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1.9k · Dec 2023
Why do they come up
Why bring me back to the horror
Why make me remember
Why must these memories haunt me
only to leave me once more???
1.3k · Nov 2021
Paper Crane
When the world is in chaos
and I feel the need to end it
I take a small piece of paper
and fold

it started as a final act before the world went black
but it now developed into a habit
folding to calm the world once more

I have a collection now
of paper cranes
that saved my life
1.2k · Nov 2023
Blank Emotions
"Name your emotions"
"Take a minute to breathe"
"Write down what makes you happy"
"Be in a calm mind set"

All the ways to fix a troubled mind
and none to fix
the uncontrollable feeling
of being alone with myself
and not being certain
if I am the strong willed adult
or the scarred child
One and two
Three and four
count the steps
count them more

Follow the path
of unknown traveled
let it guide
where all roads travel

five and six
seven and eight
step by step
come on now

nine and ten
maybe then
this circus act
can end
842 · Nov 2021
I sit and scribble
pencil on paper
notes that will be used

I sit annoyed at the screen
frustrated the end can't come fast enough
but yet I also want it slow
slow for my others
time to let me enjoy the few moments I have left to cherish
and to finish projects, I have yet to begin

So I sit and write
complete chicken scratch only I can read
as I count down
till the last one comes
841 · Oct 2021
The idea is in my head
the brush and paint the medium
the simple thought
to live in a fantasy

slowly the dream becomes true
as others now see
what I saw
823 · Oct 2021
As my time draws near
I sit and think of the past
trying to make peace with it all

Unsaid words plagued my mind
The fear of never being able to
made me reach out one last time

Now here we are
playing a game of chance and limbo

unsure what to do next
after our hearts poured out for one another

a simple game
a simple dance
a story left unfinished

will this be the end to my story
or is it just another chapter altogether?
813 · Dec 2022
Oh Sweet Roses
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet
And so are you
But the sugar bowls empty
Your wrists are stained red
From crimson the flowers bloomed
And a silver blade took your breath
The Roses and dead
The violets too
There is no more sugar
And no more you
792 · Dec 2022
Oh silly heart
Oh silly me
for falling in love

Oh silly me
for thinking it would be possible

Oh silly me
For falling for you

Simple and sweet
**** and dangerous

Yet I care
Oh silly me
781 · Aug 2021
The story is there
The conflict is perfect
The ending will be a page-turner

but why do I struggle to write a single paragraph
I use to write pages
Stories just flowed off the keys

Now it's like a burden to type a single letter

Am I ready for the story
or is the world not ready for the tale?
759 · Jun 2021
Song Writting
Ideas swirl around my head
Each one could be a hit
Each one could be a flop
But trying to write it
Proves difficult

I sit
I write
I scratch
I rewrite

Slowly I take a part of my soul
And the melody shows itself

The song now complete.
To dream of what if
To think of a life
That never happened
To live experiences
That will never pass
Become a fascination of some
A balance of time and life

Some use it to escape
Others use it to grow
I use it to think
To think of him
Of them
What my life could have been
If I had just
702 · Jan 29
Part 1
She sat so peacefully
her hair slowly moving in the breeze
framing her face, so lost in thought

her pen writes words with such speed
you think they were her last
but the story had yet to be completed

At a table for one
so comfortable in her writing
and what ever world she was creating

Finally after the war in my mind was lost
and forever hung in the air on a scale
forever loving, or forever missing

I walked up
and said "Hi, may I sit?"
700 · Jan 28
"How do I tell her?"
The room somber
the reality slowly hitting all of us
her young life
a freak thing
a terrible accident
but through the tears
that her family shed
I sit in the back
the dark black coffin
the cream fabric
a haunting reality
We're in the same room once more
and I can't tell her how I feel
My wife hated the idea I came
but I had to
had to say my goodbye
but even as the room empties
I sit in the back
That open coffin
her pretty face
just out of view
and my mind
trying to figure out
how to tell her
I love you
once more
693 · Nov 2023
A Timelord's Wife
Time is at our command
We walk the same earth
and yet record it very different
Time moves by us indifferently
Yours moving away
Mine moving towards
Both finally meeting
for that single moment

A moment that changed the past
A moment that changed the future
A moment that changed time
Forever you will be intertwined in my mine
A blink in yours

Oh the troubles
with being a Timelord's wife
A promise for ever lasting
a secret only one knows
memories that will fade
but the words in gold

the words in ink
done by the hand of a Timelord
done with pain and sorrow
done with joy and excitement
done for Time itself

so the event could be recorded
like everything else
oh the dilemma of being a Timelords wife

loving one soul
one tiny crazy piece of insanity
and accepting
that your time of joy and excitement together
has run its course
And further apart you will go
on your own timelines once more
684 · Jan 30
Phantom Call
I hear the ringer
felt the buzz
pull out my cell
almost expecting to see your nickname

but the lock screen showed
no call
silly of me to think you called
when you don't have my number at all
679 · Jan 28
Isn't this funny
Late nights when my mind runs
The struggle to be productive
only to be frozen
Endless thoughts
and unable to act upon any of them
But to sleep is impossible
So I sit
paralyzed completely
funny how the times change ones mind
675 · Apr 2022
One day I will find you
One day you will find me
One day

but that day is not now
nor is it tomorrow
or the day after

One day
I will find love
663 · Jan 26
Lost Love
"Do you still care about him?"

As easy as a breath the truth came from my lips
as easy as a heartbeat I spoke

admitted how your memory still lingers
not because of a book
or hope
but because you accepted me
for me

Never asking for change
never demanding modifications
never asking anything
but to be loved the same

And we loved
through the nights we loved
through the ups and downs
through the hell we raised
through the peace we shared
we loved

So when asked a simple question
not a moment later the word came from my lips
so soft
but so powerful

660 · Dec 2022
Why do I try?
Why do I jump before told
Why do I run when I'm scared
Why do I hide in fear

Oh silly mind
oh silly heart
oh silly instinct

Nothing could be worse
then the thorns on my arms
and being forced to move
654 · Feb 10
To my future self
Your body is toned
your mind focused on the moments
you can be at peace
you know how to win the fights
you embrace the idea
of being a walking weapon
because only you can
can protect the little girl we were
and give hope to the teen
who thought the world didn't need her
so I raise my glass to you tonight

the one that is on your own
the one balancing life with ease
the one who knows there is still work to be done
for the dream goal to be achieved
but you go to bed happy
with your body
and soul
612 · Oct 2023
The body twitches
The mind runs
All this creativity
A blur to undo
Way to many pieces
Way to little time
A mess of my making
A mess by others
Uncertainty at best
And worst a friend
Swift and simple
Just to make it stop
Maybe then
I can breathe
600 · Feb 12
The roar of the crowd
only for a season

every event timed
every event judged

8 seconds
14 seconds
less then 2

all impressive in their own event
and many forget that the roar of the crowd
is only a tiny part of the lifestyle

Many hours
early mornings
late nights
working through weekends and holiday's

We all bow our heads before
praying we never repeat
that rainy day in Cheyenne

With live breathe and respect our game
but we never forget those that is took
nor the ones who got their start
in the Rodeo
595 · Mar 2023
Walking Fighting Unknown
She can walk with angles
fight with demons
spread the word like a prophet

Her smile makes anything give
her anger makes them flee
her touch sets fire to a soul

So sweet
so simple
so differnet, then all the others
The money is gone
food is small

"Do you want more?"
"No I'm full"

leftovers become tomorrows dinner
one meal a day helps stretch the thin amount

I have nothing
but the animals looking to me for food

please don't make me say goodbye
when their time is almost gone

please don't take the one
who helps when my mind is a prison

please don't take the little ones
their finally all getting along

Please don't let this end with the tears
of goodbye

please have something give
just even a penny

just something to put food
in their mouths
and payment for shelter

I can live off the snacks
turning them into meals as my body shuts down

but please don't take my children
please don't make me say goodbye before their final breath
591 · Oct 2023
50 years from now....
"Why did you do all of this? What was your driving force to create this?"

"I wanted to give my children the world I dreamed and escaped to, because dragons could be defeated with a sword or food, and a kingdom needed a hero to praise."
589 · Nov 2023
Uncomplete story
Is the reason
it hurts so much to write
the story I wish to set free
is because I lost myself
or is it that I lost the drive
to dig deep and find the characters
and just prefer
to stay suspended
in just reading around
instead of the dips and strokes?
Your body tensed
your mind confused
something we haven't done
something that was almost failure

But at the last attempt
you stayed
letting me climb
letting me slide on

the old familiar pace
Balancing as you moved
trying to figure out the weight

happiness bursting at the seems
of a moment I thought would never happen
I could feel you smile

With a attempt of control
in a open field with a mare you bow to
fear took hold
and you bolted

some how still aware of me
and the dangers around
trying to bring me to safety

but muscle memory failed
my mind confused
and in one sharp turn
I fell

but through the pain I felt
assesing if a bone broke or not
I was happy

and even though you thought you were at fault
and the boss stood between us
when I put my hand on your skin
you calmed
understanding it was not your fault

but a start of a new chapter
no mater how long it is
we were a team once more
579 · May 23
"Why are you out there
Your gonna fall"

He's all I look for
All I wish to feel
Just a moment of forever
Once more upon my lips

The gentle caressing
The secrets we shared
The laughs
And the tears

All perfectly chaotic
In the sympathy we called love

But his love is no more
On its way to me
But my body refuses to accept
My heart longing for hi.
My mind racing for a way to be his once more

"Would you let me?
Would you let me fall?
If it ment I was finally with him once more?"
574 · Jul 2023
So swift
So small
you blink
and its gone

Small idea
Large applications
the concepts beneath

Stories untold
Inventions to be created
Past pain
coming back up

So swift
So small
All the thoughts
of a troubled mind
573 · Dec 2023
If I combined everything
Glued and cut
trimmed and designed

would anyone
care to read?

A collection hand picked
Sentimental beyond
Perhaps maybe then

I can afford to live
after all
572 · Apr 8
So many
The endless tornado in my mind
Trying to get them together
Still enough to write
Unsure what will happen
But hope that will be free
Much to do
Little time
Would it be worth it
To express all that I experienced
And all that I want?
564 · Mar 11
One task to another
Sleepless nights
Early morning
Late night

Endless tasks and lists
A body collapsing
A mind running

Just count down the days
Till this rush slows down
Right before another begins
562 · May 2023
Long nights
I stay awake
Thinking of one
While another sleeps

Longing to feel wanted
Wishing to be held once more
Wanting to remember
What it ment to be safe

I lay awake
Unable to sleep
Creating false realities
Just to help me feel

Perhaps another level
Or another page
Might help in this
Long night ahead
546 · Nov 2022
Lies, Lies, and more Lies
Too thin
Too fat
Too caring
Too much hate
Too small
Too tall
Too bright
Too dull
Too smart
Too dumb
Too stupid
Too young
Too new
Too old
Too meak
Too strong

All lies I tell myself everyday
But I know their lies
Then how do I stop a cycle of self hate?
541 · May 2022
Looking Back
My heart pounds
my nerves spread the fire
My mind is chaotic

But I remain calm
Sit perfectly still
as I look at you

The shell you've become
makes me sit
and look back

look back at the man you were
look back at the courage you had
look back at the love I had for you

I smile at the memories
as I stand and walk away
because looking back

is all I have left of you
538 · Jul 2022
Tears of a Angle
Small shards of glass
Precious and rare
Few even know they exist

But when a Angle cries
you watch not just the action
but you feel their soul in pain

The dam they created
finally comes crashing down
as they break

And with time
they build the dam back up
and smile with their glowing smile
once more

always finding the light
through the storm
535 · Jan 24
The ideas are in the palm of your hand
the expertise yours alone to hold
Such a small crowd you run in
but the worlds attention you hold

such a fancy name
for something fancy
A mouthful to express
how you don't just let your dreams
be just dreams

You are famous where you go
your own boss and money maker
what more could you want,
when you sit on the seat so high?

your eyes are leaking
your body is shivering
you have everything
why are you upset?

A burden some carry
to realize how small the world can be
when no one thinks you struggle

A lonely road to walk
And when the funds run dry
but the ideas won't stop
remember what they say

You are one of a kind
you make your dreams reality
you work when everyone clocks out
and understand the magnitude of what you have

Be brave
be resilient
be strong
and be proud

to stand out among the crowd
and face the worlds wrath
like it was another Tuesday

do what ever you need to do

to not give up
528 · Dec 2022
Well, thank you
Thank you for the memories
Thank you for the effort
Thank you for the laughs
Thank you for the cries
Thank you for the pleasure
Thank you for the heartache

just thank you

                                                                                         "You're welcome"
527 · Nov 2023
Everything has been slow
except a gifted mind
and now
everything is moving like a bullet train
How I keep up
is a mystery in its own
But slowly
just like a snail
everything is falling into place
the right place
and the correct clicks are heard
This tower that has been shaky
has now the base I needed
to launch
and hope I can strap in
and hold on as it takes off
523 · Feb 22
Work Family
I thought of the impossible
concluded it was just my fantasy
A wish upon a star
and accepted it would not happen

but as I let the hours pass and the miles fly by
the silence of the lunch hour
the company for the 8 hours

I smile hiding the tears my heart wants to shed
holding up the wall I built so well
despite the cracks that form

I once more found a family
one that accepted me, for me
And allowed my companion to come

I thought to be just a dream
but the early mornings and late nights
the count down till a new change

and I smile
for once being happy
happy at work
happy at home
happy, in general
522 · Jan 11
Book Talk
It was a simple act
reading a book I talked about
and getting to talk with someone about it
made me smile
shinning a light in the darkness
I've been in for so long

It was just us talking about a book
but it meant so much to me
because it gave me a reason
to fight for another day
516 · Jun 27
One becomes two..
The process begun
Concept of one

But fate and life
And small cries
Changed the motion

With ease and comfort
Pain dulled
And harsh hands turned to those of pleasure

The concept now changed
Settling for two instead of one
A spark of hope
A spark of life

A safe place to rest
After a nasty fall

The doctors tried
But we're unable to bring you off that cliff
That blue urn
Forever holding your gold flecked soul,

A quite night
Silent tears shed

Perhaps this was all the plan

One became two
Jokes about the intensity of drink begin

But in truth
Was this the plan all along
So that one is not passed over in the window?
Short story about 3 little kittens and how they came to be.
Onyx, 12 week who will never be forgotten
Henry Morgan and Cappacino, 13 weeks who will get to play all night long together
The bed us still
The room cold
Everything asleep
But the mind
Who longs for another
Last night was full of pain
the agony of pulled ligaments
broken bone
social battery dead
Accepting that the fail would happen

Early rise
hope in the air
body still healing
but just numb to the pain
Fill the tank
grab a bite
only a $1 left in the account
till next week

The road long
traffic hell
the misty sprinkles
making me aware

Read to keep the mind at bay
Count down the time
act like nothing is wrong
despite the eyes

Put on the mask
same as before
"Hi how are you"
"No thank you, have a good day"
The environment still

but smiles and laughs soon filled the air
Getting a glimpse at what once was
filled the heart with hope
of finding it again

Walk out smiling
happy and fun
not admitting the prayers
that this could be the one

Body exhausted
Lack of food and sleep
sleep the day away
then the nightmares will stay at bay

A single call
clarification on already determined decisions
"We pick you, can you do it?"
Joy beyond compression
the body unsure what to do
after being numb for so long

Is this really happening
is this a dream
has the skipping meals
late bills
and fear of going under

finally found the light at the end of the tunnel?
502 · Oct 2023
Fear of Falling
"So why do you have that?"

Because I can't control my past
Because I can't stop my spirals
Because everyone has left me
Because people are scarred of me
Because inside I am a total mess
Because I barely hold myself together
Because I constantly am reminded of what happened
Because I was told I have to high standards
Because every guy used me
Because I don't know how to control myself
A dream came true
but will it pay out
in the end?
500 · Mar 11
To my future half
Oh to tell my story

One of triumph
One of misery

The one where the girl gets everything she wants
And the one where she is left with nothing

The one where I am happy to be me
The one where I hated everything I did

Oh to tell my story
The broken spite fuelled disaster success

Why that would take a lifetime
Are you willing to listen that long?
488 · Oct 2023
Tricky Monster
I thought about you
the sweet night we spent under the dim lights
The feelings I had were bubbling up

Your name caused a sharp pain
Uncertainty of why
I almost reached out

I reread our last messages
5 months ago
and almost broke again
form the pain your words had
the red truth

and no mater how much I wish for you
You will always be the monster
that shouts scripture
and refuses to follow it
486 · Apr 22
You looked releaxed
I got away from the fights
The sleepless night if yelling
The uncertainty of safety
Unstable home
Endless self doubt

I ran from everything that made me
The fear
The endless mind games
Never being enough
The constant minefield
You raised me in to navigate

I look released
Because for once
I'm happy being imperfect
Happy being broken
Happy being the mess I am

Because I am me
And I finally get to be that
Just me
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