the wiser of my pain
And then you stay

Unknowingly forcing me to keep my one act play
Going on through out the night
Finally realizing

That what you yell and scream
"Not spending time with family"
Is what I always done

Hide away the pain and misery
Play the part of a happy family

Now your upset
Lash out
Just because I got free of the talons from the past

Some daughter I've become
The one holding the world
The one that everyone depends on
The one barely holding on
And all you care to see

Is all my flaws of my past
And not what I have done
Unless it makes you look good
417 · May 2
Oh pretty angle
So careful you walk
Up above the white clouds
Dance on your tightrope

Your wings
So beautiful
So elegant

Swift you fly
Up above heaven filled sky
Along with winds we hear

Do you ever
Miss the ground
Or the ones who walk it?
417 · Feb 2023
Role Playing
Let's play a game
Where you be the guy
And I'll be the girl

We don't like each other at first
But soon fall head over heels
And them become a inseparable team

Our character flaunt each other
Drawing out the moans we desire

But after a while
This little charade will end
And we must take the masks off

Once more
Being strangers again
416 · May 12
Still thinking of you...
The roar of the crowd
The flashing lights
My voice horse from having fun
My body bouncing to the beat

As the song plays
As my voice swings the melody
The tears streamed down
And I thought of you

Wishing to have you as mine
Once more
Wishing you sat
In the empty seat next to me
416 · May 30
Either come or go
I thought I was better

Accepting that time
Forced me to move on
Accepting that life
Had finally gave me a break

A break from pain
And misery
And heartache

I thought I was better

Being able to speak your name
The small uncontrollable smile
That always crosses my lips
Warming my heart
Being able to remember our time with fondness

But as soft as you memory is to me
The razor edges cut deep
The longing for your ghost
To not be a ghost anymore

Is this my curse
Forever longing one
That settled for those that punish him
Despite knowing what love really is?
Either come or go, but staying in limbo is not helping either soul in lifetimes like these Yin.
415 · Jun 21
"Sounds like love"
Your smile is brighter
You get that look on your eye
The almost unnoticable tilts of your head

You look at peace
You look content
Almost life a breath of fresh air
Leaving your body

But the reality sets back in
The thorns of truth strangle your lungs
But that hope

That tiny hope in your eye
Still longs for that thing
You both called love
"He's not here" "You have time" "I want to move on" "Or do you want peace?"
414 · Jun 2023
Write a Story
A escape from reality
From ones imagination
A reality a child created
To live somewhere else
but here
413 · Sep 2021
I have the plot
The main characters
The villain

a perfect story
of love
and fear
and faith

yet every time I try to write it
I can not

so the perfect story
remains hidden

in a mind
forever to be hidden
412 · Jun 10
Spare keys
You loan them out
Give them a new home
One that becomes familiar

But as cracks start
Nothing hurts worse
Nothing cuts worse
Then having your spare keys back
408 · Jul 28
How to express?
When everything I knew comes crashing down
When every night I can't sleep
When I want to burn and shred my skin off
When it feels like I'm a human voodoo doll
when I shut down
When my mind wont have any motivation
When my past decides to come beat me up again
When I believe the lies I tell myself
When I run from everything that is good
When I let others abuse and use me, just so I'm not alone
When I let the dark thoughts win for a moment or two
When I just want to sit and cry
When I want to put down my armor

How can I tell you
everything wrong with me
and still expect you to believe me
when I say
"I'm fine?"
406 · May 19
Freedom or Prision?
The concept simple
The reality much different
It was suppose to be a new start
A new chapter of invention
A new road being paved
But the chains still hold
the obligation of blood
The concept of staying

I shouldn't be bitter
I shouldn't be upset
"Enjoy the time you have"
but when its holding me back
is it still worth it?
401 · Apr 2023
I waited for you...
I waited
your figure walked away

I waited
as your hands touched my skin

I waited
For your words to match your feelings

I waited
For you to understand how to love yourself

I waited
For you to see yourself as I did

I waited
As you tried to find yourself

I waited
As you yelled at me

I waited
As you told me to go to hell

I stopped waiting
For you to love me
like I loved you
400 · May 28
You taught me
To find joy in life
To be a difference
Find the reason to smile
Be a spark to ignite

But you hold your walls up
Build your defense
Pratice your cries of innocence

Your view of life is skewed
But you bicker and complain of your past
You taught me everything

And show me
What not to become
395 · Apr 1
On my own
I should be excited
yet I feel the unwavering fear
the thing I dread the most
the unknown

Count down the days
swift and sweet
say hi to family
as I move after they leave

perhaps this will let my mind expand
maybe my mind will collapse
I find the items
to let my stories grow

who knows how the ink will turn
or will it be another page instead

Count them down
3, 2, 1,
all pointing
directly to
the Unknown
393 · Jan 7
Good Looking....
"Did you loose weight?"
"You look so fit"
"I don't know what you did, but you look amazing"
"Man I wish I could look like you"

I stopped eating

not on purpose
but it was easier to pay rent
if I had 1 or 2 meals versus the normal 3

I started to loose sleep

Causing my mind to be on alert
and forcing my body to move
even when I am so tired

I just want to live
and yet I am punished for it
and praised for how good

sick looks on me
391 · Jun 25
"You look different"
Your eyes cut
The coldness you produce
You look at life like it's a game
Like you want to master a poker face

So still you stand
Eyeing everyone else
Your careful words
Like knives in the heart

But when your walls crumble
Your defense down
By God's the sound of your voice becomes warm
So bright and exciting
And you act like you did back then

Why did you chance
Why did you become cold?

"Because I had to live through my own breaking, to understand why when I looked at you
Through your lovely deep brown eyes
Why their was always cracks I could never make go away
I understand them now....."
387 · Jun 2021
Broken Distance
Can you call it love
when you never met a person?

Can you see what love is
when it is miles away?

Is the heartache real
or just a figment of imagination?

Will the pain ever fade away
when you still question if they were real?

Or were you played
a sick game, one more?
384 · May 10
Monster in the pages
You thought you were smug
filling the complaints
hoping it would be a slam dunk on my failures

you didn't realize I still had proof
or the evidence
or the gift to show your issues
without confusing my truth

So swift you came out swinging
and all you did
was ink your fate
as the villain you are

so thank you for the inspiration
where your always shown
as the monster you truly are

and the world moves from your lies
and only remember one name
384 · Dec 2022
Knife in the heart
Little black blade
So sweet
So sharp
Would anyone care
If you bled red for a night

Swift you would cut
Painless the cut
Red river flowing
A wind stopping

Little black blade
Lodged in a heart
Of hope and dreams
When life only delivered pain and misery

Little black blade
End it tonight please
383 · Apr 16
Penny for a thought?
Oh so simple they say
A Penny for a thought
So small
So simple

But why however
Is it when the thoughts become ideas
Their value changes from a Penny
To a pat on the back?
A job well done
A good old effort

The endless ideas of a chaotic mind
Only lead to frustration and anger
No money for the constant train
Because they would bankrupt and drain

A Penny for a thought
A smile for a idea
A wishing well
Throw a coin in
Let me wish you well
383 · Nov 2021
I sit perfectly still
my smile perfect
as everyone looks at me

But when I am alone
I break
and speak words no one will hear
not because they do not care
but because I do not worry them

I sit and let silent words hit the floor
each the fear of broken trust
because some
375 · May 2023
Welp I tried
I am smart
I am beautiful
I am kind
I am healthy
I am fit
I am loved
I am amazing

and I feel like crap
375 · May 30
It started out simple
Innocent, if you will
It was cold that morning
   And the next
        And the one after that
            And the following one

"I'm cold"
"Moisture wicking"
"Keeps the sun off"
What lie shall I say today?

It started out innocently
To the untrained eyes

Now they ask
How I survive?
How can I bare the heat?
How do I not melt?

"Best foot forward
You represent now
Be mindful of your look"

Would I still look presentable
If you saw the battles
I lost against my own self
Would that show strength and courage?

Or would I be shunned once more,
For things I could not control
And memories that linger at night
Would you care if I lie once more?
359 · Aug 21
Test Test Test
Test for this
Test for that
All run
no clear answer

but is the answer
the unknown
or the truth
that genetics is worst then reality?
357 · May 30
Coffee Crash
My brain was turned on
The body refusing to work

After a night of trying to heal
The mind longing for the past

The sludge making moving impossible
The brain barely functioning

Now it runs miles
Every thought and idea
At the tips of my fingertips
So much to do
Little time to do it
Don't think

Hit the wall of exhaustion
After a few shots of espresso

But at least I got move
Slightly better then before
351 · Jun 2023
We had fun
We shared laughs
So many memories
And now

We're just strangers with a past
With nothing more then that
349 · Aug 15
Is it a sign
I asked for something
To show me
That the ine who still has my heart
Was alive and thriving
Safe in this chaotic world

Then I almost breakdown crying
Over a piece of hardware

Was that a sign
Or a fluke tsunami of emotions brought on my a woman's time?
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