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2.9k · Feb 2017
June 1st, ----
Wordfreak Feb 2017
June 1st, 1998.
A child born,
A boy,
With a mop of brown hair,
And complications.
Pulse weak,
Not getting enough oxygen...
But the complications?
They were handled.

June 1st, 2003.
Blowing out your candles,
Looking forward to things to come.
Like being the ring bearer in your parents' wedding.

June 1st, 2005.
Forfeiting your birthday wish,
Because your wish is coming true.
Your brother is born July 26th.

June 1st, 2012.
Looking back on middle school,
And ahead on the monster known as high school.

June 1st, 2013.
Looking back on freshman year,
And celebrating 6 months with the first girl you ever loved.
You're positive she's the one.

June 1st, 2014.
Looking back on sophomore year,
Relishing the thought of being an  upperclassman,
Yet still mourning the loss of your first love almost a year before, on June 26th.

June 1st, 2016.
Going to the meeting and signing the paperwork.
Feeling more pride than ever in your life.
You leave for basic training in August.
Little do you know, you will be medically discharged in November of the next year.

June 1st, 2018.
I will look back on all I have done.
My failures most of all.
Because they're all I have.
2.0k · Jan 2019
Fly Dragonfly
Wordfreak Jan 2019
By the grace
Of the moonlight
Upon icy winds
Take to the sky
Fly Dragonfly
Away from
This world
Full of painful cries
Fly Dragonfly
Save yourself
From this fate
Drowned in lies
Fly Dragonfly
Fly Dragonfly
1.2k · Jul 2017
Wordfreak Jul 2017
I write
About all unholy things.
Twisting shadows,
Making peace with Demons,
And dancing with The Devil.
I admit,
I've made my fair share of mistakes,
But what did you expect?
Surely you should be wary of
A Wolf with a tongue of silver?
A boy who plays with shadows,
And hides from the whispers in his head,
I've missed this.
I've missed the outpouring.
I've held everything in for too long.
Love and hate have torn me apart,
So now I take time to heal.
I welcome anyone,
Old Friends and enemies,
New adversaries and acquaintances,
If you have something you want to speak about,
Something to set straight,
Or just want to catch up,
You know where to find me.
I've missed you all.
My mind is awake.
Life is pointless.
So please,
Give me something to write for.
1.2k · Aug 2017
Wordfreak Aug 2017
I'll face it,
The place I call home
Is just a
Lonely room
To wait out the time.
1.1k · Jul 2016
Wordfreak Jul 2016
Ring a-round the rosie,
Pocket full of posies,
Ashes! Ashes!
We all fall down...

Stacks of swollen bodies,
Screams of sick and dying,
Burning! Burning!
We've all been ******.

Forty days of pouring,
The lost which we are mourning,
Sinking! Sinking!
We all shall drown...

My rhyming now is finished,
Your heart now feels diminished,
Sickened! Disgusted!
Flee from my words.
1.1k · Jan 2017
Love Hitchhiker
Wordfreak Jan 2017
I've got a bit of a reputation.
One heartbreak and I end up alone,
Find a heart to latch onto until,
Eventually it falls apart.
I make it down the road called life,
By hitchhiking,
From heart to heart,
Love to love.
There's a reason I'm no longer trusting.
You should know that.
But the boy with a broken down red truck
Is now the villian.
Not like I expected any different.
Like I said,
There's a reason.
867 · Nov 2016
Someday (Amethyst Fyre)
Wordfreak Nov 2016
Ah, someday...
I remember that word.
Full of certainty that tomorrow would be better.
Forgive me for being stubborn, but the future isn't set.
A trigger pull is a split second decision.
And the future isn't always there for us to look forward to.
More often we agonize over its coming.
The what ifs and hypothetical reactions.
Waking up in the morning to push through another day.
Another day of pressure from all directions.
Another siege.
I've warned you.
Now your actions are your own.
If you are set on stealing a dragon's scale,
Just be prepared for the possibility you may be burned alive.
You seem determined.
The board is set up, the pieces straight.
Make the first move
...If you dare?
828 · Dec 2016
Needles to Knives
Wordfreak Dec 2016
I've wandered that path,
And I beg you, please,
Go back.
Take the other path down the road.
Be stronger than I ever was.
Don't lock yourself down,
Once done it's almost irreversible.
Don't cause further damage.
Look at me.
I bear scars, bruises, broken bones.
All healed,
But none of them gone.
Needles, knives, razors,
I've even turned a boxcutter on myself.
A fishhook through the finger,
An exposed wire to the skin...
I've done it all.
And I tell you it's not worth it.
I'm going to tell you what no-one ever told me.
It gets better with hard work.
You're important.
You matter to a few people not pushed by pride.
Pain is not a release,
It is a bind.
A crutch.
Don't be like me.
You don't want to end up with shadows as your only friends,
And anger your only salvation.
Please, don't...I hope you realize who you are. I've been down that road...It doesn't get better with self infliction. I know.
798 · May 2016
Just a Boy
Wordfreak May 2016
I'm just a boy,
In a beat up, red chevy truck,
With muddy brown eyes and hair.
A heart full of love,
A mind full of fears.
I regret more than most,
I do have happy memories.
But they are surrounded by an ache,
A want of something more.
But who am I to say,
That I deserve more than I have?
I don't. I've broken my fair share of hearts.
I've been broken a few times.
I don't deserve anything more.
And that disappoints me.
I like to think I'm high and mighty.
But I'm still just a boy,
In a beat up, red chevy truck.
795 · Feb 2019
Wordfreak Feb 2019
Two peices,
Curved edges,
Sharp corners,
Yet when lined up,
The connection is visible.
Two people,
So different,
Yet the same,
And we just clicked.
Wordfreak Dec 2016
Twas the night before christmas,
And all through my home,
There was naught but silence,
I'm completely alone.
The shadows all creep and protect me from life,
If I make it to morning I'll still stay out of the light.
The elves are plotting to destroy me tonight,
But they're kidding themselves if they hope not to fight.
I still don't know if I can trust what I feel,
But it doesn't matter as long as I can **** what's not real.
Wordfreak Jan 2017
A little boy stopped me today,
On my way past an overgrown field.
The one where the peewee teams play football.
He needled me,
"They'll put me in, right?"
And rambled.
"My daddy said he can't come to this game, by he'll come to the next one, won't he?"
He dreamed,
"I wanna be a soldier someday, and help people."
And my heart broke more and more as he kept talking.
Youth and innocence have their place.
So I walked on.

A tired man stopped me today,
Outside of my old high school.
His eyes were full of tears and madness.
"Please, for my sake, don't give in."
He sobbed.
"I don't want to end up this way."
His hands were scarred,
And his eyes scared.
"I want us to be better than this. I wanna be what we meant to end up as."
Age and wisdom aren't always synonymous.
So I walked on.

Past the field,
Past the school,
Past the struggling masses.

I stopped myself today,
On the edge of oblivion.
We're not done talking yet...
751 · Dec 2016
Wordfreak Dec 2016
I live in a den in the land of the dragons,
A place where the sunshine rocochets off of every surface and monsters are the most human beings around.
I stalk the woods and do not shy from battle. Even dragons have turned from me.
Unseen in the shadows,
Eyes of liquid gold,
With a silver tongue trapped behind sharp teeth.
I could talk my way out of trouble,
But honestly, where's the fun in that?
750 · Mar 2017
Hypothetical Reality
Wordfreak Mar 2017

The dusty book of matches rests innocently on my bed-side table, beside a book and a clock. On the wall hangs an old photograph, of a time better forgotten. I sold the truck because I couldn't deal with the memories. My school diploma sits desolate in a forgotten drawer. These objects all have one thing in common. You. But you don't even know the madness you caused me. I got you through breakup after breakup. We graduated together. You told me you loved me. Then you left me lifeless in a heap upon the floor. Know this...
She's everything you could never be. And I'm happy with her. Maybe someday I'll explain, but I doubt it. Because though I may not do much to spare people's feelings, I pity you for being so ******* short-sighted.

From me to you.

#Past&Future; #LookingForAnswers #HypotheticalReality
743 · Mar 2017
Wordfreak Mar 2017
It's strange, how after all this time...
You still make me want to strike a match,
Watch the entire world burn,
And salt the ground so that nothing grows.
Erase every memory of us,
Good and bad.
Angry? Me?
I guess you could say that.
Maybe you shouldn't have taken advantage of me.
A wolf with a good heart is still a wolf.
I still have a hard time letting go of the past. I don't forgive easily. And I'm not sure I will until she experiences what she put me through.
734 · Jul 2016
Wordfreak Jul 2016
I can hear you.
I haven't faded to that extreme.
Yet I find myself weary to respond.
I realize the trouble I caused for you.
And I don't want you suffering because of me.
Loneliness is a curse.
But it's not half as bad,
As knowing that I'm the problem.
The warranty is expired.
There's no fixing a broken soul.
And I've decided to spend a lot more time
With my friend Misery.
She loves my company, after all.
715 · Mar 2017
Because (Voices)
Wordfreak Mar 2017
I need to stop talking to you.

Because I tell the truth?


**Because you know everything I say is spot on. Because you don't like what you hear. Because you want to die, the only issue is that a bullet is too simple.
I talk to myself a little too much. It scares people. I talked through this entire thing out loud without realizing it, and turned to see a look of horror on my co-worker's face. He repeated it back to me almost word for word.
707 · Aug 2016
Wordfreak Aug 2016
I feel like an echo
Left behind by those that matter.
Don't worry,
They made sure I know I'm not worth saving.
So maybe I'll move on
When the time is right.
On and on,
Far away from here.
Lyrics from "Afterlife" by Avenged Sevenfold, I do not own this song, nor am I profiting from it or the use of its lyrics in any way.
701 · Jul 2016
Musings #12
Wordfreak Jul 2016
I've often wondered
What it would be like
To die by the pen.
Hold myself down
Between paper and ink.
Turn my art against me
And be killed by my own creations.
697 · May 2016
Wordfreak May 2016
You dared to bare your soul,
Expecting me to turn tail and run,
To grimace and turn away.
But instead I comforted you.
I assured you, we all have scars,
You have nothing to be ashamed of.
I will stay if you let me,
I'll be your sword,
Your shield,
And maybe...
Your home.
697 · Jan 2017
Wordfreak Jan 2017
I have myself so thoroughly fooled,
I'm not sure what the truth is anymore.
I don't know what's real,
Who I know, who to trust.
I don't know who the enemy is,
And they deigned to give me the ROE.
I don't know who my allies are,
Or where I can hide and still be safe.
There's no list I can read,
No dotted line I can sign on,
Nor a box I can check,
To request reinforcements.
689 · Jul 2016
Wordfreak Jul 2016
I'm addicted to your everything.
Your look, your touch,
Your sneer, your smile,
Your love and hate.
I just can't pull myself away.
Your biting words,
Your fighting blows,
Your angry glance.
I'm addicted to all of it.
Someone please help me stop.
682 · Nov 2016
Hypocrisy (Only Hope)
Wordfreak Nov 2016
We learned so many things,
Didn't we?
Who to trust,
What was important,
Things we should and shouldn't say and do.
But the one thing we both swore we would never do again?
It's common sense.
The one person you should never
Listen to,
Is yourself.
Even in a letter.
653 · Dec 2016
Wordfreak Dec 2016
I'm sorry.
By nature my writings are cruel.
They speak of angry things,
Abused animals and beaten children.
Brother killing brother,
Families splintered.
I can try to soften them,
But the euphemisms only last so long.
Metaphors sharpen themselves,
Turning into barbed hooks.
The truth is that's all I've ever known.
War, death and heartbreak.
There's a reason I'm more comfortable
In a shadowy corner with a knife,
Than I am on a sunlit street holding hands with the girl I love.
It's because she's not there anymore.
She always leaves,
And my knife hasn't ever left me.
It's dependable,
And always sharp.
A man's knives should always be sharp.
*Hie par in tenebris est et in tenebris caput meum
"The darkness here matches the darkness in my head"
649 · May 2016
Wordfreak May 2016
My anger flares,
I draw my weapon,
And I pull the trigger,
My words blow holes in your mentality.
My vocabulary splatters your imagination on the ground.
I take another breath,
and reload,
Preparing to fire again.
649 · Mar 2017
Wordfreak Mar 2017
I could paint you picture perfect,
Then burn the canvas,
Making the paint run,
Distorting the picture until it seems you're screaming.
648 · Aug 2016
Wordfreak Aug 2016
Every night,
I feel I fall deeper
into the dark.
It's a safe place,
A small sanctuary
To be myself.
The shadows pass no judgment,
They understand the ups and downs.
I can do what I need to without guilt.
I can sit and think,
Scrawl hate on a page,
Or punish myself for my misdeeds.
I am but an artist.
And though it may be morbid,
My body is my canvas.
#SelfHarm #Cutting #Darkness #Nocturnal
648 · May 2016
I Need to Stop Talking
Wordfreak May 2016
Once again my brain and heart warred over what to say,
And the garbled half mutterings seem to have hurt you.
Well of course,
Why did I expect any different?
It always goes downhill when I talk...
I need to stop talking.
602 · Jul 2016
Spring Cleaning
Wordfreak Jul 2016
I've cleared out my memories.
Both those painful and those worn.
I've retired those I no longer need.
Sometimes you need to take a long look.
And admit that it's time to start over.
Hi everyone, you may or may not have noticed but I did some cleaning out of my poems. I had some I just had weird feelings about, and some that weren't getting read that I saw no point in keeping. Don't worry, I'll fill the vacancies soon.
601 · Nov 2016
"Good" Things (Only Hope)
Wordfreak Nov 2016
You say happiness can bloom in dark places...
I'd rather rip up the roots and leave them to die on the sidewalk.
Anger serves me much better.
It keeps me alive, keeps me unscathed and wins me every fight.
Sorrow reminds me to stay careful, to keep myself isolated.
The less chance there is for attachment, the less chance there is for pain.
The devil's snare creeps over the cobblestones,
Trapping those foolish enough to come near.
It avoids the sunlight, like me.
We have more than that in common it seems.
The shadows my sanctuary and my mind my prison.
Just don't leave the door unlocked.
595 · Jun 2016
Wordfreak Jun 2016
You told me you're drinking tonight.
Honestly age is an issue.
But forget that for now.
I asked you to be careful,
Told you no driving.
That you (and your friend) should be safe.
You acted like I'm overbearing.
Hm. Well then.
If you read the title you already know how I feel.
But you would go drinking anyway.  
Alright. Bye.
589 · May 2016
Wordfreak May 2016
Sitting in a darkened room,
Hacking at your wrists,
It seemed you thought to slice them,
Would also sever your connection to reality.
But little did you know,
The pain was mine.
My heartbeat got fainter,
With every new scar,
I began to hate myself,
For not being able to help.
And as you got lower and lower,
It felt as though I was trying,
To lift you from below.
And as I fought,
To give you more time above water,
I drowned.
586 · May 2016
Rest Your Fears
Wordfreak May 2016
You already are perfect,
So I think you mean different.
And even if you were different?
I would still love you.
My heart does not forget so easily.
You're not clingy,
You're caring, kind, and loving.
Okay, maybe a little,
But I love that about you.
It shows me I matter,
And God knows I'm clingy too.
To summarize,
I would still want you.
584 · Jan 2017
Advice Pt. 4, Epilogue
Wordfreak Jan 2017
I stopped myself on the edge of oblivion,
Down the road to my right,
All I'd ever done.
Everywhere I'd ever been.
Everyone I'd ever known  
Down the road to my left,
All I had yet to do,
Places I had yet to go.
People I had yet to meet.

And I spoke.

"People tell me to keep fighting.
That it's not all that bad.
That things happen for a reason,
And the reason just hasn't shown itself yet."

I gaze into the structureless abyss.

"The truth is no-one gives a **** how I feel,
The ones who encourage me only do because they can use me. I'm constantly being told to buck up."

Fists clenched and my nails cut my palms.

"If anyone ever lived through what I have they wouldn't want to keep fighting either. They wouldn't want to keep surviving. So why should I?"

A deep breath and shoulders sag.

I stopped myself on the edge of oblivion...
And couldn't talk myself down.

I stopped myself on the edge of oblivion...
And I jumped.
Wordfreak Feb 2017
When we were young it seemed we owned the world,
A mixed up band of distracted boys and girls.
We always had our heads in the clouds,
But when we believed in something we screamed for it loud.

Now we're spread from town to town,
All our dreams are dust on the ground.
I've had friends die walking the streets,
Seen suicides and several ODs.

We always pushed ourselves to grow up fast,
Now our wish comes true at last.
Right out of school Will has two kids,
Lives to support instead of living his.

A close friend was blindsided by cancer,
Don't have the heart to tell her religion ain't the answer.
Her parents tell her all she can do is pray,
As I sit and watch her get worse each day.

I miss the times we had when we were kids,
No obligations, full of innocence.
But now it seems we can't find the light,
They said it first, The Kids Aren't alright...
#SongInspiration #GrowingUp #Childhood
565 · Jul 2016
Shock Therapy
Wordfreak Jul 2016
The unfortold concussions.
The blindsiding explosions.
I'm broken, yes.
But I'm getting worse.
This is emotional shock.
556 · May 2016
What I Want
Wordfreak May 2016
I know what I want.
I want someone to steal my clothes,
To curl up in one of my rumpled dress shirts.
I want to step out of the shower,
And find my love waiting for me,
Bleary eyed and beautiful,
In one of my t-shirts.
I want someone I can debate philosophy,
Emotion, physics, ethics, morals with.
I want to be able to trust someone,
So I don't worry about,
Walking in on a lack of faithfulness.
I want to be loved.
I want to be believed in,
To be wanted and cherished.
Yet I know,
What I want...
I can't have.
548 · Nov 2016
Wordfreak Nov 2016
There are no more razor blades,
My parents started locking the door to the garage
And I'm not allowed in the kitchen anymore.
They took my belts,
Hid my bootlaces,
And my guitar sits unstrung.
The medicine cabinet is locked,
My father finished his whiskey,
And the gas can and matches are locked in the garden shed.
No way to drown the pain.
No way to use it against myself.
So it rots.
And I decay.
544 · Mar 2017
Wordfreak Mar 2017
When the cheater is cheated
By her partner
Does that change anything?
What if the cheater is cheated by the cheat she cheated you with?
Still, no.
But it's **** funny.
Wordfreak May 2016
Hey baby,
Hope you feel better,
And that the extra sleep helped.
I know the past few days you've been exhausted.
But you're kicking *** anyway.
Just like always.
Just take a moment and reflect,
On all you've done.
You should be proud.
God knows I am.
I hope your morning goes well,
I'll be up before too soon.
Just remember to smile.
It makes the world a much better place.
Anyone tries to ruin your day?
Don't let them.
Keep me in the back of your mind,
And smile in reply as you walk away.
See you in a bit,
I love you.
#You #GoodMorning
534 · Jan 2017
Wordfreak Jan 2017
Some are born with the rhythm,
Some have rhyme but lack imagination,
Some have all the passion,
And lack subject.
Some are endowed with poetry,
Some hunt it,
Others steal it from their peers.
I have to trap it,
And twist it to my liking.
I have to use it,
Like an addict I will do anything.
The rhythm sates me,
The rhyme feeds my fire,
The passion gives me drection,
And the form keeps me sane.
So I go from pen to pen,
Looking for the next rendition.
532 · May 2016
Wordfreak May 2016
I feel the words I write mean less and less each day.
They blend together and confuse the reader,
Muddle the flow,
As each thought forms a current and pushes in its own direction.
And at this point...
I'm being torn apart.
524 · Feb 2019
Wordfreak Feb 2019
In a sea of sand
A single grain
Holds the
Weight of a star
They interact
Shifting and sifting
In rippling waves
Edge to edge
If one grain
Were to vanish
The shape of
The wave would change
The edges would fold
And the sea would collapse
516 · Jul 2017
Wordfreak Jul 2017
She told me if I loved her,
That I would change for her.
I told her that if she loved me,
She should love me for who I am,
Not "who she can make me."
Wordfreak Jul 2016
When I am less than I once was,
But more than I used to be.
511 · Jan 2019
Encomium (Reverie)
Wordfreak Jan 2019
It really is amazing
How a human hand
Can turn taught strings
Into a song that touches the soul.
Inspired by and titled after a Mike Dawes instrumental, which in my opinion is one of the greatest pieces ever composed.
508 · Aug 2016
Smile From a Stranger
Wordfreak Aug 2016
Someone smiled at me today.
I went to dinner,
And the hostess eyed me and batted her eyelashes.
She should have taken a deeper look.
Maybe the corners of her eyes would have creased,
When she was in disbelief of what she found.
She would have frowned in concentration
As my scars surfaced and danced across my skin.
An American Flag burned into my forearm.
She would have seen my mind racing,
And my defenses kick in.
She would have realized how it would affect me.
How she could break me,
With the smile from a stranger.
#Broken #Smile
506 · Dec 2016
Wordfreak Dec 2016
Intentions explained,
Problems avoided,
Words spoken.
A clean slate has been provided.
And it will be used
Inimica est inimicus meus
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"
I'll keep gathering enemies.
But finding a friend here and there can't hurt.
506 · May 2016
Musings #5
Wordfreak May 2016
I'd like to thank you.
Yes, you.
For taking the time to read this.
I've wondered who really takes the time,
To comprehend what I throw on the page.
But whatever it means to you,
You're not wrong.
My words mean everything,
Yet nothing.
They imply love, hate, fear, courage,
And all in between.
But I'm asking you.
Yes, you!
What does all of this mean,
To you?
501 · Jun 2016
Wordfreak Jun 2016
It's easier to burn a bridge
When it's drenched in gasoline.
And through the flickering,
As the structure is devoured,
I see them standing there.
But I don't care anymore.
You never deserved all I gave.
Just be thankful
That I didn't burn you along with the bridge.
#NobodyCares #Goodbyes
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