F One day I will share the meaning behind the words I write with someone special, but until then, the meaning will be whatever the reader takes away from it.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CQSM744D?ref_=pe_93986420_774957520 63 followers / 14.9k words
"What is your greatest fear?" "Having this heartache feeling forever" "Oh, ok" "What about you, what do you fear?" "You really want to know?" "Yeah, what keeps you up at night?"
I am empty The gut-wrenching feeling I have had these past few days as made it hard to breath
The endless self-doubt a constant reminder that I am not worthy of anything constant pain of walking on eggshells a constant hole in the heart from being bitten when trying to feed
I feel numb numb to emotion numb to pain numb to love
The pain is still raw the idea your actually gone still hurts even if I know it was the right choice
Maybe one day I will do the barn and coop maybe one day I won't feel pain when someone says your name maybe one day I'll remind myself what it is to be happy without putting on a fake smile maybe one day
one day you will become a memory but someone I will never forget one I am glad to have known despite the constant fights
it was always nice to have a friend when you needed it
One lives on a phone One lives a thousand miles away One forgot I exist One refuses to answer One stopped reaching out One left me when I needed someone and one didn't want to understand
so many people so many people I called "friend" if only just maybe I could give that title to one
I miss them Souls I never met in this lifetime Though I see parts in others Oh how I miss them how I miss him The one I gave not my life but my soul to to meet him again would be a miracle but all I can hope is to find one of my kind once more in this crazy lifetime