I fly, I run, I jump, I cry!
I somersault through the sky!
I am grace! I am doom! I am...wait, what was I saying?
Oh yes, the circus. It never stops playing.
Ring One: The Debate of Doom!
Motivation tap dances onto the stage,
but Pessimism throws a banana peel in rage.
They wrestle, they scream...who will win?
(Don’t bet on Motivation. He’s napping again.)
Ring Two: The Tightrope of Terror!
Step one...confidence! Step two...doubt.
Step three...wait, why is the ground so far out??
I wobble, I sway, I flail, I fall!
And land in a cannon that shoots me to Ring Three!
Ring Three: The Lion of Conformity!
"Sit still!" it growls. "Follow the rules!"
But I’m juggling dynamite and riding a mule.
The mule has opinions. The dynamite ticks.
I wave at my sanity...she does backflips.
Meanwhile, the clowns are stealing my socks,
The ringmaster shouts, "TIME NEVER STOPS!"
The calliope wails like a ghost on fire,
And somewhere, somehow....I think I retire.
But NO! The monkeys arrive! The geese attack!
My brain does a cartwheel and never comes back.
I chase it, I trip, I spin, I flip!
And land in a pool of existential CRISIS!
Drumroll crashes! Spotlights explode!
Someone hands me a pineapple...why? Who knows?!
And yet, through the madness, through all the despair,
I swing on my trapeze...I’m still in the air!
Because this circus, this chaos, this mess so divine,
Isn’t just madness....it’s gloriously mine.