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The thought of love
is wanted by all

Some wish it sweet and carefree
where others wish for a safe place to fall
but all wanting the same four-letter word


I, however, wish for something else
I wish for truth
not love

looking for love
has made it almost impossible to trust words
when the actions hurt worse

Still looking
Still dreaming

dreaming of falling in love with a Star
A star who would make all my problems finish
A star
who doesn't know I exist

The thoughts bring me hope
I hope that I might find love one day
I hope that there is someone out there
just waiting for me

"Wish upon a star, and your dreams will come true."
A star falling into my lap and loving me till I draw my last breath?
That will certainly
Never happen

but it does leave a smile on my face
even if just for a moment
you are human
Yet also a friend
a comrade
a protector
and my lover

My heart aches for your touch once more
the sweet words you whispered in my ear
when all I could see was a broken world
the Warmth of your arms as they wrapped around me

The security in knowing I was safe
safe in your arms
as our hearts beat as one

But fate is a cruel poker player
as just as quickly as I found you once again
I lost you

I lost you to simple human desires
as the wind took you far away

I still remember when we met once more
I had grown since our first encounter
I had scars you did not know off
and I had memories of people you despised

But you didn't age
you stayed the same
and got lost in the rush of the thrill

Fate made it clear that day
that this life was not to be with you

I made you this promise before that I still hold dear
No matter where
No matter when
I will always come back to you
My twin flame

burn bright
burn for me
and I will see you in the next lifetime
The ground was a beautiful war
Floral and fauna competing for space
Everything was a perfect balance
The machines ruined it
Concrete suffocated those trapped
the steel frame made the ground impossible to dig
The building created an everlasting darkness

Time made cracks appear.
Rust made hole in the metal.
Light started to shine for the first time in decades.
The machines came once again
but took away the building that killed so many
and once again
on the barren land
The wildlife took it over once more
Have to find everything once more
Need to make sure it's all packed
The anxiety the night before
The nerves on fire

Have to make sure its all ready
Have to make sure its all set to go

The same rush
but this one is sweeter than the rest

Second last to go
then freedom comes
She was perfection
A goddess in mortal form
The definition of beauty
and had such a fragile heart

A heart that I dropped
A heart that I cracked
A heart
that I shattered

she watched in horror as I pushed her away
I screamed at her to go away
I told her I didn't need her

She used to come back.
She used always to be there
She used to support me

Once I shattered her heart
She left and didn't come back
and I was alone once again

I broke her because I hated myself.

She carries her head high now
her smile gleaming for miles
her energy filling up rooms full of joy
Would never know I shattered her heart

A million pieces it broke
but in the end
it was my heart I broke
A million pieces
a million tears

and none will bring her back to me
Repetition of those before us
A guide to what will come
So pure and beautiful
Yet can be callous and harsh
A simple thing
So small in the world
But can change it
Even still
An echo of past
An echo of the present
An echo of time itself
Simple yet powerful

Life is but an echo

So what is your echo?
The story is there
The conflict is perfect
The ending will be a page-turner

but why do I struggle to write a single paragraph
I use to write pages
Stories just flowed off the keys

Now it's like a burden to type a single letter

Am I ready for the story
or is the world not ready for the tale?
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