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Whit Howland Feb 24
The writing's always
on the wall

something scrawled

about a good time
and who to call for it

or maybe
a more ominous message

about how in ten years
the world will have exhausted

its supply of ding dongs
so you better

stock up now
More whimsy
Whit Howland Feb 23
It was fun watching
my toy ship and squeezy duck

to the soap-bubble undertow

by raging bathwater

from the faucet
into the tub

days gone by

or shall we say
Whit Howland Feb 22
Launched with flippers
like a pinball

what was I thinking
driving from east to west

was I searching
for some pie in the sky

if so
I hope it was

lemon meringue
A little whimsy on a late Saturday afternoon
Whit Howland Feb 22
happy little trees
blue sky
lollipop sun

misshapen things
like bicycles

yellow maybe
but mostly other shades
of off-color

a painter's pallet
burglary tools and counterfeit
printing press

the great sham
magnificent theft
and master forgery
An abstract word painting
Whit Howland Feb 21
So many women
have tried to change you

she said with her head
on my shoulder

as rain pellets battered
the windshield

and red-orange strips
of celluloid

flashed in my mind
jumpy jittery

but beautiful
Whit Howland Feb 21
He thought your face had a nice

that mad professor with a tomato-red
complexion all his own

and that was years ago
when he said that

as we sat over a plate of steak and eggs
they called a moo and peep

back then I thought we'd still be treking
this thing together

but I know now through words so rudely spoken
by destiny and life

that a tandem journey for you and me
was never meant to be

on this leg
For a good friend who should still be here.
Whit Howland Feb 13
I just finished a tin of spam
and now I'm closing my eyes

to dream about jackrabbits
cactus rattlesnakes  tumbleweeds

and other things
you can sing about

while strumming
an old guitar
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