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All the planning
makes my heart race
and the tears threaten to fall

but when asked if I wanted anyone with me
I thought of you holding me
letting me break once more
and know I would be safe enough to not be strong

"No, there isn't anyone to call"
Take the breath
lay down your head
despite the tears I shed
Just relax
Your going to be ok
in a place with no pain
And when you see me above
and you see the held back scream
do not feel bad
or try to comfort me
for even though I shed the tears
I know your not in pain
and that is most important
is you being free
once and for all
For the one who saved me from the darkest monster of all, myself. Its ok Soxs, you'll be ok.
If I called you once more
would you answer?

If I called you once more
would you hear the tears I struggled to hold back?

If I called you once more
would you give me the minute to accept the truth?

Would you let me be raw
for the first time in years?
would you listen to my walls crumbling?
would you
........would you still care?
I should feel more excited
and even though currently I am
I know it will not last

Once the night is over
reality sits back in
one more night of freedom
one more night to go out
one more night I can afford
not to worry, no doubt

"Live in the moment"
but how can one do that
when everything pulls me back
and nothing but one thing pulls me forward

From a past I miss
to a future I dream
can this excitement
really last
more then tonight?
Is the reason
it hurts so much to write
the story I wish to set free
is because I lost myself
or is it that I lost the drive
to dig deep and find the characters
and just prefer
to stay suspended
in just reading around
instead of the dips and strokes?
"Name your emotions"
"Take a minute to breathe"
"Write down what makes you happy"
"Be in a calm mind set"

All the ways to fix a troubled mind
and none to fix
the uncontrollable feeling
of being alone with myself
and not being certain
if I am the strong willed adult
or the scarred child
Time is at our command
We walk the same earth
and yet record it very different
Time moves by us indifferently
Yours moving away
Mine moving towards
Both finally meeting
for that single moment

A moment that changed the past
A moment that changed the future
A moment that changed time
Forever you will be intertwined in my mine
A blink in yours

Oh the troubles
with being a Timelord's wife
A promise for ever lasting
a secret only one knows
memories that will fade
but the words in gold

the words in ink
done by the hand of a Timelord
done with pain and sorrow
done with joy and excitement
done for Time itself

so the event could be recorded
like everything else
oh the dilemma of being a Timelords wife

loving one soul
one tiny crazy piece of insanity
and accepting
that your time of joy and excitement together
has run its course
And further apart you will go
on your own timelines once more
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