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Its utter chaos
This idea I've had
has now taken a life of its own

Already a name and logo
already spending money
Already for the future ahead

When will this stop?
When can I breath
When do I wake from this dream?

too little time
too much work
The school must come first
for this to work

Soon it will all be over
and life blinked by
but what an exhilarating ride
You told me  I deserve better
You told me how much you wanted me
You made me trust you once again

And like a pendulum
You couldn't prevent the past from repeating
And now I am alone once more

Empty words
Empty promises
Just another for empty love
A creature I swore to never become
It has finally consumed me
And made me one of its own

A replica of the one before me
and only created to cause harm
Cause pain

I create problems
I destroy relationships
And I scar my skin for punishment

Who could love a monster?
Who would miss a monster?

One less monster under the bed
One less monster in the closet
one less monster on the street

who would care
about how the monster felt?
You run back on my mind
My personal devil
A devil that haunts my dreams

Your touch still thrills me
The hint of your lips against mine
makes my skin go on fire

My body begs for you.
My mind pushes you away

I took yours
and made it grow

You took my heart
and shattered it

A devil that haunts my thoughts
and when you were alone
you wished to come back

not wishing to admit
you burned the only bridge

My devil
My biggest regret
And one thing that will haunt me forever

My devil
My pain

A secrete we both created
now only one carries it.
You promise we can talk
You tell me tonight is the night
You swear it

and yet I wait by the phone
silent on my desk
no message
no call
no notification

Another night it's quite
when I hoped for noise
Hoped you hear your voice

We use to be so close
so what happened?
Why do you make empty promises?
A day of celebration
When one walks across the stage
and grabs a piece of paper

However, when faced with the same situation
I realize I am not the woman people expect
instead, I am a scared little girl
living in fear
and hiding in my room

Once again
counting days till I move
while living a hell
and putting on a pretty face, so no one speculates

Once more, I sit
numb to lifes situations
scarred of the unknown
and hiding to prevent fights

Once more
I graduate from hell
To draw a day
A single image
all caught in a photo

A unrealistic image

There is no sunshine and rainbows
They is no perfect green grass
Gloomy clouds fill the blue sky
and demons crowd the image

But to draw once a day
may just keep the demons at bay.....
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