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A friend is a person who understands
Unconditional love and compassion
They never are jealous;
Instead gives all their heart
Because they know love is not
A friend is a guardian angel
Who rejoices in truth and joy
And never manipulates to keep
A selfish heart content
A friend is home
A place of safety and stability
With doors and windows
that never close
And lights that are kept burning
Long into the night
A friend is a person
who knows how to love
There goes the rug again
Unveiling the mess swept under
Here I go losing my balance
And losing my hope along with it
It’s time to learn to open my eyes
And clean the mess I keep
Allowing to accumulate
Some nights I almost think that
I’d prefer the ghost of you
To sleep next to me
Then to lie here alone
Just like I used to put up with
Having the ghost of our love
Sleep next to me
So that at least I wasn’t without it
I never wanted you to be
The inspiration for my best artwork
But here I am
Crying watercolors
Desperately clutching
Sketches of our memories
Both terrified the colors will fade
And horribly sick that I painted you
Into my life at all
I am so tired of feeling this sick
Of knowing that every beautiful taste
will have to be thrown up
Of searching for the sweetness
knowing the peril that will follow
I am tired of feeling empty
Of emptiness than can only be filled temporarily
I am tired of feeling this sick
And so it may be time to starve
So that at least there will be
Nothing left to lose
Never again will I believe promises
That drip in comfortable warm lies
Just so that I can fall asleep in the heat
Of artificial light
I will not let my need for love
Overcome respect for myself
I’m so happy I have overcome being in this place. And although I have, I will not forget this reminder to myself.
I remember the first time
I realized I lost you,
It was the morning I sat
Paralyzed in shock
On the cement back steps
And lost in a fog of confusion
I wondered,
How could something
So beautifully perfect
Break as easy as glass?
I supposed the most
Beautiful things were
Always the most fragile

I remember the second time
I realized I lost you
It was the hot midday
I called you from my car
I heard you paralyze in shock
As I yelled words
That cleared the fog and
I wondered,
How did this glass
Not shatter sooner
For it is the most fragile
Of love I’ve ever known

The third time I lost you
It was a painfully clear night
Those pieces of glass became
Speckles of sparkling dust
Dried and fresh blood
Still staining my hands
I guess it took three times
To wash my hands clean
And to pull the last shreds
Of our love from my skin

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