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When I finally reach the end of my time

Look for me in hoof prints
Of those who run free

Hear my voice upon the nickers and neighs
of delight and play

Feel my heart beat
As two become one

Only then can you experience what I loved
What gave me a reason the live

Do not shed any tears
Do not scream in wallows

Find me where I thrived
And treat those who can not speak
With the kindness you showed me
Cries of agony
Machines beeping
Tears flow and hearts stop

A small bit of hope
Causes relief to flood
But what might happen
If spark of hope
Change who knew

From just the employees
To the community
Would it help?
Would it fail?
And to stay unknown

Now that is the true test
Of a hidden dragon

Only time will tell
Which is best in the end
But the thought
Is all that matter
In the end

Is it not?
When everything I knew comes crashing down
When every night I can't sleep
When I want to burn and shred my skin off
When it feels like I'm a human voodoo doll
when I shut down
When my mind wont have any motivation
When my past decides to come beat me up again
When I believe the lies I tell myself
When I run from everything that is good
When I let others abuse and use me, just so I'm not alone
When I let the dark thoughts win for a moment or two
When I just want to sit and cry
When I want to put down my armor

How can I tell you
everything wrong with me
and still expect you to believe me
when I say
"I'm fine?"
To admit I don't like the company
that I like the way I have things
The i don't want to share
That I don't agree
That I have problems
that I want help
that I want to love
that I need support
that I am tired
that I need sleep
that I still long for you

oh it would be easy to say everything i feel
but instead
all you hear is the silence a still mouth makes.
The bed is still
The room cold
Everything asleep
But the mind
Who longs for another
"Miss you"
"Hope your doing alright"
"Its been a while since we've talked"
"Hey saw you were online"
"Heard from our friend you got a new job"
"How is family"
"Hope your happy"

"Still love you incase that matters."
"Hope you think of me like I do you"
"Wish you were here"
"Miss you, still"
The process begun
Concept of one

But fate and life
And small cries
Changed the motion

With ease and comfort
Pain dulled
And harsh hands turned to those of pleasure

The concept now changed
Settling for two instead of one
A spark of hope
A spark of life

A safe place to rest
After a nasty fall

The doctors tried
But we're unable to bring you off that cliff
That blue urn
Forever holding your gold flecked soul,

A quite night
Silent tears shed

Perhaps this was all the plan

One became two
Jokes about the intensity of drink begin

But in truth
Was this the plan all along
So that one is not passed over in the window?
Short story about 3 little kittens and how they came to be.
Onyx, 12 week who will never be forgotten
Henry Morgan and Cappacino, 13 weeks who will get to play all night long together
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