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3.8k · Feb 2013
Truth or Dare
William Eberlein Feb 2013
I tell you...

I love your laugh,
and the twinkle in your eyes.

I love your hips,
and the way they sway.

I love your smiles,
and the dimples they leave behind.

I love your hair,
and the way it flows down your back.

I love your voice,
and how it soothes my mind.

I love your eyes,
and all the subtle colors within.

I love everything about you,
and anything that you could ever be.

I tell you...

I love you
and all that you are.
3.7k · Feb 2013
William Eberlein Feb 2013
You stick to my thoughts like an adhesive.
Ever wandering the canvas of my mind.

You travel at the speed of light,
through the nonexistent confines of oblivion.

Without time, space or action.

The deeper I go,
to hide,
to get lost,
to be alone.

To think a thunking thought!

The closer you seem to be.
The tighter you cling to my chest.
Warming my heart and crushing my lungs.

You squeeze the words from my mouth,
without ever touching me.

The sun looses all essence of light and life when compared to you.

Like an ember among the black atoms of nothingness.

And if you were stripped of all that you are...
I could,
and would,
love you for this alone.

Yet oh how I hate you for it.
3.5k · Feb 2013
William Eberlein Feb 2013
I keep myself awake at night...
Because if I fall asleep
there is no doubt
that I will dream of you.

I am utterly afraid
to fall for you.

Yet what my mind and body do not understand,
but my soul alone comprehends,
is that I have already done so.
3.3k · Feb 2013
For the last time
William Eberlein Feb 2013
Let me imply
that if I'm to die,
it will be on my own terms.

I insist,
need be even with my fist,
that I tie the noose myself.

My foot
will give its input
to the bucket.

And for a single moment
I will be buoyant
among atoms of air.

In the next I will fall,
with my shadow against the wall.

My feet will never again touch the floor.

The rope whispers one last twang
as I hang.

Eyes loose luster.

My life has burnt like Magnesium.

Fast and bright,
like the speed of light.
2.8k · Feb 2013
Little Sister, Only You
William Eberlein Feb 2013
To me,
you are Athena.
Beautiful and strong and smart.
In every way.
And every way in between.

To me,
you are irreplaceable.

One of a kind.
A force to be reckoned with.

You hold a place in my heart,
that no one else can even remotely possibly imagine to fill.

You are my anchor in a wildly restless world.

In the best of times,
we make the worst team.

Yet in the worst of times,
we are the best of any.

Don't let this world weigh you down.

Remember that I am forever at your side,
whether you need me or not.

Through every dark hour.
And even the whitest lights.

Remember that I am here.
Right here.
For you.
Always and forever.

To infinity and beyond.

You are my sister.
Remember that I love you.
2.8k · Feb 2013
Bed Bugs
William Eberlein Feb 2013
Long has been this night.
With the wind
and it's freezing white.

Long has been this night.
With the moon
and all it's gleaming light.

Long has been this night.
With the dark
and all it's endless might.

Long has been this night.
With the silence
and it's unrelenting bite.
2.7k · Feb 2013
Word Problems
William Eberlein Feb 2013
I love her.

Basic in it's being.
As such is the keeping of it.

A thesis to the "ins" and "outs."
The "ups" and "downs."
The "all abouts."

An equation of this and that.
In direct proportion to the simplicity of directional momentum...

So do we conclude,
equal complexity
to that which was not spoken.

To that which was kept.

Only relenting to a factor of time.

From which
the variable of existence
can evolve itself.

In and of itself.
William Eberlein Feb 2013
This dark room is my life.
It is all that I have ever known.

In it,
I am blind to who I truly am,
and I prefer it this way.

I thought it was safe.
I thought it was solid.
I was wrong.

It cracked,
It broke,
and it shattered.

down it came.

Amongst the rubble of my solitude,
my home,
here I stand.

A monster among men.
2.5k · Feb 2013
William Eberlein Feb 2013
I remember when
we used to play pretend.

Running around the house
was our time.
For us, and no one else.

Often we would play "War,"
with guns,
and tanks,
and planes.

One of us would pretend to die,
one of us would pretend to win.

The victor would stand over the body of the other.
Arms would be raised in triumph.

But on this day,
I stand over your body once again.

Not in triumph,
But in turmoil and misery.

I am not the winner of a pretend game...

I am the loser of this reality.

A pawn to this sick existence.

I realize now,
that this is for real.

I cannot bring you back with tickles and laughs.

Not this time.

You are gone,
and I would give anything
to have you at my side
one more time.

I need an ally
to help me fight this war.

This war that I face alone.
2.3k · Feb 2013
Strangled by a Lifeline
William Eberlein Feb 2013
Would that I could love you again.
Comparable to the moment we traded glances.

Ever knowledgeable to know,
that wishing cannot save me now.
Just like it never had.

Harder still,
to bear the weight of letting go.

Wanting all I can with both hands.
Like grasping smoke to a similar consequence.

The rest will be of ash and dust;
I will breathe nothing so lovely again.
1.9k · Feb 2013
William Eberlein Feb 2013
It is the shadow
that walks beside you.

It is the boogeyman
that waits under your bed.

It is the monster in the closet
that watches silently as you sleep.

It is the shiver down your spine
that leaves the air around you cold.

It is the "tick" of the clock
that wakes you up in the middle of the night.

It is the lonely howl of the wolf in a frozen winter,
that echos through the dark dead forest.

It is the silence of the tall mountain
that blocks all light from the world.

It is the lasting quiet of the room at night
that makes you pull the covers over your head.

It is your ultimate fear.
And it never leaves your side.

It is your harbinger
that will deliver you
into a cold
1.9k · Feb 2013
Simply Complex
William Eberlein Feb 2013

It isn't what you think.
It's much more than that.

And that too.
1.8k · Feb 2013
Son of Atlas
William Eberlein Feb 2013
for this day,
let me bear
the weight of the world.

Let the sky weep on my shoulders.

Let the earth crack with insanity under my feet.

Let the sea rush to drown me with it's sorrow.

Let today be the day that I bleed,
so that gardens may grow tomorrow.
1.8k · Feb 2013
Stolen on both accounts
William Eberlein Feb 2013
Beneath the sun and moon
twice have I fallen into love.

Many years past
under an oath of breath
I was bound to the first.

And on a promise of shadow,
later came the second
to steal my heart
with a rising crest.

And so you may name the loves of me.

Wife and Mistress.
Sky and Sea.
1.7k · Feb 2013
100 Hands
William Eberlein Feb 2013
A hand over your eyes,
to surprise you.

A hand to your lips,
so that I can say those three words first.

A hand over your heart,
to warm it and to ease it.

A hand on your hips,
to feel you dance.

A hand on your soul,
to witness you full and true.

And not to forget...

My hand in yours,
to let you know,
that I will never leave your side.

That you are not alone,
when facing infinity.

And that I will love you,
for all eternity.

A hand offered in earnest,
to start a journey together,
in a world of endless possibility.
1.6k · Feb 2013
Little Mad Man
William Eberlein Feb 2013
This man.

He sits on my shoulder.
He whispers in my ear.
He tells me things.

Mad things.
Crazy things.
Insane things.

Things indeed!

Now I turn my head to listen.
Now I cross that silent line.

It is here that I cradle insanity,
like a treasure.

Here that the hate can flow freely.

Now I feel it...

The break in the brain,
that can never be mended.

Like Athena from Zeus,
this Little Mad Man
sprang from my head.

He was born from the mind,
and the death of a heart.
1.5k · Feb 2013
No looking back
William Eberlein Feb 2013
I am standing on the edge of a cliff,
with arms outstretched to the wind.

Beneath me, crash the waves of the unknown.

Within me, clash the waves of uncertainty.

My heart urges me to jump,
because it is blind to the signs of risk.

Yet my mind longs for me to stay,
because it is deaf to the shouts of reward.

So I do what any sensible man would do...

I flip a coin
and chase it over the edge of the world
to find the answer.
1.3k · Mar 2013
William Eberlein Mar 2013
If I keep running,
will I reach my destination?

If I sit here and wait,
will it come to me?

If I stop all-together,
will it bounce back like a boomerang?

And what if I ignore it...

Will it finally let me sleep?
1.3k · Feb 2013
Mother Nature
William Eberlein Feb 2013
Knock only once upon her door my child.
She takes not so kindly to a copy of one.

Unless if a twin you travel with,
in both body and hand.

Only then will she be so inclined to accept.

And when she does,
you must enter her humble abode.
Through a door of wooden gold.

Find what once was fog,
now a neon symphony.

Watch as she molds new creation.

Destined to meet old damnation.

So is the way of life,
in a cycle yet unbroken.
1.3k · Feb 2013
William Eberlein Feb 2013
Look upon him with ice
their thoughts must say.

Speak to him with fire
their thoughts must say.

Run from him with lightning,
their thoughts must say.

Yet the simple boy does not go.
Because he knows
who puts words to their heads.

Who puts ice to their stares.

Who puts fire to their lips.

Who puts lightning to their stride.

Because he knows,
one day they will be gone.

And so will he.
1.3k · Aug 2014
Galaxies From Here
William Eberlein Aug 2014
Do me a favor,
and save my life.

Tell me it gets better than this.
1.3k · Feb 2013
Forward, MARCH!
William Eberlein Feb 2013
Oh, how they war.
The small soldiers of Thought and Action,
in the dome of my mind.

Who will win the battle,
to go down in history?

All for and nothing more
than for a thing once said...
Or a thing once done.
1.3k · Mar 2013
A Room Full of Fog
William Eberlein Mar 2013
Oh, how we were cast these roles.

the defender.

the aggressor.

Yet we do nothing.

Not a single movement can be tied to this silent dance of ours.

The ice you breathe coats the walls.
And the fire I bleed,
seems too weak to melt it.

Through these desperate pleas,
I am rewarded with empty palms.

we created steam.

An escape for you.

Yet for me,
it will be a place
to hide the pieces of my heart.
1.2k · Feb 2013
William Eberlein Feb 2013
I was struck on the head today.
A crushing blow to be sure.

For any other reason,
it might have killed me.
But due to the passion I bear for you,
and the fear of loosing it,
I clung to life as the hammer slid from my skull.

Only after the do was done,
did I conclude...
That my infliction of an iron grasp means nothing.

And is worth just as much.

For you are blind to my burden...

As I am blind to all but you.
1.2k · Feb 2013
William Eberlein Feb 2013
He was lost.

So dreadfully lost,
between Life and Death...

That he forgot to live.
And he forgot to die.
1.0k · Feb 2013
Rules are Rules
William Eberlein Feb 2013
While you have me,
you have all of me.

When you no longer do,
you must let me go.
1.0k · Aug 2014
Far, Far Away
William Eberlein Aug 2014
Somewhere in time
Far off
Where my hands can't reach
And my mind gets lost...
I hold you tightly.
And I hold you close.
946 · Feb 2013
Shared Peace
William Eberlein Feb 2013
If time permits,
or if you so choose,
you may sit with me
here at the end of the world
on a cliff made of stone
overlooking the sky and the sea.

It would not bother me
if you chose to pass me by.

Many have...

But only because
they were traveling too fast
to see the beauty in slowing down.

If time permits,
or if you so choose,
We could talk the sun away,
chase it over the horizon
and into a new day.
934 · Feb 2013
Prayers For An Early Death
William Eberlein Feb 2013
There once was a man
who often ran
from all his life,
for it was filled with strife.

One day,
with mind astray,
he stumbled and broke a leg
on an uneven protruding peg.

Down and down he fell,
upon a bed of eggshell.

Bleeding out his heart,
hoping that it would turn to art.

it turned to lead.

So he did
what he had done as a kid.

Squeezing his brain,
causing himself to go insane.
And in a last resort,
maybe possibly to abort,
he bent his knees
and begged his pleas
to the entirety of his soul,
Asking only for a loophole.

Up and out of this hell.
930 · Aug 2014
Bamboo In Blue
William Eberlein Aug 2014
When I look at her,
I see that I don't have to wait forever.
I know that I can live forever.
920 · Aug 2014
Chains and Shackles
William Eberlein Aug 2014
Stars above
be witness
to this love.

I give to you,
a gift to you.

Value in it's infancy.
All the way to infinity.

Ancient exchanges,
always finding ways
to outdo what it outdoes.

Up, down, all around,
in the air we breathe.

Needless to say,
in the words we heed.

And if it's words you want,
then let there be wars above
fought over nothing more
than a force of nature.

Pushing ever onward
in a race against Time and Space.

Opened with the skeleton key.
Through the door.

Now I see...

Or so we seem to be.
807 · Jun 2013
William Eberlein Jun 2013
You have no clue,
do you?

How easily my heart breaks.

How easily it shatters.

At the thought of loosing you.
799 · Feb 2013
Instruction Upon Arrival
William Eberlein Feb 2013
Long awaits the hour of death my son.

And so must be matched the minute of life.

Give it no heed to look it in the eyes,
as not to give it a gift of good health.

For it will take from you,
if presented the chance,
all that can be held close to heart.

Bring only 2 coins of gold pure.

One shall be given to the harbinger himself.

The other placed of center chest,
to deter and deflect his silver scythe.
799 · Feb 2013
The grace it takes
William Eberlein Feb 2013
He stands amongst a forest of terrors.

Protection written on his face,
ready to ****.

For a girl made of glass.
781 · Feb 2013
Silent Instinct
William Eberlein Feb 2013
All directions of wind
carry the howls of moon
across earth and sea.

Waking foul of air,
and beast of tree.
755 · Aug 2014
How Ageless I Have Become
William Eberlein Aug 2014


You steal the stars,
from the night sky.

You are paramount,
more so than my next breath.

I tell you now,

you make Love
752 · Feb 2013
William Eberlein Feb 2013
Everything is always.

Even when nothingness seems.
747 · Feb 2013
William Eberlein Feb 2013
I continue to write.

To spill.

To bleed.

In hopes that you will read,
and absorb,
and comprehend,
what I desperately try
to tell you.

To cry out to you.

To shout to you.

What I want you to see...

What I hope that you will see...

What I need you to see!

But deep down,
deep within,
I know that my voice is silent.
I know that it is futile.

Just as is
my time on this planet.

Just as is
My love for you.

Just as is
This breath in my lungs.

Just as is
the need to speak these words
that I wish to tell you.
731 · Aug 2014
Blue Moon
William Eberlein Aug 2014
The world seems too big to fathom.
You **** and it feels amazing.
Your heart beats for the wrong person.
The bread goes stale.
There just aren't enough words.
And sometimes,
That's alright.
716 · Feb 2013
William Eberlein Feb 2013
This night,
again unchanged,
I am alone.

With mind and brain

My eyes probe the night sky.

Listening ever so intently,
for all the truthful lies they whisper.

All those tiny dots.

All those forgotten wishes of old.

One by one,
they fall back to earth.

To be shattered by the mountains.

Or to be drowned by the oceans.

What was once bright,
is now dead and broken.
711 · Feb 2013
William Eberlein Feb 2013
Blue is the sky.

Blue is the sea.

Blue are your eyes
that set my heart free.
702 · Feb 2013
William Eberlein Feb 2013
Stay away!

You have hurt me.

More than I thought possible.
More than words can describe.

The wounds you inflict
are not the kind that leave scars.


They leave memories.
669 · Aug 2014
Fucking Decisions
William Eberlein Aug 2014
I could have been anything.
Instead, I was this.
648 · May 2016
Window Reflections
William Eberlein May 2016
Innocent eyes staring back at me and my guilty filthy soul.

So mucked up and even deeper a grit I feel, for tainting such a starfull sky beyond which all trains traverse.

Leave me behind,
In the dirt I prefer.

So that I may sow my seeds for yet another blackened blend of months and grow them into years...

All the same.

All in a row.
646 · Mar 2013
You Do Not Scare Me
William Eberlein Mar 2013
Imagining us together...

Holding hands and exchanging vows.

Kissing and consummating.

To passionately conceive.
And to birth a passion.

To raise it,
and love it,
and watch it grow.

For us as well...
To grow old,
and love one another all the same.

And in it's own time,
to die at your side.

But for all it's worth,
to live a life worth living,
with you.

Yes, indeed.
Imagining us together...
It does not scare me.

Not one bit.

Not when I look at you.
593 · Aug 2014
Risk and Reward
William Eberlein Aug 2014
I walk on a razors edge.
Every step cutting new lines of red upon my feet.

Paying no mind to the taste of metal in my eyes.
Doing all that I can to pick myself up.

Knowing that if my toes do not callous soon,
I will become two halves of a whole.

And this chance I so desperately chase,
may as well be lost for good.
591 · Aug 2014
William Eberlein Aug 2014
Scars are my artistry.
Pain is my gain.
Tattoos are the ink in which I sign my name.
And the piercings are my way of shining bright for all to see.
588 · Feb 2013
Here Goes Nothin
William Eberlein Feb 2013
I have read,
once upon a time
that I'm supposed to tell you
how I feel about you.

And I begin to think
that he who wrote what I read,
did not have me in mind when he did.

For in my outlook,
you are so far beyond words
that it is almost a sin
to try.

So when I shut off reason
and say what I need to say
before it kills me...

Please know,
that I was once told
to tell you how I feel about you.

Even if it drives you away.
583 · Feb 2013
I'm Sorry
William Eberlein Feb 2013
I planted a plant once,
without knowing.
I could not see it,
for it was metaphoric.
But when I was informed of its presence,
I watered it with the best efforts that I could muster.

And I soon forgot,
That I was blind to it.

Blind to how much water it needed.

Blind to which way it leaned.

And blind to how ill it had become.

Needless to say,
that I killed it.

all I wish,
is that I had it back,
to the way it was before.

So that I could try again,
and grow a forest
from something that was once dead.
568 · Feb 2013
A New Element
William Eberlein Feb 2013
In this moment
she is with me.

Through completion
birth creation.

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