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Your life is sucky
Everyone’s is
And yes, the world might be falling apart
It gets better
These feelings
Are just temporary
And the minor things to some
It might be a big thing to you
And you have to remember that
You're winning a battle against yourself
Even if it's small
You didn’t try to create a new scar
That’s a big deal
So never give up hope
Never give up that inner strength you have
You are better than you think
You will always be better than them
Remember that
You have an awesome family
And awesome friends
Who will be there through thick and thin for you
Because they know it will get better
And you have to remember that
We all love you
We all need you to live
For us
For what has
For what is
And for what is to come
Because yes, you can get down
But you can get up again
And run and still run again
I hope this made you feel better
When you needed it most
Stay strong
:)         <3<3<3
A fearful creature
A loving friend
We all hate it
And we love it too
It makes us come close
Weather to say goodbye or hello
But it’s a constant reminder
That forever is never
And never is forever
We take it for granted sometimes
And loose precious moments
Or we overdo it
Because we know its short
But everyone still comes to the rose bush
That everyone talks about
And even if it’s once
They stop and smell them
And they reflect in the sweet smell
And think about all the good points they had
And sometimes they make them sad
But we smell it
And remember
The sweet, sweet smell of those roses
Of peace
And time moving ever so slowly
Past fears haunt me
The pain from the others is swimming on the surface
Uncertainty about actions and words
After the knives in my back
What is true and what is in a fool’s mind
Time seem to ticks by
And the silence doesn’t bring me comfort anymore
Am I being played when there is silence
Will my arms be turned away for another?
Am I not enough for one?
My mind becomes a prison.
And when the silence is broken.
It's like a courtyard I get to walk in
But then I must go back to my cell
And the fears come back
How much is true over a device
How much is hidden just behind the scenes?
These fears are the ones that haunt my dreams
As sweet as I want them
Venom always come back up
And the night becomes sleepless once more
I say nothing as my body shakes with fear and tears roll down
The hits made me expect it now
And due to the fear, they walked away
So what do I do?
Let the fear control the night once more
Or be alone once more on a cold night?
Mouth like a sailor
That can cut like a viper
Heart of gold
Surrounded by walls of stone
She can be your greatest love
Or the one you wish never to meet
It all depends
On how you react
Caring touch
Fingers of fire
A lovely dragon
Who does not fear a humans words
Alone at times
But allows some into her den
Few can walk away with parts of the hoard
But those that steal
Soon return what was taken
Few fight the dragon
But the scars on her wings
Show the battles she fought
And though she didn't win them all
She still walks with grace
But all know the one rule of her kind
Never betray the dragon
For a dragon remembers
And humans always taste good when bathed in fire
A gentle hand
A kind face
She cared for others like they were own
The magician they called her
Being able to make everyone's fears and pain
Disappear for good
Magic, they said it was
But in truth
She was no different than the common folk
She had no magic
No gifted ability
Just knew how to help others
Trying to brighten their day up
Even if it was something as simple as a smile
A small action
That could mean the world to someone
She knew this too well
And vowed to herself
To not let the past repeat itself
Though the days could be rough
She held herself together
To help others that needed it
Because that was what drove her
To get up in the morning
And know that happiness
I was still out there somewhere
Even if she was meant to find it alone
Again I sit here
Typing for nothing
Nothing but useless words
From a useless person
Nothing special anymore
Music doesn’t help like it use too
But the feelings are still there
The comments being told
Even though so old
They still hurt
No new scabs to pick at
Just scars
All smooth
Nothing rough
And cant make new ones
Without people noticing
And screams
Fill the head
The demons came back
The tears sneak out
Through shut eyes
And no one knows
Or if they do
They don’t say
Feeling alone
Scarred of the world again
And no one to lean on
Scared to
Scared of judgment again
Scared of teasing
Scared of being forced places
I didn’t want to go
And worse of all
The confusion of why I feel this way
Why I feel this way
Why I feel this worthless
Why I feel pathetic
Why I want to disappear
Why I want to die
Why do I feel this way
Why is this me
They come
In the dead of night
When everyone is asleep
They don't **** any more
Well, not the way they used too
They keep me up at night
Make me scared of sleep
Only thing that helps me
Is someone I can't see
I can’t say how this is affecting me
The one person I told
I thought I was crazy
So I basically learned
I can’t tell anyone
How I don’t sleep at night
I lay in fear of them
And I shouldn’t
But I do
These things so simple
Yet make it to where I can’t sleep
These demons
Please don’t **** me anymore
But they made me scared of the dark
For a while, at least...
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