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She haunts my dreams
Stands right out of sight
There are times I swear I see her
But when I look, it's someone else
Not her

Her long flowly brown hair
They way her brown eyes could change
The natural beauty she has

Oh god how I wish I could go back
Go back when I had her in my arms
Go back to that moment
When she was mine

Please I want to relive it
One more moment
Please just let us have
One more moment

Because I don't want to settle for her shadow
"I miss you,
and I hate that I miss you
because I reread our google
because I deleted our messages
and that was so stupid of me to do
because I want them back
and I can't get them back"

Such pretty words
such a pretty face
but in the end
the truth cut harder
and stung a lot more

because I keep everything
even a voicemail you sent me
because I wanted to remember your voice

where you wished to forget me
when anger over took you

Funny when I think about it
that the words I type
hoping, praying you'll read
and make this a nightmare I'll wake from

are also the same words
I know you'll never read
because you don't dare look at my words
for fear I moved on
and you didn't
I sit here
tears in my eyes
Pain on my mind
the fear of what it will be like
to be alone

doom scrolling they call it
hoping to feel better once more
but all it made me think of
was you

the you who was there when I needed love
the you who was there to help me find myself
the you who I trusted with my heart
the you who I showed my body too
the you who made me laugh when I cried
the you who knew what I needed when words failed
the you who stays on repeate in my mind
the you who I watched crumple
the you who threw his life away
the you who got left behind in life's expectations

so many names
so many faces
but they were all you
a you I might meet one day

how one can be surrounded
and yet feel so alone

when the voices in your head
just stop filling the silence

in understanding
what it is I should be doing

when this confusion
will finally end
To see your creation
get denied its life

oh the frustration
of not knowing will happen
of the uncertainty of tomorrow

Oh the terror
my body is in
but I remind myself

this is just another, no
so now
watch me as I do what I want
I went where we first held hands
I went where we first kissed
I went where we first started to fall

It was nice seeing it again
enjoying the view from above
Smiling at the memories of you

But you are no longer here to hold my hand
No longer to pull me into you
No long to kiss my through out the night

so despite my mind focused
despite my face with a smile
I was crying silently

in front of everyone
for all to see
She can walk with angles
fight with demons
spread the word like a prophet

Her smile makes anything give
her anger makes them flee
her touch sets fire to a soul

So sweet
so simple
so differnet, then all the others
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