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Wipe your tears
   Hide your pretty face

            Maybe then they won't see

                                     your such discgrace
Time ticks by
Some people celebrate numbers
And others dread them
All the same in the end

One more tick on life's counter
till a relaxation of death comes

No one can reverse it
not are we the same are before
time changes us all
situations shape us
as we
grow up

and try to find our place in life
Can I be loved?
Am I defective?
Is there someone dreaming of me?
Are you going to leave like the rest?

Can you love me?
You controlled my childhood
Scarred I would be alone
Scarred of what home would be like after school
Scarred that
no one could love me

Now you have your hold me once more
The unknown possibilities
All magical
All terrifying
All too high for me...

You control my dreams
And make walking up a hassle.

But remember this

Once the cracks appear
Once the chance is given
You will not control me
And I will be free from you
once again
My heart longs for you
My mind recalling the moments we shared
The sweet small kisses
the passionate touch your hands had

I shared a part of my soul with you
I gave you my world to hold
and cherish
I wanted you to keep it safe

But you dropped it
and it shattered against the floor

My world was shattered, and you ran away
leaving me to clean up the mess
you made

I do not resent you
I do not hate you
I do not wish you harm

I thank you
because I learned how to put my world back together
and I learned how to stand on my own

When I finally find the one
who will not drop my world
but instead, hold it close and keep it warm

I will tell him of you
and how you broke me
so I could be whole for him instead
I have the plot
The main characters
The villain

a perfect story
of love
and fear
and faith

yet every time I try to write it
I can not

so the perfect story
remains hidden

in a mind
forever to be hidden
A raging fire that filled my lungs for years
Guided me through difficult times
My only friend when the world left
The one I turned to cheer up
Or when I wanted a good laugh

Friends and animals
All making their mark on my heart
My mind
My soul

So many years they were there.
Giving me hope about the world
Making me look at it differently
Giving me an escape when it crumbled

And now it’s over
The finals words typed
And a single promise
To be there when called
Forever and always
“The sun always comes back.”

They created me
It shaped me into the person I am
And now it’s over
Their stories are at an end

No more quests
No more hosts
No more doomsday’s
No more celebrations

Just a simple
The end
In an amazing world
Intertwined perfectly
And able to stand the test of time

Thank you for the memory’s
The laughs
The tears for those that fell

Thank you for being my friend
And let me take this journey with you.

Thank you
The end
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